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Y/n's POV

"It was all a trap! " I sat up straight on the bed when it all hit me. All I remember is I fainted in my classroom because someone had locked me in there.

" Y/n are you kidding me?!" I felt arms wrap around me into a hug. The person whom this voice belonged too was very familiar to me. " I thought you were dead. " The voice vibrated near my ears.

" Lino, are you done? " I turned my face, he indeed looked worried about me I thought he wasn't serious. He finally let me go and sat back on his seat placed just beside the bed I was sitting on.

" Y/n are you all right? All this happened because of that person right? It was him? " My attention turned to the feminine voice. It's was yeon seo

" Yes all this time it was the same person. I was the stupid one who didn't understood. I should have realized it earlier, when I started receiving those letters" Her look clearly said that she was confused of what I was saying.

" But most importantly who conducted the stage? " I looked at them in curiosity. While they looked at each other as if discussing about something though they didn't speak a word.

" Y/n your dead. " Lino said softly turning his face towards my direction.
" It was Jihoon who did everything alone. As it was clearly impossible for you to do it So he hosted the stage alone and did a great job at it. Even the homeroom teacher appreciated how he single handedly handled the stage. " Yeon seo said somehow trying to ignore what lino said. I felt relieved after hearing it from her.

" It's all my fa-" Before I could complete the door burst open and revealed Jihoon panting heavily while my bag hung on his shoulders. I immediately looked at lino who was terrified which made me confused. " Leave" Was all Jihoon said to the two sitting on the chair beside the bed. They immediately stood up and left  obeying Jihoon but before leaving lino gave me 'all the best' look which clearly wasn't a good sign. Just when the two left he closed the door behind them. He sat down on the very chair lino was sitting on.

" Why did you go there alone? " He said looking straight into my eyes with a furious look. " Be a little gentle towards me I just woke up. " I said with a pout and diverted my attention towards the front of me. I said that to calm his anger a bit down because he look way too furious than before.

" Answer me. " He said as he closed his eyes with frustration and spoke. His face had turned red. Is he trying to keep his anger inside him? At this point I was scared. Of him. " I went to meet my friend there" I spoke softly.

" May I know who he or she is? " He tried his best to be gentle but that clearly wasn't working. " Jihoon-" " Who was it Y/n?!Why would you even go there alone?! Stop! Stop saying lies to me. I know the one you went to meet there wasn't your friend but the one who sends you threat. How long?! How long are you going to be this stubborn. You knew it was that person still you went there. You knew it would be dangerous to meet there still you did that. Why?! Stop risking yourself. We are here to help you then why are you doing this all by yourself?! At least I'm there for you then why?! Why Y/n?!" He said all this is one go. It felt like a volcano just erupted in front of me. The way he said all this in one go I bet you he was preparing himself was this moment from a long time.

" No. I never knew the person I went to meet there was the one who sends me threats. I went to meet my friend there. The one who used to sends me letter asked me to meet there. I realized just few moments ago the one I was considering my friend was actually that anonymous person. Trust me I had no idea please.. " I begged. I'm the dumbest person alive on this planet I should have suspected something weird.

" Let's go home. " He said softly and opened the door. So that's why he has my bag prepared? " So early? We have a lot time for the festival to end. " I got up from that bed and stood on my feet. He did not say anything but just glared at me which was enough for me to shut up.

We walked through the hallways to the exist. " Jihoon I can carry my bag" I stood in front of him blocking his way and forwarded my hand in the air patiently waiting for him to hand over my bag. He for a second glanced at my hand and then continued walking totally ignoring what I said.

I was staring at the night sky patiently waiting for the bus stop while Jihoon didn't bother speaking a word. The sky was full of stars making the view even more beautiful. I have always been admiring stars from my childhood. I would always climb stairs to the terrace of our to stare at them for hours. They were the only ones who gave me company whenever my parents arrived late at home.

I was brought back to the reality when I heard the horn of the bus. I looked to my side just to see the bus coming towards the bus stop from a distance. I made up my mind this time. I again stood in front of Jihoon and this I spread my arms to my side in the air so he won't escape this time. You have to convince him y/n. He raised his eyebrows when he looked at my posture. " Jihoon. From here I can go by myself as you can see I'm totally fine. I can even do gymnastics here to prove it to you." I assured him. " Do it. " He said. " What! ? " I actually wasn't expecting him to say that. " Jihoon, You don't have to ruin your moment because of me. I can go by myself and you should go and join your friends and have your time. " I said with all honesty and calmness just to make him understand. " The bus won't wait for us. " He held my arms lightly pushing it to make it fall on my side and got inside the bus. I kicked the ground out of frustration because of his stubborness.

" Are you coming inside? " I heard the driver say. I hurried and got inside the bus and sat beside that stubborn guy. He even took my window seat. " Weren't you the one saying I'm stubborn but it's actually you who is the real stubborn here? " I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. " At least I know where I should be stubborn and where I should be not." He too rolled his eyes mockingly at me? ME?! I never felt so annoyed of him as I'm feeling now.

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