Sinful |N. Romanoff*

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Summary: Natasha knows y/n desires her, but their status stops them from acting on their feelings. But, with Natasha being a devil, she couldn't care less about the rules...

Pairing: G!p Top!Devil!Natasha x Bottom!Angel!Reader

Warnings: Smut, G!p Natasha, unprotected sex, fingering, cunnilingus, dirty talk, praise, mocking, choking, degradation (slut), edging, breeding kink, belly bulge kink, slight corruption kink, exhibition kink, pet names (my dove, bunny, darling, my love.)

Word count: 2210


Natasha had a smirk on her lips, a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she stared at your frame sitting opposite of her on the couch, your focus taken by a book. Natasha waved her fingers, the book closing with a smack before it was flung out of your hands with her magic. You gave her an annoyed look, reaching to pick up the book from the floor.

"Nope," she said as her hand made you still, her powers stopping you from moving an inch. "You've done enough reading for now."

You sighed, a fed-up expression on your face as you leaned back against the couch arm. "And why is that?"

She grabbed your feet, dragging them towards her in a quick motion as you yelped, now lying flat on your back. She crawled over you, caging your head in with her forearms that she held herself up on. "Because I said so."

Your cheeks heated up as you found no place to look other than her face, the same smirk still clear on her. She chuckled, her tongue swiping over her lip. "What, is someone a little flustered?"

You swallowed, breaking the eye contact as you looked away. "N-no." you stuttered.

She hummed, nodding as she mockingly pretended to believe you. "Sure."

"Can you go away now?" you said, knowing well that Natasha would immediately pick up on the hesitation in your voice.

"No." she shook her head. "And I don't think you want me to."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "I do."

She clicked her tongue. "Your heartbeat says otherwise."

You let out a shaky breath, taking another breath in to muster up your confidence. "Stop acting so immature."

Natasha scoffed. "Immature? Really?"


She bent down further, getting closer to your face. "Why do you always have to be so stuck up?"

"I'm not-"

"Yes, you are. Always have to be a goodie-two-shoes. Always on your best behaviour."

"I'm an angel," you said in a tone that indicated it should be obvious.

"An angel that wants to be fucked by a devil." She whispered, teasingly smiling as you choked on your words.

"W-what are you talking abou-"

She placed her finger on your lips, switching to her thumb as you stayed quiet. She ran her thumb over your bottom lip as you just looked at her with wide eyes. "I know all about it, my dove."

She watched your face for a few seconds before speaking again. "I know you have your daydreams about me." she chuckled before lowering her voice. "Sinful ones."

She bent down further, placing a kiss on your earlobe before whispering into your ear. "How your little hand moves down between your legs at night as thoughts of me run through your mind." she kissed your cheek. "How you shamefully ride your pillow as my name leaves your lips."

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