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" Are you okay now? " I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder while walking through the hallways to reach my classroom. I didn't even felt the need to look at who it was cause, I knew it was lino. I simply nodded without giving much attention to him.

" You look dead. " He let out the comment as he judged my facial expressions. " Tell me something new" My voice was almost inaudible and my eyes we're bearly open. It's not like I didn't get enough sleep last night but I don't feel energized today, my battery is all out even though I woke up few hours ago.

" Y/n, look as a responsible friend, from now on I won't let you go anywhere without me. " He placed his other hand on his chest as if he's taking an oath but I'm sure that won't last long cause he's a member of a club and I'm not so it's not possible to stick around every where. " Sure" I replied with no enthusiasm and walked to my seat with hunched shoulders. The seat beside mine was vacant though I could spot someone's bag. I thanked God for him being not present and took my seat. Just when I relaxed myself on the seat I saw him approaching to my table.

" Are you fine? " was the first thing he asked it's not like I wasn't expecting this question instead I would have been surprised he would not have asked this. " I am totally fine " I put my head down on the table and closed my eyes to atleast get some sort of peace. I don't know what was going on in my mind but I felt tired and dead. " Oh. BTW where did you two vanish last night? Or? Did you both go on a date? " A guy named lino asked or sort of teased. I can predict what his facial expression looks like now even though my eyes are closed. " You have weak memory or what? " Was jihoon's response. " I don't " Lino replied sassily " I already told I like someone. " I could feel that awkward silence between them but I didn't care about it.

" Class, settle on your places " The teacher said on entering class, looking at the students scattered all around the room. " Now the festival is over so I guess it's finally time for you to start preparing for your exams" The class was soon filled with cheerless noises expressing their disappointment at the teacher's words. " Anyways lets begin with our class" The teacher ignored the students and turned around facing the black boards


It's recess now and I was here sitting on the chair far from the other students. I had no appetite but that was the only thing I could do since others are busy with their departmental work. Does being a member of club means you can't even get to eat food until your work's done? I shook that thought away and paid my concentration on the food that was lying abundantly on the plate. " As I promised. " The chair beside mine moved followed by the other chairs closure to mine. I looked around my surrounding to see that lino and his whole dance club was sitting around me. Damn. " You said you'd be by my side your whole club wasn't mentioned in your promise" I whispered to lino.

" Oh well this isn't my whole club our club is a lot bigger than this. You are familiar with most of them just that you're meeting hyeon ji's friend for the first time. Her name is gabi say hii to her. " He looked at some direction and I followed it just to land at some girl who sat on the opposite side of mine. She gave me an awkward smile and shrugged looks like she has been dragged here. I looked beside her and saw hyeon ji. " I hope you're alright. " She sympathized and I just gave her a faint smile in return " She knows about it? " I whispered to lino " I never told her, maybe heard from someone. " He whispered back.

I finally decided to eat the food lying in front of me but then my eyes landed on Jihoon who was approaching our table but turned away in the midway sat beside yeon seo. I looked around myself and saw none of the chair been vacant around me. " So Y/n did it work out between you and that guy? " Han managed to speak even though his mouth was stuffed with food. Well looking at what Jihoon did right now makes it crystal clear it'll never work out.

The whole table was silent and was patiently waiting for me to speak up. "Han you're not supposed to ask that" The eldest slightly elbowed the younger. " Nah. It didn't. It will never be" I spoke making the table silent again. " Never mind y/n we'll help you find out someone else. " Bang chan tried his best to lighten up. " How about?... Seungmin? " He pointed at seungmin who was happily enjoying his food but made him spill those out by his words. " Seriously? You're not good at consoling " Lino who looked disgustingly at chan " You think you're any better, lino? " I turned my gaze to my said best friend. He just cleared his throat and played with the food.

" Y/n? Is lino you're only friend from the past? " Hyeon ji asked. " She never had friends to begin with nor I had any so outcast and another outcast became friends " He lied. Of course we don't want to go around telling people about our past. " But she's popular on Instagram, still she was an outcast? Seems unrealistic to me. " " Who cares that all past now. Y/n I'm hosting a party next week in my house. I'd be grateful if you'd attend. " Felix seemed so hyped up excited for his party. " I know no one there. " I poked the food and pouted. " You want me to invite him? " He suggestion gave me a spark of hope. " But ain't I supposed to move on? " I said at the sudden realization. " C'mon that's just what you think. He likes you I know" My best friend said.

" Fine so I hope to see both of you there." Felix smiled and left with his plate followed by everyone until me and lino were left. " Aren't you going? " I asked to him who was sitting beside me. " Not until you finish and get to the class" he leaned on the chair comfortably. " I'm fine you can-" " Hey y/n can I get your number? " Gabi gave me smile that I couldn't resist but ended up giving my number to her.


I laid flat on my bed and stared at the ceiling after finishing my homework. I had nothing to do now. My parents were also not home yet and neither I was in the mood of watching TV. Why am I so drained today?

I heard my ringtone play cross my room. I sat up to looked for my phone and found it on my study table. It was an unknown number. I hesitated on picking it up but finally did. Could it be?

" Hello?" The voice was familiar but couldn't figure out who it was.

" I trusted you! " I heard someone else's voice from the line. It was not the same person who said hello.

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