Fugitives |N. Romanoff*

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Summary: Natasha and y/n are both too scared to admit their feelings for one another. As the team splits up and both of them go into hiding, they finally find themselves in a situation where they can be together.

Pairing: g!p reader x Natasha

Warnings: smut, fluff, angst, g!p reader, unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, begging, breeding kink, slight pain kink, mention of pregnancy, death.

Word count: 3001


For once in my life I made the decision to follow my heart instead of my head. I wasn't quite sure who's side to be on, but whether or not I had made the right choice remained unclear. Steve was adamant about Bucky's innocence and his refusal to back down on it made me trust his instinct, something I didn't do very often.

I'd always been a logical person, trusting facts over emotions. Things made sense to me when I had a clear definite answer or reason instead of ideas or personal opinions. I had the facts which said that the Avengers had done a lot of harm over the years, too much collateral damage for it to be ethical or humane.

What I also had was the knowledge of how much good we had done and the extreme amount of damage that would've happened if we hadn't stepped in. This plus Tony's refusal to take accountability for his own mistakes pushed me to support Steve's side.

I didn't mix emotions with any form of decisions I had to make and I never had. Still, it felt horrible to have to stand across from Natasha once they caught up with us in Germany. The way her eyes met mine immediately and the words she had spoken just a day prior rang in my head. The way she had tried to convince me to sign the accords, "Do the right thing." she had said.

Watching as Steve and Bucky boarded the jet, having seen the way Natasha had helped them do so eased my mind a tiny bit. It made me feel like maybe it was a chance for us to remain friends and not let this ruin anything between us.

She had been my closest friend since I joined S.H.I.E.L.D a few years ago. We'd always have each other's backs and for the most we had the same opinions on things, hence why it was such a surprise for me once she agreed with Tony.

After Steve and Bucky got away and I heard police sirens in the distance I made the decision to flee. It was either this or get arrested and that just didn't seem all that logical. I left the airport and tried not to think about what would happen to my friends.


Third person POV

The TV was on in the background as Natasha absentmindedly stared out into space, thinking about the situation she was in as she had just arrived in Norway to hide out. What mostly plagued her mind were the thoughts of y/n and where she was. Natasha wouldn't admit it but she always worried about her friend, no matter what either of them were doing.

Other than Clint, y/n was the only person she felt like she could truly trust. Natasha was very aware of her feelings for the other girl, knowing that she was absolutely in love. She never said anything, always kept those thoughts to herself, but whenever the two girls would do regular stuff; cooking together, driving around at night, cuddling while watching a movie, she would always let herself imagine that they were doing this because they were in a relationship.

Their fingers brushing together as she handed Natasha the salt, the smile that covered y/n's face as she loudly sang along to the songs that were playing through the car. The way she would lie her head on Natasha's shoulder when she got tired, dozing off in the middle of the movie. All these things made Natasha's heart glow, and her brain started to whirr with the thoughts and imaginations of them truly being together.

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