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" Did you like it? " The first thing lino asked as soon as he got down from the stage after showing his group dance to me. " That was actually great I need to agree" I replied fully satisfied with their performance. Well... They needed someone's comment on their new dance and I was the one who they found even though I don't even have basic knowledge about it.

" You think everyone will like this? " Bang chan asked nervous. " Of course they will" I comforted bang chan who looked somewhat burdened cause it's actually burdensome of being the only leader in the whole group. " If you were successful in impressing Y/n I know it won't be hard to Impress others" Hyeon ji said as she stood beside me with a cheerful smile. She always has that bright and jolly energy around her which I like.

" Actually you know " Lino added, wiping his sweat off from his forehead. " I'll go now " I informed them and walked away. The moment I left I felt down again, I feel tired even if I sleep for hours. I walked through the corridors and realized I should go to the library since everyone is busy with their departmental work. I can go there and study for the exams.

I grabbed my books from my bag and went to library. I'm not worried about exams I have kept myself prepared for it. I looked through the shelves to find a reference book but some sound caught my attention. It was very familiar I looked around and spotted Jihoon and yeon seo sitting on one of the chairs placed at a few distance away from me.

They both were laughing and chatting but made sure not to be that loud even though there was barely anyone in here. If I look at them they indeed look good together then why the hell am I always getting in their way? Because of me Jihoon has to spend time with me, because of my stupid deeds. I'm sure if he spends time with her more there's a high probability of them getting in a relationship. I have to suppress my feelings there's no other way.

If I speak a word I'll ruin everything. Everything. Its better if I distant myself from him, the more I'll avoid him it will more easier to get rid of my feelings. I managed to get out of the library without catching their attention and walked to the staff room. I took a deep breath before knocking the door. Soon the teacher came out and looked at me in question. " Ma'am I was wondering if I could sit in Minji's place since she'll be absent for few days. " Minji the girl who broke her leg, thanks to her I got to be the MC. " Are you sure Y/n? She has no deskmate." My homeroom teacher looked somewhat worried. " It's fine by me ma'am. "

That's exactly what I have wanted from the beginning, to be alone. Even though I'm not used to of it now but I know I can survive. If this leads to conflict let it be, it's better. I sat down on the usual bench at the school ground, the only place where I find peace. This place has always been my comfort place. Letting the cool breeze hit my face I closed my eyes to relax. There's a lot going on in my life and I have still no idea what I should do. I feel like crying at my condition but again I'm sick of it. Nothing goes right way in my life, it's all my fault. A person like me should never be in love, I don't deserve any bit of the happiness.

" Hey what are you doing here all alone? " Hyeon ji sat beside me. " Being alone is what I want" I mumbled and looked straight. " Then are you fine if I give you some company or should I leave?" She asked politely. " You can stay just don't talk. " I said and smiled at her. Well I'm mentally preparing myself before the class starts.

Bell rang and I got up to leave " I hope everything will get fine for you" Hyeon ji said which was too kind of her. " Sure" I faintly smiled at her and left. The first thing I did on entering the class was to shift to Minji's place. And sat quietly there staring blankly at the black board.

" Why are you sitting here? " There was some sort of panick in his voice but I didn't bother replying. " At least tell me what have I done? " He held my wrist to catch my attention but I pulled back my wrist from his grip. " Leave me alone. " I spoke Irritatedly. He didn't reply anything and left quietly. I shifted my attention to the opened book in front of me but I felt the chair beside me move. I looked to my side and saw Jihoon sitting beside me with his bag.

" I'm not leaving you alone. Stop with your tantrums" He gave me cold look but I decided not to give up. " Jihoon, homeroom teacher has changed my place it's better if we don't sit together. " I explained to him with the very little energy that was left in me. " I know it's not the homeroom teacher. But if that's what you want so much then fine. I'll leave you alone. Tell me when you need me. " He took his bag and finally left. I sighed and tried to calm my heart which felt heavy. I don't like any of this. I slammed the book shut and strolled out of the class.

I closed the door of the washroom and stood still against it. Soon the tears started streaming down my eyes, I don't want to cry it's not going to fix anything. Nor I can fix anything so it's better to cry and feel a bit relieved I don't care if I miss the class. Happiness was never meant for me, I shouldn't have crossed the line. I should have controlled my feelings. You knew it Y/n, you knew he likes someone then why? Why would you do this mistake? You were the first one to know about it, still you couldn't control your stupid feelings? Even after knowing everything you still decided to fall for him? You deserve it. You deserve to cry. I crouched down on the floor quietly and stared blankly.

40 minutes later~

I heard the bell ring. There was no point in wiping my tears as they were already dried out. I got up from the floor and splashed water on my face to get hold of myself. I looked at my reflexion in the mirror in front of me. It's time to get rid of it.

I was walking through the corridor when I saw lino approaching me who was already running out of breath. " Where were you? " He asked between his long breaths. " Can you call Her now? " His eyes went wide and immediately straightened his back. " It's time? " He asked softly. " It's time " I nodded and walked away.


The classroom I was in was empty and the wind blew across the room through the wide opened windows. The calmness was soo soothing and relaxing.

" Y/n you called me? " She stepped inside the class room and searched for me. " Na-eun was your elder sister right ?"

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