Asleep |N. Romanoff*

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Summary: Natasha comes home to find her girlfriend quite irresistible.

Pairing: g!p Natasha x fem!reader

Warnings: smut, fluff, g!p Natasha(she has a penis), unprotected sex, somnophilia, cunnilingus, fingering, masturbation, daddy kink, spanking, slight choking, breeding kink, slight overstimulation, pet names (baby)

Word count: 1356


Natasha's POV:

I tapped on the steering wheel as I made my way home. It was late at night so there wasn't much traffic, only a few cars that passed by me. I was pretty exhausted and couldn't wait to get home to my girlfriend. I parked the car outside and walked up the steps to our house before heading inside. I let my bag fall onto the floor before making my way up the stairs and into our bedroom.

I stopped in my tracks once I saw my girlfriend in our bed, lying on her side, sheets barely covering her and leaving everything for me to see. I bit my bottom lip and groaned as I reached out to palm myself through my pants. I stepped closer before opening my zipper and sliding my hand into my underwear.

I grabbed my cock and pulled it out before slowly jerking myself off. I got rid of my shirt and pants before sliding off my underwear completely and climbing into bed. I moved her onto her back and threw the sheets onto the floor, smirking as I looked at her naked body. I laid down on my stomach and spread her legs, placing kisses on the insides of her thighs.

She stirred a little but didn't wake up so I leaned forward and licked a stripe up her pussy. I let out a small moan at her taste, finally being able to be buried between her legs again. I swirled my tongue around her clit and smirked at the low moan she let out.

She started to move her hips a little so I wrapped my arms around them to keep them down. I gave small kitten licks to her clit before wrapping my lips around it and sucking gently. Her back arched a little as she kept letting out moans but still not waking up.

I decided to go a little further and brought two fingers up to her hole before pushing them in. My cock got even harder at the noises she let out and I started to grind my hips into the bed in a desperate need for friction. I curled my fingers inside of her while sucking a little harder, letting up a few times to lightly lick her. She might be asleep but she's still getting a little teasing.

Her thighs started to shake a little and I knew she was about to cum. I nibbled a little on her clit before sucking hard, swirling my tongue around it simultaneously. I curled my fingers in her again, pressing onto her g-spot and watched her arch her back as she came under me.

"Fuck~" she moaned out and I chuckled before kissing both of her thighs.

I sat up and she stared at me while trying to slow down her breathing. I crawled up to her and laid down on top of her as she wrapped her arms around my shoulder. I slid my arms under her back and held onto her tightly before kissing her neck.

"That's a nice way to wake up." she giggled.

"I couldn't help myself." I gave her a grin back.

She shrugged her shoulders with a smile. "Not complaining at all."

I lifted my head a little before leaning in to kiss her. Her lips moved against mine in a slow kiss, her still coming back from her high. Her fingers laced themselves into my hair and she tugged a little, making me let out a groan against her lips. She tilted her head a little to deepen the kiss and dragged her tongue against mine.

The kiss quickly grew desperate and messy as she kept tugging on my hair before her hand slid down my side and down to my cock, her fingers gently wrapping around it. I sighed into the kiss and ran my hands up her sides and to her boobs, squeezing them before kissing down her neck.

"Fuck, I want you so badly..." I muttered against her skin.

"Then take me." she breathed out as she slowly jerked me off.

I moved up on my forearms and looked down at her face, her hair messy and with reddened lips from my kisses. She moved my cock against her hole and I thrusted into her. I stayed still for a few seconds while looking at her face to make sure she was alright.

"Don't go easy on me, fuck me hard, Tasha~"

I nearly came just from her words but shut my eyes and concentrated on not letting that happen. I started to move my hips into her and moaned at how tight she was.

"Such a good pussy..." I hid my face in her neck as I quickened my thrusts.

"Oh daddy~" she moaned into my ear.

Hearing her call me that awakened something in me and I sat up a little. I held myself up on my forearm and wrapped my other hand around her neck. I slammed my cock into her and watched her eyes roll back into her head.

"Baby wants it rough, huh?" I whispered against her cheek.

She nodded quickly. "Please, do whatever you want with me."

I chuckled darkly before biting her bottom lip, dragging it out before letting it go. I sat up and leaned back on my heels before pulling out of her, harshly moving her onto her stomach and pushing her ass up. I entered her once more and closed my eyes at the loud moans she let out.

I gripped her waist and fucked her back onto my cock, hitting the right spots inside of her.

"Fuck yes, use me daddy~"

"Such a good girl, your pussy is taking me so fucking well." I said in a low tone.

"Oh my god~" she buried her head into the pillows as I thrusted into her.

Her ass looked so good as I fucked her that I couldn't help but reach out and grab it, slapping it and smirking at the redness that appeared. I repeated the motion as she moaned in response, clearly enjoying it.

I leaned over her, pushing my chest into her back and lacing my fingers through hers in front of her head. I placed my mouth next to her ear and kissed behind it, knowing her spots. "Think you can cum for me?"


I kissed her neck, sucking marks into it because I was feeling possessive. "Come one then, show me how well you can cum for me."

Her breath kept hitching and she let out tiny gasps as she neared her orgasm. I was panting against her neck as I slammed my hips into her ass, reaching deep inside of her. "You're so close, baby."

"Shit- you're gonna make me-" she said in a high pitched moan.

"I can't hold on much longer, please cum for me." I begged against her hair.

"Yes, yes...fuck- holy shit!~" she clenched hard onto me as she came, pulsing around me and making me lose all self control.

"God, baby, I'm gonna cum in you! Fill you up so fucking good, I swear~" I moaned and desperately thrusted into her to chase my own orgasm.

"Cum in me, daddy, fill me up till I'm leaking~" I came crashing down as she said those words, cumming harder than I ever had. I fucked my cum into her until she was whining from being too sensitive, her thighs shaking a little. I let out a deep breath and stopped, pulling out slowly and watching my cum drip out of her and onto the bed.

She slumped down onto the bed and I chuckled a little before moving her onto her back and kissing her nose. She smiled tiredly up at me and I put my arms around her waist to pull her up and she wrapped her legs around me as I carried her to the bathroom. I started to fill up the bathtub and sat her down into it before running my fingers through her hair.

"That was really good." she smiled while biting her bottom lip.

"It absolutely was." I smiled back.

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