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I was deep in my thought after I opened that message. Who is this?

"Y/n, where do you think her dairy would be? " Lee know asked softly bringing me back to reality.

" Uh- it probably isn't in her house. I am damn sure it's with someone. But who could it be? " I said but soon another notification popped on screen from the same unknown person.

I looked around the park but I found no one suspicious.

" You are busy chatting with someone when you need to find who's behind all this. " Lee know said in an annoyed tone.

" I'm sorry. Let's head back to our classroom it's almost time for the class to start" I said.


Through out the classes I couldn't focus my mind seemed to be distracted and same with Lee know. We tried our best not to be stressed out but It was obvious for anyone.

At the cafeteria we didn't even spoke a word to each other. We were silently eating our food.

"Y/n do you think we can continue living like this? I mean we haven't done anything wrong, then why do we have to live like this? " Lee know asked looking deep into my eyes with tensed up face.

"You're right so hyun would never want us to lead a life like this. Someone who ever is messing with us has to pay back."

"Yeah that is what I am talking about who is THAT SOMEONE!" Lee know almost shouted while telling the last part grabbing everyones attention.

" Yah! Why are you shouting. " I said hitting his arm.

"Sorry " He mumbled softly with is mouth filled with food.

" But you know while we were in the playground I received this text from an unknown person." I said showing him the text.

" Whoever it is he or she has some connection with what is happening with us" He said as soon as he saw the message

" Yah! There is no connection this someone is the one behind all this. Use your brain pro. Per. Ly" I said hitting his forehead.

" What do we do now? " He said while chewing his food.

" For now let's stay low cause who ever it is he or she is in this school it's not possible for an outsider to do so. Let's discuss about it when we'll go home. " I said continuing to eat my food

" I can't go with you today since I skipped today's practice in the morning I have to stay back and practice with them" He said.

" It must be hard for you" I said with a sympathetic face while patting his back.

" Did you make any friend there? " I asked

" You sound like my mother you know anyways the boys there are nice including me we are total 8 bangchan is the president there" He explained.

" Good for you"


"Y/n! " I heard someone shout behind my back as I stopped on my track. I was on my way back to home.

" Y/n I'm sorry about earlier I shouldn't have behaved like that with you both earlier. I couldn't find Lee know any where so I apologized to you first. " He said as he stood face to face in front of my face.

" You know it's not your fault I would have done the same if anyone would have behaved just like we did. I should be the one apologizing for scaring you all and interrupting between your meeting " I said I can't blame him for what happened earlier he knows nothing so it's obvious for him to react like that plus he has already helped me a lot.

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