Accidents part 2*

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Summary: the reader's pregnancy hormones make her crave her girlfriend more than ever.

Warnings: smut, fluff, G!P Natasha(she has a penis), pregnancy unprotected sex, outercourse, blowjobs, dirty talk, praise, somnophilia(consented), pet names(sweetheart, princess, baby)


Being five months pregnant meant a lot of mood swings and cravings. Another thing it brought was an insane amount of hornyness and neediness for my girlfriend. Nat had been amazing during my pregnancy so far, always ready to cuddle and give me massages, constantly buying me snacks and all my cravings and, of course, helped me with my arousal.

Like when I wake up in the morning and find her already hard. I crawl under the covers so I'm right in front of her tented boxers. I can hear her breath softly and I know she's still asleep. Of course I had already gotten consent from her to do this, I wouldn't do it if I didn't. I grab the waistband of her boxers and slide them down until her cock springs free and I can feel my mouth almost watering. Pregnancy has made me hungry for a lot of things but mostly for Natasha's cock. I grab it and gently pump my hand up and down until I hear her groan quietly. I give the head a small kitten lick before wrapping my mouth around it. She squirms a bit but doesn't wake up.

I took her down as deep as I could without gagging before going back up. I bobbed my head up and down while swirling my tongue around the tip. I felt a hand tangle itself into my hair and I smirked a bit as she removed the covers. I looked up at her as I kept sucking and she chuckled a bit but it was quickly cut off with a moan.

"Is someone feeling a little needy?" She said as she stroked my chin. I nodded the best I could and she hummed before softly lifting my head off of her. She dragged me towards her and sat me onto her lap. I could feel her cock against my centre as I slowly grinded my hips into her. I was only wearing a short sleeping gown with straps and no underwear because it was lighter and more comfortable. She took hold of my hips and rocked me back and forth onto her as she stared at me with her mouth a little open.

"Mm~ Nat..." I closed my eyes and moved my hips a little quicker, already feeling myself get close.

"That feel good, sweetheart?" She asked as she leaned forwards to kiss my neck.


She kissed up to my ear and gently bit it, making me shiver a little. "Good."

I whimpered as I laced my fingers through her hair. "Shit-"

"You getting close, princess?" I nodded quickly. "Come on, cum for me."

I let out a moan as I reached my high, rocking my hips a little slower to ride it out. I opened my eyes and looked at her. "You didn't cum."

She kissed my nose and smiled. "S'ok baby."

I shook my head a little. "No, I wanna make you feel good too."

She pursed her lips. "You need to eat something before you get nauseous. How about you go get something from the kitchen and I'll put on something for us to watch in the screening room. We'll have some more fun later."

I pouted a bit before sighing. "Fine..." I stood up and went into the bathroom to clean myself up a bit. I used a wet cloth to clean between my legs before washing my face and brushing my teeth. The rest of the team were away on a mission so Nat and I had the whole compound to ourselves. I didn't bother to put on something else and just walked to the kitchen. I was standing by the counter, just making my food when I felt her hands grab my hips.

I could feel her hard cock against my ass as she started to nibble on my neck. "I know I said we'd have our fun later but I just can't wait."

I smiled a little as I turned around to look at her. She was only wearing a sports bra and some shorts so I scanned over her body. She pulled me into a kiss as she moved me away from the counter and walked me backwards until my lower back hit a table. We pulled away and she slid all the books off of the small, fragile table we had next to the door of the kitchen. We only really used it to put meaningless things on so I'm sure no one would mind the mess. She lifted me up and placed me onto it before bunching up my dress around my waist.

She pulled her cock out and lined it up before looking at me for consent. I nodded and she quickly kissed me and started to push into me. My head fell back and I grabbed her shoulder tightly. She pulled out a bit before slamming back into me, continuing the movements. She quickly found a rhythm and gripped onto my hips. I wrapped my legs around her waist to keep her closer and she leaned forward to kiss my neck.

"Such a needy little girl." She groaned. "Fucking love it. Love being the only one who can give you the relief you need."

I moaned a little. "Fuck~"

"S'all you need to feel better, huh? My cock filling you up?"

I nodded. "Yes!"

"Shit!" She fucked into me faster, so in her own mind she didn't even hear the table start creaking.

"Fuck me, Nat!"

She chuckled a little. "Aren't I already?"

It happened pretty quickly, the table was shaking and suddenly we heard a crack and Nat picked me up. I looked back a little surprised as I saw one of the legs had completely split in half and the table was now broken. I looked back at Natasha and let out a small chuckle but It quickly died as she thrusted up into me.

"A broken table isn't gonna stop me from making you cum."

She lifted me up and down on her cock as I moaned in pleasure. I could feel myself getting close so I clenched around her to make her cum faster. She moaned and thrusted even faster and she gasped as I felt her cum fill me up and I came with a breathy moan as she stilled inside of me. She turned around and sat me on the dining table before pulling out. Her cum trickled out of me and a little dripped onto the table.

I grimaced a bit. "Nat, we eat here."

She chuckled a bit as she grabbed some paper towels to clean me up. "Trust me, Stark has probably done worse here."

My face scrunched up in disgust. "Ew." I hopped off and grabbed a sponge and some cleaning supplies and wiped down the table. I looked over at the broken one before looking back at Nat. "What are we gonna do about that one?"

She smirked a little. "We'll just throw it out and I'll remove the security footage."

My eyes widened. "Oh shit, there's cameras everywhere here."

She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Don't worry, baby, I always steal the tapes so no one sees them."

I raised an eyebrow. "And what do you do with them?"

She shrugged a bit, still keeping the smirk on her face. "They work as great entertainment for when I have to be away on missions."

I gasped a little and scoffed with a laugh. "Oh wow."

She nodded a little proudly before kissing my nose. "Yup."

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