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Summary: Natasha and Y/N sleep together for the first time. However, neither of them expected to end up with a little surprise...

Warnings: smut, fluff, G!P Natasha(she has a penis), pregnancy, unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, begging, choking, spanking, multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, pet names(baby, princess, sweetheart), throwing up(pregnancy symptom).


I was pushed face down onto the bed by Natasha's hand between my shoulder blades. I put my forearms in front of me and arched my back as I felt Natasha run her fingers down my wet folds.

"Fucking dripping..." she mumbled as she got my wetness onto her fingers before dipping them into my hole.

I hummed a little in pleasure as she slowly pumped her fingers into me, stretching me out to get me ready for her. She gripped my ass with her free hand and curved the fingers inside of me, finding my g-spot pretty quickly.

"Sucking in my fingers so well. Can't wait to see it do the same with my cock."

I pushed my face further into the pillows as she kept fucking me with her fingers, picking up her pace a bit. I bit back a whine when she pulled out but the disappointment lasted a short time when I felt the head of her cock nudge my clit.

"You ready for it, baby?"

I nodded before raising my head a bit. "Yes."

She chuckled darkly. "Beg me then."

"Please fuck me, Nat, I want your big cock inside of me so badly! I'll do fucking anything, make you feel so goo- ah~" I was cut off by her filling me up in one hard thrust.

"This what you wanted, sweetheart?" I could practically hear her smirk as she gripped my ass, fucking me onto her.


She pulled me back onto her while thrusting forward at the same time and all thoughts just flew out of my brain. All I could think about was how good she felt inside of me. I fisted the sheets in my hands and bit my bottom lip to keep from moaning.

I gasped as I felt her slap her hand down on my ass harshly before repeating the motion once again. "Don't you dare be quiet, I wanna hear you scream my fucking name." she nearly growled before sliding her hand under me to rub my clit.

"Fuck, Nat!"

She hummed a little. "That's more like it."

My eyes rolled back into my head as I felt myself near my orgasm. "Fuck, I'm so close!"

"You wanna cum for me, princess?"

"Yes! I wanna cum on your fucking cock, wanna cum all over it."

She moaned and increased her pace, both with her thrusting and rubbing of my clit. "Then cum." she ordered and on command I let go, clenching down hard on her cock. "Fuck, that's it, baby."

"Nat!" I moaned out as my pleasure started to fade. She slowed down but didn't stop thrusting and my senses went into haywire from the overstimulation. "S-shit"

"One more time, baby." she started to increase the pace a little bit, building up the pressure.

I took in a shaky breath as she started to fuck me faster and I whined as I already felt myself get close. "So good..."

She grunted and leaned over, grabbing around my throat before roughly lifting me up, pressing my back against her chest. She started to lightly choke me as she thrusted into me, turning her head to speak down into my ear. "You gonna be a good girl and cum for me again?"

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