My dove |N. Romanoff*

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Summary: Trying to make Natasha jealous will only end in one thing: punishment...

Pairing: Dom!Natasha x Sub!Reader

Warnings: Vibrators, Bondage (ropes), Praise, Begging, Overstimulation

Word count: 418, a short one for today (longer ones will come soon...)

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for disappearing for so long! I've been busy with work, school, moving, getting a pet, and just life in general. But I'm back now and I have a few fics ready for you guys!


Your vision was blurred with tears as you watched her sit down on the chair in front of you. She spread her legs as she watched your trembling body. A bullet vibrator on the highest setting was nestled between your legs, and your thighs were tied together with ropes. Your knees hurt from being on the cold hardwood floor for two hours, and your legs had fallen asleep from sitting back on your heels for so long. Your hands were tied together behind your back, stopping you from moving the buzzing object settled against your pussy.

"What, you have something to say?" Natasha tilted her head. "Does my little dove wanna apologize?"

You whimpered in a mix of pleasure and pain. Your clit was nearly numb after the hours-long constant vibration. "Please..."

"Please what?" She leaned back, pulling the sleeves of her suit up a little higher on her forearms.

"Nat!" you begged, your brain completely melted after having so many orgasms forced out of you.

"I'm gonna have to hear a verbal apology here, my dove." she shrugged. "How else am I supposed to know you've learned your lesson?"

You whimpered before speaking quietly. "I'm sorry..."

"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you." she leaned a little more forwards.

"I'm sorry!" you said louder.

"I'm sorry for..." she urged you on.

You let out a cry. "I'm sorry for flirting with that agent to make you jealous!"

Natasha hummed contently. "That's more like it. You've learned your lesson?"

You nodded, looking up at her with pleading eyes. "Yes, Yes, I've learned my lesson! Please, I can't take it anymore!"

She looked you up and down before chuckling a little, getting up from the chair and kneeling in front of you. She held your chin and lifted your head to place a small kiss on your lips. She cupped your cheeks and wiped away your tears with her thumbs.

"That's my good girl." she praised.

She pulled the vibrator away from you and you fell into her arms as she shushed you gently, untying the ropes on your wrists before pulling you away enough to remove the ropes from your thighs as well.

"There we go, my dove." she cooed gently before picking you up and placing you on the bed. She laid next to you and pulled you onto her chest. She put her hand on the back of your head to comfort you, mumbling sweet praises into your ear as you finally fell asleep from your exhaustion.


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