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" No!!!! I'm not going inside" I cried out loud and keping my feets fixed to the ground. " Y/n, stop embarrassing me and walk inside. " Lino spoke with clenched jaws and hand holding my wrist in his grip along with a fake smile that stretched on his face as he lightly bowed to the strangers passing by us with a questionable expression. " Y/n I haven't used any of my strength yet and once I do it you'll find yourself sitting in your classroom. " He dragged me inside the school ground with only his one hand which was definitely strong enough to do so.

" Lino" I pleaded still trying to set free my hand from his grip. " I don't want to go. " I hit his hand which was tightly wrapped around my wrist in an attempt to get out of his control. But he didn't even flinch.

" Jesus Y/n. What's wrong with you? " He asked but still kept dragging me inside the campus while I was struggling to escape. " I already told you. I'm not going inside please.. " I was on the verge of crying. I was terrified at the idea of facing him. Not when I told him those ridiculous things. I would be dying from embarrassment once I'll face him. " Please you're my best friend how can you do this to me? " I whined still suffering to get out of his hold. For the sake of not embarrassing myself in front of him I'm embarrassing myself in front people passing by us that kept turning their heads to look at our show. " I'm your best friend that's why I'm doing this to you. You can't miss classes Y/n. Now bother telling me what mess you created at school? " He side eyed me but made sure to keep his hold tight on my already hurting wrist. " Lino? What if yujin sees you holding my hand? She'd misunderstand. Don't you think you should let go of it? " I blinked and smiled at him. " I'm not a fool. " He muttered. I'm disappointed but not surprised I knew he'll not be falling for it.

" Gosh? What happened? Why is Y/n crying ? " Yeon seo's attention went to lino's hand that held my delicate wrist. "She doesn't want to go to school. So me being a responsible best friend I'm dragging her inside the classroom. " He replied and continued pulling me along with him. " Why? " Her eyes went wide looking at me in disbelief. I hit her arm with my free hand that was close to my reach. " It's because of you" Only if she would have agreed on dating him he wouldn't have cried yesterday nor I would have said something that embarrassing. " What? What did I do? " She Caressed her stinging arm thanks to me. " Why her? " I glared at him and slowly stepped on his foot which earned me a wince from him but that made him release me from his grip.

" It's your fault too." I spat. " Why do you always have to stay back after school? Can't you go home with me? Huh? " Only if he wouldn't have stayed back and went home with me Jihoon wouldn't have sat beside me nor he would have cried neither I would have said those words. I glared at both of them with ragging eyes. My fingers went through my hair making them messy. Why would you say that Y/n? I thought  and pulled my hair out of frustration.

I felt something wrap around my wrist slowly again. I glared and cursed at him to which he smiled shamelessly. " Mind explaining us why we are responsible for your resentment?" He said bitterly.

" Shut your mouth! " I yelled to which the poor boy flinched. " Fine. Bye yeon seo see you around. " He smiled at her and dragged me along with him. I gave up. It's okay y/n he might have forgotten it. My inner voice said.

You think so? My other inner voice replied. I can't. I squeezed my eyes shut when the doorway of my classroom got visible in my sight.

" Close the door she might run away. " I heard lino instruct someone. I slightly opened my eyes and got greeted by the familiar floor of my classroom. " I'm not a prisoner. " I muttered under breath.

He finally let go of my poor wrist from his hella tight grip. I cursed under my breath and walked to my seat with my eyes fixed to the floor. It was hard for me to check whether he was there or not because my hair covered my most of the vision. I sat quietly on the seat without daring to lift my eyes up.

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