A meeting in the dark |N. Romanoff*

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Summary: A vampire has been causing havoc in the village, and has everyone scared for their lives. Y/n decides to take matters into her own hands, but doesn't realize that that is exactly what the vampire wants...

Pairing: Dark!Dom!Vampire!Natasha x Sub!Fem!Reader

Warnings: Smut, Dub-con, Mentions murder and death, Stalking, Mentions kidnapping, Wooden stake used as a dildo, Oral (Reader receiving), Nipple play, Teasing, Praise, Sort of public sex, Biting, blood, Masochism, Sadism.

Word count: 2k


You could feel her eyes on you. You could feel her watching your every move as you walked through the woods. You couldn't hear her, you couldn't see her, but you knew she was there. Your wooden stake was secured to your belt, hidden by your jacket, and you hoped you could reach for it in time.

You knew this was a stupid idea. Using yourself as bait to kill a vampire wasn't ideal, but you had to make do. You couldn't allow more people in your town to die. You didn't want to see any more corpses bled dry with bite marks on their neck.

You nearly caught your foot on a root sticking up from the ground, but you were quick to regain your balance as you continued further into the woods. You let your mind wander, thinking about all the friends you'd lost to this wretched vampire. You wanted her dead.

"Where exactly are you taking me?"

You felt your blood run cold as you froze. She knew you were aware of her. You pulled your stake out from the holster, grasping it tightly in your hand. You heard a twig snap behind you and you knew she was approaching. Her steps came closer and closer until she was just close enough for you to-

Her reflexes were quicker than yours and she caught your raised hand clutching the wooden stake. She let out a cold chuckle, "You were going to stab me, huh? That's not very nice of you."

You clenched your jaw in fear, staring at the pale woman in front of you. Her red eyes bore into yours, a wicked smirk on her red-painted lips that almost mimicked blood. You couldn't deny that she was beautiful, but underneath her alluring appearance was an evil killer.

"What was your plan here?" she tilted her head. "Lure me out into the woods and take my life?"

You knew you were trembling, terrified to your core. Her cold hand wrapped around your wrist was a constant reminder of just how close she was, of how easily she could sink her teeth into your neck and have your dead body on the ground in a second.

"I don't really think you thought this through, did you?" she laughed. "You're adorable for trying though."

She pulled the stake out of your hand and placed it in the waistline of her pants before she started walking forwards, causing you to back up with every step she took. Your breath hitched when your back met with a tree, the vampire's face only inches away from yours.

Your heart hammered in your chest as she stared down at you, a hungry look in her eyes. You felt yourself nearly get lost in them, but you were quick to remind yourself of what she was. She took hold of both of your wrists in one of her hands, pinning them above your head. She leaned in closer, her nose brushing against your jawline. Her mouth hovered over your neck and you shut your eyes tightly, waiting for the inevitable bite that would end your life.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you. Wouldn't want a pretty thing like you to go to waste like that," she spoke into your ear, placing a kiss directly under it.

You blinked in confusion as she pressed more kisses down your neck, sucking gently on your skin to leave a bruise. You felt a moan form in the back of your throat, but you held it back.

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