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Did you miss me?
Of course you did!
I'm ready to reveal myself to you. If it's okay for you. I won't force you. I hope you are aware of my feelings and I want to confess as soon as I can.
Here's my number if you don't text me I'll take it as a no.
~ your admirer (:

It's crazy at first how I wanted to ignore him but right now I really want to meet him. It's not like I like him but it's just that I like his personality, he feels like someone whom I can share my thoughts. He's the type of person who I'd love to keep in my life.

I saved the number.

To be revealed(:


Wait? Y/n?


You really want to meet me?!


Thank you so much let's meet on the day of festival in your classroom since at that time it will be empty. Is that fine?

Of course

Please don't hate me once I reveal myself

Why would I? I have no reason to hate you.

I hope so. Bye then


I looked up from my phone's screen just to find the bus approaching the bus stop. I put my phone in my pocket and got inside once the bus stopped.

As I moved inside the bus I felt someone behind me but I didn't bother looking who it was. The bus isn't that crowded generally at this time so it was easier for me to find a seat for myself.

I felt someone sit beside me but I was busy finding my earphones in my bag. " Hi " He leaned his head down to my level. Once I took notice I forgot how to breathe. I wanted to avoid him but this seems pretty hard cause nothing goes the way I want. I would rather watch a horror movie alone than to have a conversation with him right now. Save me. I can jump from the window just to avoid him but I won't cause if I die who will help lino get a girlfriend. I can't die without even seeing him having a girlfriend. I need to tease him. Wait that's not what I'm supposed to think right now.

" You? Not gonna greet me back? " He stared at me patiently. " Sorry. Hi. " I immediately looked outside the window out of awkwardness. " You seem different around me these days. Is there anything wrong? " " No. " " Look at me and then say it" I kept tapping my foot on the floor out of nervousness.

" There's nothing wrong with me" I tried switching to my second personality but that option didn't seem to work. But I could manage looking at him.

" Oh then..." My spine locked up. My shoulder stiffened when I felt him laying his head on my shoulder. " You would be fine with this since we have done this before" Of course we have done this before but I'm equally flustered like the first time. What's wrong with this planet? What's wrong with this universe? I'm here trying my best to avoid my feelings but I think no one likes this idea.

" I'm so tired" He muttered " How can you? You slept during all the classes. " Yes I can talk. I'm just trying to clear out the tension between us. Because this situation clearly shows I can't avoid him. " I thought you were avoiding me." Okay. This tension is going to remain forever. " I'm not avoiding you there's just something going on I need to clear out before it takes too long. " I waved my hand in the air and sighed. I really don't want to feel that way towards you but it seems something impossible for me. Why out of everyone does it have to be him? If my feelings breaks out to him I'll lose everything I have with him.
" What is it? I can help you" He sat up straightening his spine. I turned my head to take a quick glance at him just to find him already staring at me. We looked at each for about more than 3 seconds until he broke the contact. " You don't have to say it if it's about him. " He said laying his head back on my tired shoulder. " Not that I wanted to talk about it" I rolled my eyes and stared blankly.

" Have you both started dating yet? " I heard him ask. " No. I haven't confessed" I bid my lower lip and looked down at my lap. " Does he likes you too" I went quiet. " No. He likes someone else. " I hated replying the answer to this question to him but I'm curious what he would say.

" Then why are you intervening?" Intervening? His words really stabbed me. Forming words seemed impossible for me. I pressed my lips together trying not to speak anything stupid. " Focus on someone who likes you not on someone who doesn't likes you back. It will give you nothing but heart break." Someone who likes me? As in the letter boy? " Don't go for someone who doesn't value you. Who is blind to notice your feelings " His words vibrated close to my skin. " Right. " I mutter under my breath.

" Then? What about you? Does yeon seo likes you back? " I blurt out. Last time when I spoke about yeon seo he warned me to not bring her up again. But me being a ridiculous person had to underestimate his warning. He didn't spoke I assumed he fell asleep. I let out a deep sigh and shook my head. " It's okay you don't have to say"

" I never said I don't want to answer" I almost jumped at his sudden voice. " I thought whatever I was doing was beneficiary but I guess I'm now facing it's down hill. I shouldn't have done that. I should have been honest from the very beginning. If I would have been honest from the start, We would have been together. " What did he do? - was the only question I had in my mind. His voice was all different. Different from the voice I am aware of.

Wait? I felt a drop of water on my shoulder. Is he? No. " Jihoon-? " I turned and looked at him with wide eyes. " She will never love me back. " He laughed bitterly as another drop of tear fell from his eyes. " I- " I was failing at finding words. I have never seen him in this condition neither I ever expect him to be. Y/n you are an idiot for bringing a question about her. That is why he always avoided talking about her I should have realized it earlier.

I felt the weight from my shoulder lift away. " I'm so lame right? Crying in front of you. I just couldn't hold back. Sorry I made you worried. " He kept his faint smile fixed on his face as if to assure me he was fine. He always showed he was fine. But he was never. He was never fine. Nothing was fine in his life. The more I got to know about him the more I could relate. We were on the same page from the start.

" I hated crying in front of someone. It made me look weak so I hated it. But my emotions remained the same even after crying my eyes out. I used to think that crying would make you feel better because you're letting your sorrow out but it wasn't actually crying but someone there to console you, someone there to listen to your problems will actually make you feel better. I realized when I broke into tears in front of lino. I agree he's nasty some times but he's been always my safest place. " I turned to him only to find his gaze already fixed at me. " I can be your safest place. If you let me. "

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