Images |W. Maximoff*

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Summary: Wanda decides to give y/n some interesting thoughts with her powers.

Pairings: g!p sub!wanda x fem dom!reader

Warnings: smut, g!p Wanda(she has a penis), unprotected sex, dom/sub dynamics, mommy kink, dirty talk, praise, degrading, bondage, orgasm denial/control, slapping, spanking, slight exhibitionism, use of magic during sex, pet names (baby, bunny, little girl)


I crossed my legs and leaned back in my chair as I listened to Steve speak to the team. I looked out the window as I spaced out into my own thoughts, tuning out his voice.

My breath hitched as the image of Wanda on top of me popped into my head. It was so realistic that I immediately knew this thought wasn't of my own creation. I looked at Wanda and found her looking around the room in fake oblivion.

I scoffed at her before shaking my head, trying to focus on what Steve was telling us about. My hand shot out to grip the table as a slow vibration enveloped my pussy, and once again I stared at wanda. She accidentally met my eyes and smiled a little, but I could see a twinge of red surrounding her fingers.

The feeling she was creating increased and I bit my bottom lip to not let out a sound. Another image flashed in my mind, this time it was like I was looking into a mirror with Wanda behind me, fucking me. I gasped a little and felt the vibration increase, making me grip the table harder.

"y/n, are you alright?" Steve questioned with a concerned expression.

I mustered up a smile and nodded. "Just fine."

He nodded slowly before going back to talking. I glared at Wanda and she looked at me confused. I scoffed and stood up abruptly, knocking my chair back into the wall. I walked around to her and gripped her shoulder before dragging her up and out of the room.

She let out a hiss but I didn't let up my grip as I pulled her down the hallway until we reached our door. I pushed her inside and slammed the door shut before staring at her. I was practically seething as I slowly walked towards her. She stepped backwards until the backs of her legs hit the bed and she fell back onto it.

"Why don't you use your powers for something good and get rid of our clothes?" I nearly growled.

She nodded quickly and swished her fingers, a red glow enveloped us but quickly vanished along with our clothes. I walked over to the dresser and pulled out one of my belts before walking over to the bed, crawling onto it and over to her. I roughly grabbed her hands and tied the belt around them before pushing her back down onto the bed.

"Fucking whore..." I muttered as I straddled her. "Tryna get mommy all riled up..."

She giggled a little and bit her bottom lip so I harshly grabbed her jaw and bent down until our faces were only inches apart. "You think that's funny? You think it's fun to get mommy horny in the middle of a meeting?"

I sank down onto her cock and watched as her eyes practically rolled back into her head. "You're that desperate, little girl?" I spat.

She nodded the best she could with my grip on her face. "I'm desperate for you, mommy."

I grabbed her waist and rolled back onto the bed, her now being on top. "Then fuck mommy's pussy."

She took in a shaky breath and nodded again before leaning forward, lying her tied hands on her left side beside my head. She moved her hips into me and moaned quietly as she tried to find her pace.

My hand slapped down onto her ass and I smiled as she whimpered. "Good girl. If you can make mommy cum before it's been 5 minutes I'll consider letting you cum as well."

"Ok, mommy..."

I hummed and laid my hands under my head, smirking as I looked up at her. "Oh, you gotta do better than that, bunny."

I watched her swallow before quickening her thrusting. I let out a moan and she smiled, proud of herself for getting a sound out of me. "Mm, mommy~"

"There you go, baby, fuck my pussy like that." I breathed out.

She was making me feel incredibly good but I wouldn't let out the sounds to let her know that. She didn't deserve that knowledge.

"Is this good, mommy?" she gasped a little.

I clicked my tongue. "Not good enough to make me cum."

Her eyebrows scrunched together and she sighed before fucking into me faster. "Oh, please~"

"How about you use some of those powers you were so eager to use earlier?" I tilted my head a little.

A little smile played on her lips as red swirls floated around her fingers, the vibration back on my clit. I let out a breath and moaned a little and watched her happy face as she kept fucking me.

"That's more like it, baby."

"Are you getting closer, mommy?"

"Mhm." I nodded. "A little more and I'll cum."

Her smile grew a little as noises of pleasure left her lips. "Please cum around me~"

My eyes closed and my breathing picked up. "Ah~ I'm gonna cum..."

"Oh yes~"

My mouth opened and I moaned as I reached my orgasm. My back arched a little and I clenched around her as she kept fucking into me, her pace faltering a little and I knew she was close.

I pushed her to lie on her back and I started to quickly jump on her cock. "You think you deserve to cum? You think I should give you that satisfaction after the stunt you pulled? Acting like a needy little slut."

My hand made contact with her face in a quick slap and she moaned as her back arched. "God, what a whore. Getting off to me slapping you. Now tell me. do. you. deserve. to. cum?" I announced each word with a rough bounce onto her.

She whimpered a little and shook her head. "I don't deserve it..."

"That's fucking right. But mommy's decided to be a little extra nice today so I'll let you. You should feel pretty lucky now."

She took in a sharp breath as a small smile covered her lips once more. Her eyes closed and she moaned as I quickened the pace. I moved my hips up and down on her and she moaned even louder. "If you wanna cum you'll do it... now!" I commanded.

She gasped and her mouth was wide open as she started to cum inside of me. She kept moaning and her hips thrusted up into me as her back arched as far as she could. After a few seconds she started to calm down so I stopped my hips and just sat on top of her.

I smirked and bent down a little, gently caressing her sides. "Huh, that was a strong one, wasn't it?"

She lazily smiled, her eyes still closed as she nodded. "Mommy made me cum so hard..."

I let out a small chuckle and got off of her before untying her hands. I helped her up and wrapped my arms around her as she laid her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead and looked at her sleepy face. "Let's get cleaned up and go to bed."

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