My bride*

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Summary: Natasha and reader have their first night together as a married couple.

Warnings: smut, fluff, G!P Natasha(she has a penis), unprotected sex, fingering, cunnilingus, thigh fucking, dirty talk, praise, breeding kink, bondage, blindfolds, begging, size kink, marking, cock warming, pet names(detka, princess, bunny, baby)


I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her white suit and with her hair down in curls. I didn't listen to a single word being said, all my attention was on her. As soon as I heard, "you may now kiss each other." I quickly grabbed her face and smashed my lips into hers. She grabbed my waist and dipped me before pulling me back up. We pulled away, big grins covering both our faces. We walked down the aisle together as all our friends stood up to clap.

The rest of the night went by in a blur, the dinner, the cake cutting, the toasts, everything. I had my gaze on my now wife the entire night and I just couldn't wait to get her alone. As soon as we could, we said goodnight to everyone and thanked them for coming before walking outside to catch our ride. We drove to the tower and hurried to the elevator. As soon as the doors closed we were on each other in an instant. She pushed me against the mirror wall and grabbed my hair to pull my head back, letting her kiss my neck.

The elevator signalled that we were on our floor and we hurried out, still kissing each other. We tried to walk into the bedroom but ended up crashing into the wall next to it, causing us to start laughing. She smiled at me lovingly before pulling me into a soft kiss.

"I love you. My wife." she said with a huge grin.

"I love you more, wife." I bit my bottom lip a little before taking her hand and walking with her into our bedroom.

She made me lie down on our bed as she crawled over me and unzipped the back of my dress. She pulled it down and laid it onto the floor before looking at my white lingerie. She groaned a little before taking off her jacket and unbuttoning her shirt before removing her pants. She got back onto the bed and kissed me as she unclasped my bra and threw it away. She kissed down my stomach towards my lower half before hooking her finger in my panties and dragging them down.

She sat back on her heels as she took me in. She slowly stroked my white lacy stockings and bit her lip. "We're keeping those on."

I giggled a bit and she spread my legs. She got down on her stomach and licked a stripe through my folds. I moaned a little and she looked up at me. "God, I've been thinking about devouring you all night, detka."

She went back in and started to suck on my clit while bringing her fingers up to my hole, not pushing them in just lightly tracing it. "You want my fingers?"

I nodded quickly. "yes..."


"Mhm." I hummed in reply.

"Beg for it, bunny."

I whimpered a little. "Please, Nat, need it so bad. S'all I want, please fuck me with your finge- oh~" I moaned as she pushed two fingers into me.

"So wet, taking me so easily." she breathed out before placing her mouth back onto my pussy.

She pushed her fingers in and out of me to stretch me out. I laced my fingers through her hair as I slightly grinded myself onto her face. "That's it, Tash..."

I gasped a little as she picked up the pace and my hips were bucking wildly. She pulled her mouth away a little and let out a chuckle. "My little princess can't even stay still, huh?"


She tsked a little and grabbed my thighs, holding me down. "How can I make my baby feel good if she keeps moving like this, huh?"

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