New dynamic |W. Maximoff*

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Summary: Wanda and y/n try something new.

Pairing: g!p Wanda x fem!reader

Warnings: smut, fluff, g!p Wanda, unprotected sex, fingering, praise, dirty talk, mommy kink.

Word count: 582, just a short and sweet smut drabble while I'm working on a longer fic.


"So, what have you done today, baby?" Wanda spoke into your ear as you leaned back against her chest.

You let out a whimper, squirming as she held you against her. "Mmm, please~"

"I asked you a question."

"I-" you hiccupped slightly, tears running down your cheeks from the overstimulation. "N-nothing-"

"Nothing?" she repeated, holding you still as her fingers pumped in and out of you as they had done for the past 40 minutes. "I don't believe that."

"R-reading, I read a book~" you stuttered as your head fell back onto her shoulder.

"Yeah? Good girl." she praised. "You think you're almost ready for mommy's cock?"


She pulled out her fingers and brought them to her mouth, licking them clean as she stared down at you. "You taste good baby."

You moved around, straddling her as you wrapped your arms around her and hid your face in the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent. "Mommy..."

Her dick laid against your pussy as she held you. "Yeah, princess?"

"Wanna have you inside of me please..."

She hummed before lifting your hips up enough for her to push the head of her cock into your hole. She slowly put you down as she filled you up until you were completely seated on her once more. She slid her hands down your thighs and over your butt before moving up to hold your back while she felt your breathing against her neck.

"Does mommy's cock feel good inside your little pussy?" she whispered into your hair, smiling as she felt you nod against her.

She grabbed your hips and moved you back and forth slowly, just feeling the way you would pulse around her. "So nice and tight around me..."

You began to rock your hips on your own, your breathing picking up as you kept clinging to Wanda. "Oh, fuck~"

"Ah, that's it, baby~"

You moaned as she helped you ride her, thrusting up into you simultaneously. You let out a gasp as she hit your g-spot, gripping her tighter.

"Right there?" she moaned.

"Uh huh." you nodded.

"Fuck- such a perfect baby, love you so fucking much." she breathed out against your ear.

"Oh god!" you squealed.

"I-I'm gonna cum..." she moaned as she moved your hips faster.

"Cum in me~" you took her hint and bounced faster on her cock.

"No no, you have to cum first-"

You clenched around her as hard as you could and kissed her neck, feeling the way her arms tightened around you as she came. You chuckled softly and kissed up her neck and across her jaw before placing your lips on hers.

"y/n, come on..." she whined a bit. "You didn't even cum."

You slid your hand down and circled your clit, leaning back a little to allow her to watch as you brought yourself to your climax. "Fuck, mommy~" you moaned out as you came, gripping her shoulder with one hand as the other slowed down the movements on your clit.

She kissed your temple before looking down at you. "Don't do that again. If we're gonna try the whole mommy and baby thing again you gotta let me act all dominant, meaning: I make you cum."

You shrugged your shoulders playfully. "I came around your cock didn't I?"

She rolled her eyes before quickly moving you to lie on your back as she laid on top of you, kissing all over your face as you giggled. "Smart ass."

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