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" Who? " She asked with a straight face. " You know I was soo eager to meet you." I stepped closure to her and smiled. " And here you are! Disguised as Hyeon ji. "

" I don't know what you are talking about " She turned around to get out of the room but lino stood at the door frame stopping her. " I'm absolutely sure you know what I'm talking about. " I crossed my arms across my chest and waited for her to reply. " What's wrong with you both? Let me go Min-ho" She was Infuriated.

" You have already done a lot Hyeon ji give up with your act now, we know who you really are. " Lino stepped closure to her intimidatingly. She turned to me with an unreadable face and stood in front of me. " I don't know why you are suspecting me but let me tell you I'm not the one. " Her eyes we're filled with rage and anger.

" Are you sure about that Ms. Hyeon Ji" Said Jihoon who was standing in front of Yeon seo and Lino. I never told him about any of this. The one who were aware was Yeon seo and Lino. Jihoon had his phone in his hand and played a recorded audio which was supposed to be played by lino

" I trusted you! "
" Listen hyeon ji what you are doing now is going out of hand. You giving her threats on phone was still acceptable but you literally locked her inside a dark classroom hyeon ji! "
" So what?! She was just locked gabs, she didn't die. She didn't die like my sister! "
" What if she would have? "
" Oh c'mon gabs, she wouldn't. If she could live such happily after killing my sister then it was just a mere dark room."
" How long will you continue this?"
" Until she is soo traumatized that she ends up hanging herself. "
" How can you be soo cruel? "
" Cruel? You expect me to let go my sister's murderer? Who's responsible of my sister's death? Let me make this clear, I will ruin her no matter what! If you dare to interfere be ready to face the consequences cause I won't spare you! "

" Your sister was indeed lucky to have you but let me be honest you're no better than her. " Lino spat as soon as the audio stopped playing. "Don't you dare say anything about her" Hyeon ji warned pointing her index finger at lino. " We are really sorry to ruin your such a marvelous plan. " Hyeon ji rolled her eyes at Jihoon.

" Hyeon ji, from here it's your choice what you want to do. Continue with your mischief or end it here. If you end it here no one except us would even have a idea about what happened here but if you want to carry on then your life would turn out exactly like your sister. "

" Isn't it so easy for you to ruin anyone's life? You are literally responsible for my sister's death but I see no guilt tripping over you. You are living your life to the fullest leaving my family suffer at the loss of my sister. You have no idea how it feels to lose someone! " She yelled at me, her voice was shaky but she remained composed. " I have no idea? You don't even know why your sister's life was ruined. You know nothing but still have the guts to blame me? " I stepped closure to her. " Your sister was a bully! She bullied my friend, your dear sister bullied my friend to death! Do you have any idea how does it feel to be constantly assaulted, beaten up everyday, your elder sister used my friend as a punching bag. She was the only daughter of her parents. Do you even know how they would have felt losing their only child? She was being tortured everyday that she had to take her life to end it cause your rich father could easily shut anyone with the money he has. It was your sister's choice to take her own life but my friend was forced! She had no choice but to commit suicide. What happened to your sister was the result of her own sins she committed"

" Do you think I care? " Hyeon ji rolled her eyes. " The audacity of her! " Yeon seo was fuming with rage and was about to slap her until Jihoon stopped her. " You might not care because you never had friends because of the bad deeds you do that no one could help but maintain distance with you. Gabi too warned you for your mischief. Stop it and accept the truth. Your sister was the one who started it not me. Drop your act here otherwise you know. "

" You have no proof. " She smirked. " You're dumb just like your sister. I have sufficient evidences to prove you guilty. Firstly, the recording
Secondly, the lovely letters that you sent me matches with your handwriting
Thirdly, my favorite one, your friend, Gabi. " This time I smirked at her.

" Look I have absolutely no interest in destroying your freaking life. You can go around living like a wild animal I. Don't. Care. but if you dare to meddle in my life or my friend's I won't let you go. And you are surely aware what I'm capable of doing. So don't do the same mistake as your sister. " I stepped back and took a deep breath. She didn't reply but tried to get out of the room but was stopped by the trio guarding the door.

" Hyeon Ji, this is your last chance. Let her go" The trio moved from the way and let her leave. Once she was gone I was bombarded with questions. " What if she does it again? "
" Do you think she won't do it again?
" What if she plans something more dangerous? " Both lino and Yeon seo kept making possibilities while Jihoon remained calm. He stood quietly between them without speaking a word.

" It would be stupid of her to do the same mistake again. If she has the brain to plot things against me then she has the brain to think wisely too. Thank you for siding with me. " I pat lino's shoulder lightly as a thanking gesture while Yeon seo smiled at me.

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