I care about you in a different way*

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Summary: Natasha would always give the reader orders, but after reader ignores the orders on one particular mission, Natasha decides to teach her a lesson.

Warnings: smut, fluff, cursing, strap on(reader receiving), dom!natasha, dirty talk, degrading, slapping, praise, small mention of blood, bondage, pet names.


It wasn't that I particularly enjoyed being disobedient, it was more the fact that I hated how Natasha would always tell me what to do, no matter what. Always giving me orders in the field even though we were both equal members of the team and telling me how to do my own job. She had no authority over me, yet she always acted like it and If I didn't do as she said she would get pissed and yell at me.

We were currently on a mission to save some hostages from an abandoned house that had bombs set up inside of it. I was supposed to be in one of the houses next to it, doing surveillance when I noticed a guy running out from the back. I tried to call out for someone on the team through the comms but no one responded. I stood up, muttering a small 'fuck it' before running out of the room and down the stairs to the first floor. I ran through the back door and bolted towards the treeline that was behind the houses where I had seen the guy take off.

I got close enough to him and tackled him to the ground and pinned him down. He kicked me off of him and pulled out his gun, firing a shot but only managed to slightly nick the skin of my leg. I hissed a little at the sting but quickly shook it off and threw a punch, hitting him straight in the face. He fired off another shot, this time completely missing me and I grabbed the gun, throwing it away.

"You're the bad guy, the least you could do is learn how to properly use a gun!" I exclaimed before straddling him and gripping him tightly around his neck, choking him. He was squirming under me trying to slap my face to get me off but I didn't budge.

I started to hear the team yell out through the earpiece, they had clearly heard the gunshots and got worried.

"Y/L/N, where are you?!" Natasha's angry voice rang through my ears.

I increased the pressure on his neck and watched as his face turned red before changing into a sort of purple and his eyes slowly fluttered closed. Once he finally went limp I let out a breath before getting off of him.

I clicked the ear piece to turn on my mic before speaking. "I'm in the woods, about three hundred feet behind the house."

"That wasn't your job, what the hell are you doing there?!" she yelled out.

"I saw a guy running away and no one answered me so I decided to take care of it."

I could hear her almost growl. "Do what you're fucking told next time."

I scoffed. "I got the guy, you guys got the other stuff done, the missions a success. I don't see why you're complaining."

"You can't follow orders! Just get the fuck back here right now."

I sighed and shook my head before lifting the guy up, hoisting him over my shoulder and began to walk. Once I reached the house I saw everyone else standing around while some shield officers got the criminals in handcuffs and put them in cars to transfer them. One of the officers went to me and grabbed the guy as I nodded a quick thanks before making my way over to the team.

Natasha glared at me before noticing my bleeding leg. She looked a little concerned for a second before going back to anger while staring into my eyes. "You're off missions for two weeks."

My eyes widened. "You can't do that, you don't have the authority!"

"Watch me."

I swallowed back the insults I wanted to throw at her and just walked past them, towards the quin jet that had arrived to take us back to the tower. I got seated and rolled up the leg of my suit to inspect the wound I had gotten. The others piled in after and sat down as the jet took off into the air to bring us back. I didn't say a word the entire ride but I could feel Natasha's glaring eyes at me the whole time.

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