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I took a deep breath before stepping into the class. My eyes immediately looked straight to Jihoon's seat. He wasn't there. I was relieved that he wasn't there, I cannot lie to him while looking at him. There's just something in me that doesn't want me to lie to him. But it's better if I do so.

He can now finally attend classes since three weeks are over now. I'm happy that he is back but I haven't talked to him since that day. I wonder where he is.


" Oh when did you come back? " I heard lino clear his throat.

" Just a while ago" He sat on his place.
" You heard what we were talking about?" I asked hoping for a no. He nodded but he wasn't looking at me.
" It's not you" I spoke hard enough for him to hear

" I know. I know Y/n. It will never be me. I know. We are friends" He smiled finally making eye contact with me. It was genuine as if he was actually happy for me.
" Is he from our school? " He asked looking at me. It was impossible for me to speak without stuttering. I glanced at lino for his help but he kept his eyes fixed to the floor

Y/n you can't look nervous right now in front of him. I can't. I can't ruin our friendship. I shook my head and looked at him.

" Oh. Lino? Aren't you leaving?" He immediately looked away from me.
" Oh. Yes. Sorry. I should get going. " He chuckled awkwardly and left leaving me once again alone with him. Jihoon's eyes never left lino until he was finally gone.

" What's his name?" He smiled faintly and leaned on the chair.

" Jihoon? Can you stop talking about this now. I don't know I just don't like it. Just like you said when we are together let's not talk about the person we like okay?"

" I was just curious. " He pouted

Flashback ends

That wasn't the best day at all like other days. After that we stayed silent without speaking anything at all. And eventually we returned home. It's been hardly a month since I lied but here we are getting distant more and more.

I kept my bag and noticed a letter. Oh? I forgot. Maybe it can at least make me feel a little better. I put the letter inside my pocket and went out of the class straight to rooftop.

Rooftop is the place where no one really visits making it the best suitable place for me. I pushed the door to enter but I could see someone's back facing me. It didn't take me a minute to realize who it was. Jihoon. He's here? I can't. I can't talk to him now. I'm not in the position to encounter him, his questions.

I immediately turned around to leave this place as soon as possible.

" Don't leave" Shit. I mentally face palmed myself. Why is the world always against me? Why.

I managed to make myself look calm but inside I was- SCREAMING!

" Are you going to keep facing that side?" There was a bit annoyance in his question. I turned around only to find him close to me.

" Don't get me wrong I wasn't avoiding you. I just didn't see you" I looked away while I kept fiddling with my fingers but ended up hurting them.

" I never asked about it. Instead I think I should get used of it now. Since-"
" The sky is so pretty " I cut him off intentionally cause I knew what was coming. I knew. He would say something which will obviously be hard for me to answer.

" Right" He said still looking at me.
" Atleat look at it. " I rolled my eyes
" Well I had been staring at it for a long time"
" What were you doing here? " I walked towards the bench placed a few distance away from us.

" I can ask you the same" He followed Me.

" But I asked first" I sat on the bench and stretched my legs. " I wanted to be alone" He stood there silently just staring at me without blinking.

" You wanted to be alone? then why did you stop me? " " You're a different case" He shoved his hands in his pocket and looked away and srinked his eyes as the direct sun rays hit his face. You're a different case too.

" Why did you come here? "
" Oh. I wanted to me alone too. " I closed my eyes and let the air hit my face, it was calming.
" I guess we are not. " " I can leave if you want " I spoke with my eyes still closed.

" I don't want you to leave. Eve-"

" Are you guys dating or something I always find y'all together. " Lino approached us with smirk painted on his face. He definitely said that to tease me. I heard jihoon sigh. " Of course we are not" I rolled my eyes at him.

" We can never" Jihoon spoke.
" Of course you can. Just confess. I personally ship y'all the most " Lino seemed hyped up. God knows why. He sat down beside me and winked at me.

" Don't you know she likes someone else? You know right? Then why would you say so? If you are making fun of me Drop that now. " He crossed his arms around his chest and looked at lino with rage.

" What about you? Do you like someone? " Lino asked him. He wants to get punched in his face. Either he'll be punched by me or by Jihoon. I won't stop him either.

" I do like someone. Sorry like is very small word I love her. " He laid more stress on the word love. I faced the ground trying my best not to show any sort of emotions to him. Lino went immediately quiet. He understood what I meant earlier.

" Does that answer your question minho? " He was definitely pissed. That is what scares me. He's scarier when angry. As if he turns from a jolly person into a another person who is cold.

" Who is she? " Why does he have to go so far? For me? I know he is being so stubborn because of me.

" Why should I tell you? It's not like we are close. "

" It's time for the class to start. Lino let's go. " I stood up and pulled his arm. He nodded.

" What were you even trying to prove lino? " I burst out once I made sure jihoon isn't around. " I was trying to know-"

" Why? I already told you he likes sorry loves someone else." I was breathing heavily. Not that I was angry but was sad about what jihoon said earlier. " Y/n, I promised myself that I will always get you whatever you want, whatever you need doesn't matter what it takes. I will make you get it. I don't want you to be sad. I won't let you go through that phrase again. "

" I don't want you to compromise for someone else. I want you to stop blaming yourself for everything. You are not the reason for any of these. If he makes you feel happy. If his presence is precious to you I'll make sure he is yours. " He stared deep in my eyes.

" Lino, calm yourself down he's not a thing that you can just buy and give it to me. He doesn't have any feelings for me and about me I'm still not sure alright? It will take me just few days to feel the opposite. "

" Stop lying Y/n I know you very well. I'm not blind like jihoon. I can see. " He walked away with his hands in his pocket.

I wanted to have a simple life. Why is everything so unnatural around me?


" Okay class that is it for today. But I have some news for you. The festival which was postponed will be held on Wednesday. I hope the once who have joined clubs are well aware of it. I look forward to that day" Once the teacher left, the class was filled with whispers and gossips. I was peeved by those noise. I quickly grabbed my bag and walked out side since that was last period.

I was lacking energy, even the bag which contained not so many books seemed way heavy for me. I wanted to lay down and rest but not until I reach home. I had zero motivation to study today I seemed hopeless today.

I stood at the bus stop no one from my school was around which was unnatural. I pushed my hands in my pocket only to feel something inside it and thats when it hit me. The letter.

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