Another life |N. Romanoff*

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Summary: Natasha and Y/n's secret relationship will soon come to an end.

Pairing: G!p Natasha x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Set in the 1500s, Angst, Smut, Unprotected sex, Vaginal sex, Belly bulge kink, Praise, Hair pulling, Arranged marriage, Forbidden love.

Word count: 1059


You knocked on the door before opening it, the creaking noise loud in your ears. You stepped inside and you saw Natasha lying on her bed.

"Are you about to sleep?" You asked as you closed the door behind you.

She smiled softly and sat up against the headboard. "I was, but I always have time for you."

You returned her smile, stepping further into the room. "I wanted to see you."

She got up from the bed and moved towards you. "I'm glad."

You placed your hands on her waist as she brushed her knuckles over your cheek. You pulled her closer, holding her body against yours. "I've missed you."

She leaned in and rested her forehead on yours. "It's only been two days."

"I know." You answered with a playful smirk.

You saw her look down at your lips before looking back into your eyes. You were quick to press your lips against hers in a tender kiss. You pulled away after a few seconds, memorizing every detail on her face while she had her eyes closed.

"I didn't expect you to come." She whispered before opening her eyes.

You smiled at her before dragging one of the straps of her nightgown off of her shoulder. You did the same with the other one and watched as the fabric pooled around her feet. You took the time to admire every inch of her bare body, every curve and perfect imperfections. You stepped away and reached back to unbutton your dress, following her movements with your eyes as she sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Come here." She said as you now stood naked in front of her.

You straddled her and gave her a shy smile as she wrapped her fingers around her length. "Do you want me inside of you?" She asked.

You nodded and lifted your hips, keeping eye contact with her as she lined herself up with you. You watched her eyes roll back as you slowly slid down onto her. You let out a breath once she was fully in, and she carefully started rocking your hips back and forth as she leaned against you.

You felt her breath against your cheek and you placed your hands on the back of her neck, grasping her hair desperately. Her hands moved up to your sides, leaving a warmth behind on your hips where they had just rested. She kissed across your jaw and down your neck, lightly nipping on your skin with her teeth.

"Don't leave marks." you breathed out.

"I won't, don't worry," she assured you as she moved her lips back up your neck to meet your own in a heated kiss.

Her breast brushed against your bare nipples, causing a shiver to run through your body. She ran her hand over your stomach, lightly pressing on the slight bulge.

"Feel how deep I'm inside of you?" She spoke into your ear, and her raspy voice made your stomach flutter.

You nodded, moving your hips up and down her dick as you straddled her. "So deep."

She slid her hands down to your ass before squeezing. "Is it filling you up nicely, sweetheart?"

You hummed in pleasure, nodding once more as you closed your eyes. "Yes."

She kissed your collarbone, using her hands to guide you in riding her. "Good. Wanna make you feel so good..."

You rolled your hips, letting out a moan as she brushed so perfectly against that one special spot inside of you.

You opened your eyes and looked down at her, brushing some of the hair away that was sticking to her sweaty forehead. You leaned in and kissed her desperately, needing to be as close to her as possible. Your lips opened to let her tongue meet yours, her hands gripping your hips harder. You pulled away to moan her name, tangling your fingers into her hair again before pulling on it.

She groaned in pleasure from the slight pain on her scalp. "What is it, sweetheart? What do you need?" She asked out of breath from the kiss.

"Need to come, I want to come so badly." You mustered up the words, your mind already starting to fog.

"Yeah? You're going to come for me?" She smirked.

You nodded quickly. "Yes, gonna come for you!"

She hummed. "Do it, let me know how good I'm making you feel."

Your mouth opened in a silent moan as your eyes closed. A tightening formed in your stomach, quickly erupting into ecstasy and lighting your body on fire.

Natasha's constant praise into your ear and her hands on your hips guided you through your orgasm. You slowly came to as her lips peppered kisses all over your shoulder before moving onto your face.

"So good, sweetheart, did so amazing for me. My perfect girl." She muttered against your forehead.

You let her hold you against her as you regained your energy, and slowly you felt your mind become clear again. You sat up more and leaned a little away from her.

She gave you a sad look. "Please don't go."

You sighed, returning her sad expression. "I'm sorry, Natasha."

She searched your eyes, clearly seeing the hesitation in them. "You don't want to, please don't."

"I have to." You cupped her cheek, feeling your heart break as she leaned into your touch. "I'm truly sorry, my love."

You saw tears well up in her eyes as you moved off of her, reaching for your dress that had been discarded onto the floor earlier.

"I love you." She whispered.

You met her gaze as you put on your dress. "I love you too, but I have to do this for my family. You know I don't want to marry him, but I have to."

She slipped her nightgown onto her naked body, standing up as you turned away from her. She placed her hands on your back before she buttoned up your dress, pressing a tender kiss to the back of your neck. She wrapped her arms around your waist and you leaned back against her.

"In another life..." you started as you looked out the window, your eyes focused on the moon lighting up the night sky. "In another life, we'll be together. I promise you that."

She rested her chin on your shoulder. "Another life..."


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