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Summary: Natasha tries to get Y/N's attention by making her jealous.

Warnings: smut, a little fluff, G!P Reader(she has a penis), bottom!natasha, unprotected sex, mommy kink, knife kink, some blood, bondage(handcuffs), dirty talk, degrading, praise, size kink, breeding kink, begging, orgasm denial, rough sex, possesiveness, spanking, pet names(baby).


I stared angrily at Natasha from across the room as she chatted with one of the agents named Ethan. She threw her head back in a laugh and Ethan put his hand on her thigh as he joined in on her laughter. I could feel my blood boiling at the sight as I watched. She was making no move to stop this interaction from happening and at that moment I decided she was in huge trouble.

I slammed my beer down onto the bar counter before making my way through the crowd of people at the party. Once I reached my girlfriend I grabbed her arm and dragged her up into a standing position. She just looked innocently at me and I narrowed my eyes into a glare.

"The fuck do you think you're doing." I said harshly in a low voice to not attract any attention.

"What are you talking about?" she blinked her eyes in fake confusion.

I scoffed before tightening my grip on her upper arm as I leaned in closer. "Get to our room, right fucking now."

She pursed her lips for a second. "Why?"

I was already seething and she was really testing my limits at this point. "Because I don't think you'd like everyone here at this party to see me fuck you."

She swallowed a little and glanced at Ethan. I gripped her jaw and moved her to look at me. "Do you fucking understand?"

She nodded slowly before turning around and heading to the elevator. I quickly looked at Ethan before walking closer to him. His eyes were a little wide as I created some purple wisps in my hand and flashed my eyes in the same colour. "Touch my girlfriend again and I'll cut your fucking hands off. Alright?"

His head moved into a fast nod and I released my powers before pushing through everyone to get to the elevator. My jaw was clenched the entire ride up and as soon as I reached our floor I quickly headed to the bedroom. I opened the door and took a step in as I looked at Nat. She was leaning back on her heels as she sat on the bed wearing a red lacy bra with matching panties.

I smirked a little. "Wow, baby."

She bit her bottom lip. "Do you like it?"

I took a deep breath. "I do. I would've absolutely taken my time to enjoy this. Too bad you decided to act like a fucking brat."

"I only wanted your attention."

I walked to her and gripped her throat. "You could've just told me what you wanted, instead you acted like a whore."

"But, mommy-"

"Nuh uh. Lay back on your stomach."

She breathed out through her nose before doing as I said. I reached for my belt and undid it before getting onto the bed. I gripped her hands and tied the belt around them before fastening it to the headboard. I made sure it was tight and I heard her hiss a little.

"That hurt, baby?"

She nodded into the sheets.

"Too fucking bad." I took hold of her hips and dragged them up so her ass was in the air. I walked off the bed and grabbed the combat knife I had laying on the dresser. I got back on the bed and put the side of the blade against her ass so she could feel the cold metal. I heard her take in a sharp breath as I trailed the knife to her panties. "Such a shame."

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