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Flash back

Y/n's Pov

"Okay students I'm very happy to introduce you to your new classmate
Please come and introduce yourself " Our homeroom teacher smiled looking at the new girl.

" Hi I'm Ji so hyun. I hope we'll get along " She said nervously.

" You can go and take your seat beside

" Okay" She bowed and sat beside me I greeted her back with a smile.

We got along pretty well it had been only few weeks she got close with all of us. But one thing always seemed off about her was she would be deep in her own thoughts. we noticed bruises on her arms, wrists and legs. She seemed scared even if someone touches her. We had to assure her that it's safe we won't hurt her.

We had our own friend circle of 7 people now including so hyun though she was more close to me and minho. We were like a trio you'll find us together everytime. Everything was going good it's been 1 year since she transferred to our school.

New sessions had already begun. And we had a new student Jung Na-eun. She was the daughter of the trustee of our school. We never talked to her but so hyun always seemed uncomfortable around her.

Ji so hyun Pov

" My name is Na-eun. I'm the daughter of the trustee of this school I hope you'll take good care of me" She smirked looking at me. I lowered my head not wanting to catch her eyes. Please not her. I don't want to go through the same things again please.

My hands were trembling and my heart was beating very fast. " So hyun? Are you okay? You look scared. " Y/n asked looking at me with worried eyes.

" Uh? Yeah I'm fine" I assured her with a soft smile. Calm down so hyun she won't do anything to you. You have Y/n and minho with they won't let her hurt you.

Y/N's Pov

It's been 3 month since our new session started. Class is about to start but so hyun isn't here yet. I wonder if she's alright.

" Minho? Did you talk to so hyun today? " I asked turning behind were minho was seated.

" Don't tell me you couldn't contact her too. " He replied with wide eyes on hearing my question.

" Do you have any idea what's going on? Cause these few months she has distant herself from us. She rarely goes out with us. " I said fiddling with the pen.

" I know right. I called her this morning but she didn't pick up. Did she get a boyfriend? " He asked raising his left eyebrow.

" Pabo. Do you really think that so hyun is the type to this with her own friends. But if this could be the actual matter then I guess there will be any relevant reason behind it. Also we just can't assume anything. " I said turning to my front as the teacher entered.

" Students." The teacher let out a deep sigh before continuing. " Ji So Hyun is no more with us. She has committed su*cide" As soon as the teacher completed the room was filled with the sound of gasps and shocked students faces.

It was suffocating for me to breathe. I was suffering from anxiety. My breath got heavier. Tears rolled down my cheeks. " Ma'am " I managed to say between my heavy breathe and somehow got up from the seat.

" Y/n are you alright? " The teacher asked with wide eyes. " Minho take her to the Infirmary " Teacher commanded Minho who was as shocked as me. He panicked and held my hand so that I won't fall and led me to the infirmary. Tears kept falling down his eyes.

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