Keep going*

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Summary: Natasha needs her secretary's help to relax.

Pairing: g!p CEO!nat x fem secretary!reader

Warnings: smut, g!p Natasha(she has a penis), unprotected sex, praise, dirty talk, exhibition kink, mommy kink, public sex, vibrators, dom/sub dynamics, dry humping, orgasm denial/control, overstimulation, pet names(baby, detka)


"Y/N, get in here."

I stood up and walked into my boss's office, smoothing out my skirt as I stepped in front of her desk. "Yes?"

She raised her gaze, smirking as she looked me up and down. She leaned back in her chair and patted her lap. I looked down at the floor as I walked around her desk, settling down onto her.

She held my waist and stroked my cheek with the other hand. "Mommy needs some relief, baby. Think you can help me?" I nodded and she smiled proudly. "Good."

She turned me around so I was straddling her, our chests pressed together. She pushed my skirt up over my ass and put her hands on my hips, grinding me down onto her. "Keep doing that while I get some work done."

I nuzzled my head into her neck and nodded. I started to move my hips onto her, carefully listening to her quiet moans to figure out where I should move more. I rocked in small circles and bit my lip as she groaned in pleasure.

Her hand slapped my ass harshly before smoothing out the area. "Good girl. Keep doing that for me..."

I was so turned on and wet, and by Natasha's instructions I wasn't allowed to wear any underwear which made it easier to glide back and forth, her pants now having a wet spot on them. I could hear Natasha typing on her computer as she did her work but I stopped focusing on that as I felt myself get closer.

I whimpered as I held onto her tighter, her hands coming up to wrap themselves around me. "You wanna cum, baby?"

I nodded quickly. "Yes, mommy."

She gripped my hips and stopped me from moving. A whine left my mouth and she chuckled before turning my body around so I was straddling her reverse cowgirl. The sound of her zipper made me bite my lip in excitement and she didn't wait a second to push me down onto her cock, filling me up completely.


"Mm, baby you feel so good." she whispered into my ear.

My eyes closed as I started to move my hips once more, feeling her cock hit all the spots inside of me. I breathed out in pleasure and lifted myself up a little before dropping back down, putting my hands on her desk in front of me to steady myself. Natasha helped me and guided my hips up and down onto her, moaning into my ear simultaneously.

I heard her drawer open but didn't think anything of it until something was pressed against my clit. "Keep your eyes closed, detka."

I moaned as the object started to vibrate directly on my clit, still keeping my eyes closed. "Oh my god~"

She chuckled a little. "You like that?"

"God yes..."

She bit my earlobe and dragged it down with her teeth before whispering into it. "Just so you know...the door is open."

My eyes shot open and my hand immediately covered my mouth. She chuckled again before taking my hand off of my mouth. "They know better than to disturb me though. They won't say anything, just keep going."

My bottom lip shook a little before I bit down on it. "But-"

"Nuh uh. No buts. Keep going like I told you. You don't want to disobey me now, do you?" I shook my head and started to move my hips again. "That's my good baby."

She turned up the speed on the vibrator and kissed my neck as I moaned loudly. She gently bit my neck before licking the spot and up to my jaw. "You're desperate for mommy, aren't you?"

"Yes, mommy~"

"Well then I'm sure you could ride me faster."

I nodded slowly and picked up the pace with my hips. I jumped up and down onto her cock, smiling a little as she hit my g-spot continuously.

Natasha hummed a little. "Is my happy little girl satisfied with some cock inside of her?"

"Oh yes..."

"I'm hitting all the right spots, huh?"

"Uh huh." I nodded.

Her hands trailed up my sides and onto my boobs, squeezing as she looked down at them with aw. "So perfect..."

"Mommy, can I cum now please~?"

"Is it getting too much for you to handle?" she said before kissing my jaw, moving the vibrator a little around on my clit.

"Wanna cum, need to cum so bad, mommy, ah please~" I blabbered as I rode her as quickly as I could.

"Not yet." she smirked against my skin and I let out a whine. "No complaining, baby. You take what I give you and you listen to my orders, alright?"

I pouted but gave a nod. "Yes, mommy..."

She stilled inside of me before putting the vibrator away and turning my body around on her so I was facing her. She held under my thighs before standing up, walking towards the giant window in her office. She pressed my back up against it before she started to fuck up into me.

"Let's see how long you can last with me fucking you like this." she smirked.

My head fell back against the window and I let out a moan. "I'm close~"

She leaned forward and kissed my neck. "Don't cum until I tell you to."

I was a moaning and blabbering mess, desperate to cum for her. I knew I couldn't hold on much longer but I also knew there was no way in hell I would disobey her.

"Please, oh please, mommy~"

"God, not an ounce of patience in you, huh?"

"I'm begging you!"

She groaned. "Fine. You've been good so I'm rewarding you now. Cum for me, detka."

"Oh god!" My eyes clenched shut as I finally got to cum. My entire body tensed up and i felt my senses go into overload as Natasha kept fucking me through my orgasm. My vision turned completely black for a second as the pleasure became too much. After a few seconds I came back to my senses and felt Natasha slow down.

"Please, mommy, cum inside of me- fill me up all you want just please cum, I wanna feel you cum!"

She moaned loudly and stilled inside of me, spilling her cum into me. She kept moaning into my ear until her high faded. She let out a breath and kissed my cheek before setting me down onto the ground, my legs wobbling a little until I found some balance.

She chuckled with a smirk as she looked at me. "You know what? You're staying in my office the rest of the day. I might need you again soon..."

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