Sweater |W. Maximoff*

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Summary: Reader accidentally puts on Wanda's sweater

Warnings: smut, fluff, fingering, cunnilingus, dirty talk, praise.


I got the message from Friday telling everyone to meet up in the living room. I grabbed the first sweater and shorts I could find before hurrying out of my room. Once I got to the living room I saw everyone else already there with Tony standing in front of them. I walked over to stand beside Steve as I waited to be told what was happening.

"Now, I'm sure you're all wondering why I have summoned you all here." Tony started.

"Summoned?" Natasha asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Anywaysss-" Tony continued. "So as we all know it's my birthday in three days and I need everyone to actually be at the party."

"You couldn't have just told us this through Friday?" I groaned a little.

"Alright, Ms. Antisocial, don't be so grumpy. Just make sure to be there, everyone."

We all agreed and he let us go back to our rooms. However, I was quickly stopped by Wanda grabbing my arm and walking in front of me. "Is that my sweater?" She raised an eyebrow.

I looked down and inspected it. Sure enough it was hers. I slowly looked back up at her and gave a small smile. "Yup..."

She took a deep breath. "Come with me." I didn't hesitate to obey her as she led me through the hallways and into her bedroom. Once the door was closed she quickly pushed me up against it, playing with the string of my shorts. "That's how you wanna play, sweetheart? You wanna wear my clothes like that in front of everyone? Do you know what that does to me?"

I shook my head and she chuckled darkly. "I'll show you what it does to me. Undress."

I took in a shaky breath and grabbed the hem of the sweater to take it off when she stopped me.

"Keep the sweater on. I wanna fuck you in it."

I almost whimpered at her words but quickly regained my composure and untied the string of my shorts before dragging them down my legs. I then did the same to my panties, now leaving me naked with only the shirt on. She smirked as she looked me up and down. "Good girl."

She walked over to me and pushed me back against the wall before gently stroking the side of my thigh. She kept her face close to mine, still having a smirk on her face. "You want this?"

I nodded quickly. "Yes..."

She hummed before moving her hand closer to my centre. She pushed my legs further apart before finally dragging her fingers through my folds. My head fell back against the wall as I felt start to rub circles on my clit.

"So wet..." she breathed out before slowly getting down on her knees. "All for me."

She grabbed one of my thighs before laying it over her shoulder. She licked a strip from my hole to my clit and I grabbed onto her hair. She used her tongue to circle my clit and started to gently suck on it. I let out a quiet moan and she brought her hand up to my hole and slowly pushed two fingers in.

She removed her mouth from me for a second to watch her fingers disappear into me. "God,

I'll never get tired of seeing this needy pussy suck in my fingers. Such a sweet sight.

You, falling apart because of me."

She placed her mouth back onto me and I laced my fingers through her hair before rocking back and forth, grinding myself onto her face. "Yes, keep going..."

She hummed against me before sucking harder while simultaneously picking up the pace with her fingers. I let out a loud moan before covering my mouth with my hand.

She used her free hand to slap my ass and I let out a small yelp. "Don't you dare cover your mouth, let me hear how good I'm making you feel."

I did as she said and didn't cover up my sounds of pleasure. "I'm so close, Wanda! Fuck, I'm gonna cum!"

I could feel her nodding against me and I shut my eyes tightly as I waited for the coil to snap. I was almost shaking as I felt myself finally let go. Wanda slowed down her movements and eventually stopped and removed her fingers. She peppered light kisses all over my thighs and slowly stood back up. She wrapped her arms around my waist and placed a long kiss on my lips before pulling away and leaning her forehead against mine.

"My good little girl." She smiled and kissed my nose. "Come on, let's get you washed up."

She led me to her bathroom and made me sit on the counter as she wet a cloth with warm water. She gently cleaned up my folds and thighs and dried me off before picking me up, making me wrap my legs around her waist. She carried me to her bed and laid me down before removing my sweater. She groaned at the sight of my braless boobs but shook her head before grabbing one of her t-shirts and put it on me. She changed into something more sleep appropriate before laying down next to me, pulling me into her.

"You're the most beautiful person in the world." She whispered against the top of my head as I laid my head on her chest.

"You are..." I said sleepily as I tried to keep myself awake.

She chuckled gently before drawing shapes into my back. "Go to sleep, my love." She kept looking at me as my breathing evened out and I slowly fell asleep.

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