A comforting hand |N. Romanoff*

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Summary: Natasha takes care of y/n while she's sick.

Pairing: g!p Natasha x sick!reader

Warnings: fluff, comfort, light smut, g!p Natasha, being sick, fevers, anxiety, cockwarming.

Word count: 1066, just something short as I'm pretty tired, sorry.

A/N: I'm actually sick right now, so this seemed like the perfect time to write this request.


You sniffled as you cuddled your pillow, your legs pulled up to your chest as you laid on your side. Your body was on fire, but somehow you still felt cold, shivers constantly running up your spine. You hadn't managed to keep any actual food down for two days, your blood sugar so low that you were trembling.

You had a fight with your girlfriend a few days prior, which ended with Natasha saying she would give you some space. You felt awful about the fight, but as selfish as it might seem you felt way more awful about the lack of company now that you've gotten sick. You wanted Natasha to hold you, comfort you and tell you everything was gonna be fine as your dramatic self tended to feel like you were dying when you were ill, even though you knew this would pass in a few days.

You let out a small sob and pushed your face into the pillow, crying from both the absence of your girlfriend, and the exhaustion from being sick. You chose to not alert anyone as you were afraid of being a bother, thinking that they probably had better things to do. You pulled your face up and looked at the water bottle standing on your nightstand, wanting so badly to drink something, but not having the energy to move your hand.

You huffed in frustration, tears filling up in your eyes once more as you just lied there completely helpless. You wanted to move as you heard your door open, hearing footsteps come closer to you, but your body refused.

"Oh no..." you heard Natasha say before she walked around your bed, crouching in front of you and putting her hand on your forehead. "Oh my poor baby...you're burning up."

You sniffled as you looked at her. "I'm sorry-"

"I know, I know. I don't want you to worry about that now, just let me help you, alright?"

You gave her a small nod, already feeling comforted from the soft smile on her lips. She leaned forward and pressed a cooling kiss to your forehead before she stood up, promising to be back in a second. You stared out into the air as you waited for her to come back, not moving an inch. Luckily she came pretty quickly, only being gone for a few minutes before she walked back through the door.

She put some stuff on the nightstand before she sat down on the bed, moving some of your hair behind your ear as she smiled down at you. "I'll take care of you, detka."

She grabbed a thermometer and put it in your ear, waiting for a few seconds until it beeped. She took it out and looked at the screen, her eyes moving back to you with a concerned look. "40℃. That's not good, you must be boiling."

She grabbed a cloth and dipped it in a bowl of cold water, gently swiping it over your forehead, cheeks and chest. You breathed out slowly and closed your eyes as you cooled down a little, finally being able to relax a bit now that Natasha was here.

She put the cloth away and stroked your cheek with her thumb. "Can you sit up a little for me?"

You shook your head tiredly as a reply.

"Come on, sweetheart, I'll help you. You need to sit up so I can give you some medicine." she spoke softly.

You huffed and put your palm down on the mattress, lifting yourself up while Natasha held onto you, helping you sit up against the headboard. "Good girl." she praised as she grabbed a cup with a few pills and a new water bottle.

"Take this for me." she handed you the items, sitting next to you while caressing your thigh.

You swallowed the pills with a sip of water, giving the empty cup and bottle back to Nat. She crawled onto the bed and sat back on her heels in front of you, grabbing the hem of your shirt. "Let's get this off so you can cool down a bit more."

She lifted the shirt over your arms, leaving you in your sports bra. She grabbed your shorts and pulled them down your legs before throwing them on the ground, moving to sit down next to you. She pulled your body onto her lap, moving you so you were straddling her as your head rested on her shoulder. Her arms wrapped around your frame, one hand holding your head as she stroked your hair slowly.

"Want me to help distract you until the medication kicks in?" she spoke into your ear before kissing your head as you nodded, knowing what she meant as this was a common thing for you two. "Alright..."

She pulled you up a little while she reached into her sweatpants with her other hand, pulling out her cock before moving your panties to the side, allowing her to carefully put you down on her cock. You let out a soft moan as she filled you up, nuzzling into her neck as much as you could.

"There we go..." she cooed. "That feel better, angel?"

"Yes." you mumbled against her.

"Think you could eat some crushed ice? You're pretty dehydrated, which is only making you more exhausted."

You lifted your head, looking at her with tired eyes before nodding. She grabbed a cup and a spoon, handing it to you and you began to eat the ice. She held onto you comfortingly as you ate, making sure to praise you every once in a while so you knew you were doing great.

"That's my good angel." she kissed your nose as you finished your ice, slumping against her as soon as you were done. "Just relax now, you're ok."

"Thank you." you spoke quietly, giving her shoulder a small kiss.

"Of course. I've got you, sweetheart."

You spent a few hours just sitting there until you grew too tired to keep yourself awake. Your body relaxed against Natasha's, finally giving in and falling asleep. She pulled out of you and moved you to lie down on top of her, your head on her chest as she watched over you to make sure you were alright.

She gave your forehead a long kiss before whispering, "I love you." pulling away after to look at your face, smiling to herself as you finally got some rest.

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