Can I hold you? |W. Maximoff

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Summary: Reader gets overwhelmed at a party so Wanda helps calm them down.

Pairings: Wanda x autistic!reader

Warnings: fluff, angst, stimming, stressful situations for people with ASD.


Agreeing to go to Tony's party might have been a horrible decision. Choosing to not wear my noise cancelling headphones was an even worse decision though. As soon as I walked into the room all my senses went completely haywire. The loud music and all the voices having conversations that just made my brain hurt and the flashing lights made me want to go into a dark, silent room and stay there for the rest of time. I couldn't focus on a single thing and my hands started to twitch as I stimmed. My breathing picked up and I made my way through the crowd to get to the team.

People kept bumping into me and it physically hurt to be touched. I finally got to the sofas that the team had occupied and I quickly sat down next to Wanda. She smiled at me but noticed my distressed state and reached her hand out. I grabbed it and started to play with her fingers to distract myself.

"How are you feeling, Y/N?" she asked softly.

I swallowed and tried to speak but couldn't get any words out. I looked at her and just shook my head and she nodded softly.

"How about we go back to our room, okay?"

I was quick to nod and we stood up, making the team look at us.

"Y/N and I are leaving now." she explained and the team looked like they got why.

"We're proud of you for even coming, Y/N/N, we know how hard it is for you." Natasha smiled.

I tried to give a smile back but I knew it didn't quite work. Wanda got my attention before putting her hand out. I placed my hand in hers and she walked with me over to the side of the room so we could walk without bumping into someone. We got into the elevator and I took a deep breath as the music started to fade away.

"Nat was right. I'm really proud of you as well."

The elevator doors opened and we walked into our room and I immediately went into the closet to find some comfortable clothes. I got a hoodie and a sweatshirt that Wanda had cut the tags off of and walked into the bedroom and crawled into bed. Wanda came into the room carrying a weighted blanket and my headphones and sat next to me. She tucked the blanket over my legs and I put the headphones on.

"Can I hold you? I'll do it really tight." she asked.

I nodded before wrapping my arms around her waist, nuzzling my head into her neck. She did as she said and held me tightly, helping me with my overstimulation. I took in a few deep breaths and felt myself start to calm down a little.

"You did great tonight, even if it was just a few minutes. I love you so much."

"Thank you. I love you too." I smiled a little and felt proud of myself as well.

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