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" How am I supposed to do this" My fingers dugged deep into my hair reaching to my scalp and messing my already messed hair. " I'll faint on the stage. " He held my both hands and pulled them away from my hairs. " I know you'll do great. Everything you do is wonderful Y/n. Now stop pulling you hairs" He warned. " Great? I can't even say a word without fumbling. " I rolled my eyes and sat down on the seat. " You're just underestimating yourself. I know you can do better, just don't be nervous. " He handed me bottle of water as he plopped on the seat beside mine.

" I was literally left with no choice but to do this. I'm stuck. " I felt extremely pressured. " With me. " He completed softly. I turned to look at him and found him smiling and staring blankly at the wall. He's probably thinking something. I shook my head and got up.

" Let's continue practicing I need to do good "    

                               ̄ ̄

" Where's Y/n? " Lino appeared from the crowd infront of Jihoon. While Jihoon was going through the line up list. " She's not with you? " He looked at him with wide eyes and hint of terror.

" She was with me but she suddenly left. I thought she went to you. " He looked around himself to find even the slightest hint of her. They split up and wandered aimlessly to find her. " Y/n? " Jihoon called out in an attempt to get a response from her.

He went to the dressing room and scanned the whole room but she wasn't visible. " Y/n where are you? " He mumbled. " I'm here " Her fragile and soft voice was heard across the room. He looked around only to find her sitting on the floor all curled up in the corner. She was sweating and constantly taking heavy breaths. What she will be doing, she had no experience in it before. It would be acceptable if she is nervous." Y/n" He let out a sigh in relief. " Sorry I made you worried" Her voice was trembling which surely didn't go unnoticed by the almost 18 years old boy. " Are you okay?" He went to her and sat on the empty space beside her.

" I'm fine " She kept taking deep breaths. "Doesn't looks like you know?...Anxiety? " He leaned a bit close to her face to get a good view of it. She simply nodded and continued taking heavy breaths. " Y/n, look at me" He spoke and slightly turned to her. She refused doing so and remained in the same posture. " Atleast for once." His words were filled with grief and the reason is still unknown. She finally decided to do what he wanted. Averting her eyes to him she met with pair of black eyes, she couldn't resist but stare deep at it. Her tension seems to be blown away the exact time. "You'll surely make the greatest presence on the stage. I believe it. I believe in you" These words coming from the person whom she liked seemed like a blessing to her. Those compliments seemed to lighten up her mood and believed in herself. Those were the words she needed the most in this moment.

" Take a deep breath and let it go. Let go of all your worries. " He smiled at her which eventually made the nervous girl smile too. " You can go change now it's almost time. I'll go inform Lino he might still be wandering around. " He chuckled and walked out of the room.

                              ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

I took a deep breath and calmed myself. My heart beating so fast that I'm afraid it might pop out now. I can't pull my hair to let my frustration out before my beautifully done hair would be messed. I stood at the entrance of the stage which attached the stage to the back stage. Calm the fuck down you silly heart. You have the worst habit of beating faster at literally any point. If I could curse out loud I surely wouldn't have missed that chance. Y/n, calm down it's just a bunch of people. You won't meet them again. It's okay. Calm down.

I jumped when I felt someone grab my hands. Like what do you expect? Anyone would have similar response like mine. Looking to the person, yeah its him. " Still struggling? " Too focused on our tangled hands I ignored his question. Someone wake me up. " Y/n back to earth. " He waved his hand in front which brought me back to reality. "oh. yeah. " I cleared my throat but still had my undivided attention to our hands.

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