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Jihoon's Pov

I was in the third corridor where Hyunsuk's class is. I was worried about Y/n after she left the rooftop I asked Yeon SEO about what happened with them in the past and she told me everything.

Now I know why Y/n doesn't like anyone. Why she doesn't talk to anyone freely and likes her own company. I did know about her friend but never knew it was related to school bullying. I agree she is cold to others, I even thought she is rude and mysterious which made me more curious about her. I wanted to know why she is like that? what made her like this? After so many attempts she finally considered me her friend.

She gave Justice to her friend and now she's being painted as a bully. Now when I know the truth it makes me more frustrated. I just want to fix everything and bring it back to normal it doesn't matter what it costs me.

She already went through a lot in the past and she doesn't deserve all this hate at all. Is there nothing I can do to prove her innocence?

I was waiting out of Hyunsuk's class for him. I wanted him to help me with this.

" You heard about Y/,n right? Our school's slut? How about I use her? I mean she won't mind after all that is what she wants. It would be fun" I heard someone say these words I looked in the direction and the one who said it was Do Kyung.

My blood boiled at what he said. I balled my fists and punched him in his face.

" Woah! Jihoon calm down! If you want I can share her with you. " He chuckled. The next thing I remember is he is on the Ground ( *everything I need is on the ground) and I was on top of him punching him in the face.

Y/n's Pov

I, Yeon Seo, hyunsuk, and lino were waiting outside the principal's office for Jihoon who was inside along with Do kyung.

I didn't speak anything but just prayed for him to not get suspended.

He walked out of the cabinet with a smile and looked at me.

" What did he say? " Minho asked immediately.

" Well Do Kyung parents are being called tomorrow. " Jihoon scratched his nape and laughed awkwardly.

" What about you? " I asked as I went towards him.

" Well... I'm fine. See I wasn't hurt at all. " Jihoon said

" I know but what did the principal say?"

" Nothing " He casually replied.

" So you are telling me after beating Do kyung to pulp Principal didn't even say a single word to you? " Minho asked with suspicion.

" Do kyung was the one who started it so he's the one being punished" He shrugged.

" What did you both fought for? " Yeon seo asked.

" Can you all calm down? I'm fine and I guess that's all matters. I'm tired let's just go back to the class. " He said and walked away.

I looked at Hyunsuk who stood there quietly with an unpredictable face he does know something?


The rest of the day went by like that. People staring, judging and gossiping about me.

I was waiting for the bus alone at the bus stop. I looked at the sky it was clear and beautiful.

" hey!" I looked towards the direction, where the sound came from.

" you're?" I squinted my eyes when I looked at her.

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