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" I don't want you to do anything. Just-" He stopped speaking and looked at me.

" Forget it" He shook his head and looked away. I wonder what he wanted to say. " No. Tell me I'll do it" I said with all the confidence.

" Don't. Forget everything that happened 10 minutes ago and remove all these tension between us. I hate this atmosphere. " He closed his eyes and lean on his seat

He really seems to not like this. Because of my stupidity I ruined his mood. I regret every single word I said to him few minutes back.

" Tell me one of your secrets that you haven't told anyone before." I spoke trying my best to change the awkwardness between us. He immediately sat straight and thought for a while.

" Now when I think about it I don't really have any secrets to be honest." He said and nodded agreeing to his own statement. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

" I don't think so" He pouted. I was trying my best to surpass my grin as I was happy that he's finally getting back to his usual self

" Really I don't have any. What about you? " He says. " Not until you tell me one of yours. " He sighed not expecting this.

Thats when the bus reached the stop. We hurriedly walked out of bus. " Fine I'll tell you one but better tell me one of yours too. " He says and continued walking towards the café.

" You seem very interested in my secret" I commented walking side by him.

" Because you rarely tell me something about yourself. You rarely even speak. I can't miss this chance. " He shoved his hands in his pockets. He doesn't really seems the type of person to have secrets cause the way he talks and never shuts up I doubt he has one.

" I don't know whether this is the type of secret you want but this is all I have. " He says to me.

" My mother died 5 years back. I was young and since my father would always be busy with his work, there was no one to look after us. Me and my brother. So he married a lady. She was caring and kind. I never really talked to her but my father had a lot of faith in her. she really loved my father, that is what I thought. She was having an affair with someone else. I some how came to know about it. And when I told her I would tell this to my father she showed her actual self to me. She said if I would do that she would destroy my father's business. Because my father had transfered a good percent of share of his business to her. It would be very easy for her to take over the company. I had no option Y/n. I was left with no choice but to keep quiet." Congratulations Y/n you have successfully ruined the day. Sometimes the person who seems the most happiest holds the darkest secrets we have ever imagined. I wasn't expecting this. But I accept it.

" Please don't tell this to anyone " He begs. " I won't trust me. I won't " This day seems the worst. Jihoon is like a happy pill to me. I never thought that our conversation can ever turn this deep. I should stop here I'm only ruining his day by bringing up things which hurts him. I didn't ask any farther I can't make the day worse anymore.

The door bell rang as we entered the café. He stood a bit far from the door step and scanned the whole area, probably finding a table for us. He walked when he was successful in finding one. I followed him quietly

" Okay so what do you want to know about me? I'll tell you." I asked as soon as we settled down.

He seemed lost. That's probably because of what he revealed to me i guess."What happened? What happened to that girl who bullied your friend" I gasped. The air around me seemed to thickening. But since he shared his secret I should share fine too to make it fair

" She died. Na eun hung herself in her room. I and lee know somehow managed to gather the evidences and we even succeeded but we never knew that she would do that to herself. And that's my fault too. When she was revealed as a bully and also how her father tried to cover up everything, she was being bullied, her father's reputation was destroyed too. 1 month later we came to know that she died." I let out a shaky breath and looked at him just to meet his shocked eyes

" It's my fault. I regret everything I did. I lost everything. Everyone I had" I tried my best to hold back my tears. How worse can this day get?

" You regret helping your own friend? "   I heard him say.

" I-i I'm fucking responsible for someone's death, Jihoon. I was trying to find the one who took my friend's life in the end what did I do? I did the same thing. I destroyed someone's life. " My voice cracked.

" You're not responsible for anything y/n trust me" He assured

" I am. I am Jihoon. I'm responsible and now whatever I'm going through I deserve it. Those rumors and unknown threats I deserve it all. " I closed my eyes and took a long breathe trying to not cry out.

He wanted to speak something but was interrupted by the waiter. We placed our orders and sat in silence. None of us dared to speak a word.

" How long have you been friends with hyunsuk? " He locked his eyes with me.

" Since I was 10. He's very close to me. Why do you ask though? "
" Just curious. " I waved my hands

" What you guys doing here? " We turned our heads towards the person this voice belonged to.

" I should ask you the same? You had dance practice right? " I looked at lino who was looking at Jihoon.

" Oh. Well bangchan suddenly decided to treat us. " I looked behind him to see them but they were not there.

" But I see no one from your team" I raised my eyebrows.

" Jihoon? Why weren't you attending classes? " He ignored my question and sat beside me.

" I wasn't well. " He said as confused as me by lino's sudden appearance.

" You don't know how worried she was where you were not replying to her messages and calls" He blurt out. I elbowed him making sure he's hurt.

" Excuse me for a sec" Jihoon said and went towards the washroom. Once he was gone I pinched lino's side.

" You better spill the truth. What are you doing here?" He groaned and I finally let go of him.

" I came here with yujin, she left a bit early because something came up. Trust me it's nothing else. " He said caressing the pinched area.

" Yujin? You went on a date with her? You lied to ME? Now you have been LYING TO ME? " I was mad at him for not telling me anything about this. I'm equally happy that he is finally dating someone but I feel betrayed for not telling me.

" Y/n trust me it was all of a sudden. I would have told you back then but jihoon was there so I couldn't trust me I was about to tell you. But what are you doing here? WITH JIHOON? You are on a date? You are lying to me? Now you have been lying to me? "

" Shut up! I would never want this day to be my date with Jihoon. Never. I'd rather prefer any other day but not this, this day is just worst! " Shit! I hope he doesn't understands it.

"So you like him? I was right?! Yes!! " He yelled in victory. Fuck.

" Keep your voice low, will you? Yeah you were right. But I'm not as lucky as you I have no not even a little chance with him. " I sighed and cupped my face.

" No.. No way. Y/n I have seen him how he looks at you. I have noticed him around you I know he likes you. " He was patting my back to cheer me.

" I do like him. Trust me I do. But he sees me just like a friend and no one else. You have seen him but you don't know him. I know him and he already likes someone else. He is someone who will never see me the way I see him. He will never feel the way I feel for him" I kept rambling. But it was my first time telling about my feelings to someone else. It felt relieved to finally let out things I have kept inside me.

" Y/n." This wasn't lino. I want to die here. Right here in this spot. I wish I could disappear right now. I shouldn't have walked outside my room today.

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