Workaholic |N. Romanoff + W. Maximoff*

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Summary: y/n gets a visit from her wives while she's at work...

Pairing: g!p CEO dom!reader x sub!natasha x sub!wanda

Warnings: smut, g!p reader, unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, degrading, breeding kink, blowjobs, cunnilingus, fingering, threesome, mommy kink, creampie, exhibition kink, pet names (baby, sweetheart, princess)

Word count: 2685

A/N: I kinda just wrote this in a hurry so it's not proofread...sorry for any spelling mistakes.


"I've already told you multiple times, I won't give a shit about your idea until you give me a better offer." You angrily spoke into the phone, hanging up before the person on the other side could respond.

You put the phone away, sighing as you rubbed your forehead. You slumped back into your chair and closed your eyes, trying to avoid another headache you could already feel growing. You were tired, exhausted to be honest. Your work was draining you completely, it took up all your time, energy and focus. You still stayed however, your job was important to you as the workaholic you were.

You felt two hands lie on your shoulders, squeezing gently to ease up the tension. You let out a groan as she worked your muscles, your headache fading away slowly.

She leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek, still massaging you with a bit of extra pressure. "Take a break, Mrs. y/l/n."

You opened your eyes and turned your head as much as you could to look at the woman behind you. "I need to work, it's important, Wanda."

Natasha stepped in front of you and placed her hands on your thighs, getting down on her knees as she stared up at you innocently. "Come on, Mrs. y/l/n. Just a small break." She said as she kept her gaze on you.

You were slowly giving in to them, arguing with yourself in your head whether or not a break would do any good. One look at your wives trying to break your composure made you lose the fight with yourself, instantly giving in to their antics.

You brushed some hair away from Natasha's face before slowly moving your hand around her neck, just holding it there. "What's this 'Mrs. y/l/n' stuff you guys are pulling?"

Wanda giggled before placing soft kisses on your neck. "Well, you're our boss aren't you?"

"We're married, and you guys haven't worked for me in a good while." You raised your eyebrow.

Natasha shook her head. "No no, we work for you. We're just your assistants, ready to do whatever work you deem necessary, Mrs. y/l/n."

You smirked, squeezing Natasha's throat just a tiny bit. "Really now?"

She blinked up at you, nodding her head as her tongue shot out to lick her bottom lip. You took Wanda's hand from your shoulder and made her walk in front of you, gesturing for her to get down next to Natasha.

Wanda got down on her knees, slowly moving her hand up your pants towards your zipper. You leaned back in your chair, removing your hand from Natasha as you placed them on your armrests instead. You watched as Wanda pulled your zipper down, sliding her fingers into your underwear and wrapping them around your cock.

You let out a quiet groan as she squeezed a bit, stroking slowly before freeing your cock from your underwear. "What do you call me?"

Wanda kept stroking you up and down as they both looked up at you. Natasha let her lip twitch up into a smirk before answering. "Mrs. y/l/n?"

You tutted her with a small shake of your head. "Wrong answer, baby."

"Mommy?" She gave another guess, her answer earning her some pats on her cheek.

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