Pretty girl*

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Summary: reader and Natasha has some soft and passionate sex.

Warnings: smut, fluff, G!P Reader(she has a penis), bottom!natasha, mommy kink, unprotected sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, vibrators, bondage, dirty talk, praise, slight size kink, slight breeding kink, pet names(pretty girl, baby).


"Who's my pretty girl?" I asked as I wiped Natasha's tears away.

She took in a shaky breath. "I am."

I nodded with a smile. "You are. Now, I want you to give me another one."

She whined a little bit and struggled against the handcuffs that held her to the headboard of our bed. She bucked her hips to try and get away from the buzzing of the vibrator I was holding against her clit. She was very sensitive from already cumming three times in the last twenty minutes but I was nowhere near done with her.

"One more and I'll fill you up with my cock." I promised her as I slowly stroked myself and watched her writhe.

She bit her lip and I could see her thighs start to shake and knew she was getting close. Her whimpers turned into moans pretty quickly and her back arched as she came for the fourth time.

"Fuck, mommy!"

"Good girl." I said as I turned off and removed the vibrator. I gently stroked her thighs before spreading them even wider. "Such a pretty sight."

"Please fuck me, mommy." She said in a small voice.

"Yeah? You want me to fuck your little pussy?"

She nodded quickly. "So badly."

I placed myself between her legs and lifted up her hips a little. I nudged the head of my cock against her clit and watched how her body jumped. "You sure you can take it, baby?"

"Yes, I can take it."

I hummed and started to push into her. She gasped as I entered her and I could see her bottom lip tremble a little. "So fucking wet, I'm sliding right in."

I gripped her hips a little tighter and knew there was going to be some bruising there. I slowly fucked her as she gasped and moaned, practically grinding herself onto me as well.

"God, you're little noises are so fucking beautiful, just like you."

"Wanna touch you, mommy..."

I smiled a little before leaning forward to unclasp the handcuffs. As soon as her hands were loose she gripped my shoulders and pushed me down to lay on top of her. She nuzzled her head into my neck as I picked up the pace a little. I kissed the side of her head and moaned as she clenched around me.

"You feel so good inside of me~" she almost whispered.

I nodded a little against her head. "You feel fucking perfect."

I angled my hips a little differently and she threw her head back as I found her spot. "Right there?"

She nodded quickly. "Yes~"

I leaned in to kiss her neck, sucking a little and knew a hickey would form. "There, so everyone knows who you belong to."

"I belong to you..."

"Yeah, you do. And I belong to you, pretty girl."

She closed her eyes and smiled a little as she let out a moan. "Yes."

I gently bit her ear lobe and kissed across her jaw before placing my lips on hers. She opened her mouth a little and I slid my tongue in to slowly glide it against hers. I pulled away after placing a small peck on her lips and put my forehead against hers. "I love you."

"I love you more." Her eyes clenched shut and her mouth opened so I reached a hand down to circle her clit.

"Cum for me." I whispered against her lips and her back arched. She moaned as she reached her peak once again and I helped her ride out her orgasm.

"Please cum in me." She whined a little and I shut my eyes tightly and nodded against her forehead.

"Fuck-" my hips stilled as I came inside of her. I was taking in sharp breaths as waves of pleasure coursed through me.

We were both catching our breaths as I opened my eyes. I kissed her forehead and her cheeks before kissing her nose. I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom before placing her on the counter.

She looked at the bathtub before looking back at me. "When did you fill that up?"

"Right before we started. I figured you should get to hop right into a warm bath afterwards."

She smiled softly at me before getting off the counter and stepping into the warm water filled with rose petals. Candles were spread around the edge of the tub and I made sure to not accidentally touch any of them as I sat down behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she leaned back against my chest. I kissed her head before muttering "I love you." into her hair.

I looked down at her face and noticed her eyes were closed. I chuckled softly and held my sleeping girlfriend as I smiled, thinking about how lucky I was.

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