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It's been two weeks since I confronted Hyeon Ji and I till now I haven't received any threats or suspected anything unusual. She has finally made the right decision. I won't blame her nor anyone about what happened to me. She just wanted to take revenge of what happened to her sister. She wasn't made fully aware of the whole situation. The whole story was kept hidden from her which led her to make her own theories.
The only thing she had on her mind was revenge. Revenge is what made her do all this.

It's Ironic how I decided to transfer to a different school to let go of my past but my past followed me up here to haunt me. Now that since this has finally come to an end I should too end my past here and enjoy my present from now on. All those dark and bright memories needs to be buried so that I can finally live.

It was last the period which was about to end I was sitting on Minji's seat far from Jihoon. I need to let go of him too. He's happy with Yeon seo and I am? I don't know if I'll find anyone any soon.

I looked out of the window and it's pouring heavily and poor me has no umbrella. No matter what bad luck will never leave my side.

The annoying sound of our school bell echoed and all the students started packing their bags. I did the same. I don't want to get drenched in water it makes me uncomfortable and cold. I stood at the exit of my class's building and watched the heavy downpour. My eyes wandered around the ground and landed on Jihoon and Yeon seo under a same umbrella walking out of the school premises. I don't know but the sight made me extremely sad. It's alright Y/n you should now let go of this feeling and him. They were never meant for you. He's happy with her you should also be. Even if it hurts let's try to never lose hope. I took a deep breath and took my bag off  from my shoulder to use them to protect me from the rain.

Once I made sure I was prepared I positioned my bag above me and ran as fast as I could but I could feel my shoulders getting wet. I was so focused in saving myself from the rain that I didn't notice the person in front of me. I bumped into him. " Y/n? " The water that kept falling on my shoulder suddenly stopped. I looked at the person and it was HIM. He held his umbrella in such a way that covered me from the rain but couldn't cover himself. " Why are you going like this? " He looked up and down at me with wide eyes. " Cause I have no umbrella " I said and tried to walk away from his side but he blocked me" Why are you avoiding me? " He asked. " Who said I am? " I said and again tried to get away but he again blocked my way. " Y/n stop. Please?" I lowered my hands which held my heavy bag.

" Where's Yeon seo? You shouldn't be with me" I looked over his shoulder to find Yeon Seo but found none. " Is that why you are avoiding me? " He asked with surprise. " Is she the reason why you changed your seat? " He snickered. "  You got to be kidding me. Why? Why would you do that because of her? " Frustration was evident in his voice. " It's not because of her it's because-" I shut my mouth when I realized what I was going to say. " Because what? " " You're getting wet. " I looked at him who was almost drenched. " I don't care. Tell me why!" I flinched " Fine. This was your choice." I took a deep breath to calm myself.

" I like you. And I don't want to interfere between you and Yeon seo. It was already soo hard for you to get close to her and I don't want to destroy all your efforts. Now that you have gotten close to her you should spend more time with her. Give me some time alone I'll make sure I get rid of my feelings for you and then everything will be fine between us." I looked away cause I had no guts to look at him.

" Don't. Please don't get rid of your feelings. " His voice was softer now but I was left confused of his words. " Y/n, you can kick me, slap me, beat me to death but please don't do that. I know you will be mad at me, and you should be but on that day while cleaning the classroom when you out of the blue asked me the name of the person I love I panicked and ended up telling her name. Not because I like her but if I would have told you it was you, you would have cut ties with me. And I'd rather have you hate me than to not have you at all. You weren't that frank with me at that time. You used to rarely talk and if I had told the truth you'd avoid me. So I wasn't prepared to tell you. I know this is silly I accept it but please forgive me. " I stood there listening to his story while he tried desperately to make him reasonable. Park Jihoon you're dead.

" I told about all this to Yeon seo so she would help me. Trust me we are just friends. " He begged. " So that day on the bus you cried because this was the mistake you did? You lied to me that's why you were crying? " I said in a monotone I was indeed furious but I kept myself calm. He nodded" I cried because I thought that my lies had made us more distant and made it more hard for us. I knew you would get angry when I tell you the truth. " He was guilty, few minutes ago I was the one not making eye contact and now it's him.

" Great then. Continue with your lies" I walked away this time not covering myself with my heavy bag. " Y/n, please I'm sorry. If your mad beat me let your frustration out but don't avoid me. " He walked by my side with his hand holding the umbrella towards me to protect me from the rain. " I'm sorry Park Jihoon but I don't forgive liars. " I ignored his presence beside me and stood at the bus stop. " Y/n, please make an exception this time with your rules" He stood in front of me to get my attention but I looked the other way. " Stop irritating me. " I tried to be serious. " I won't until you forgive me. " He had his hands joined together for my forgiveness. " Fine I forgive you" I cleared my throat. " Does that mean we are dating now?" There was sudden change in his voice, it turned more jolly now. " I said I forgive you but I never proposed you. " I glared at him and noticed the bus approaching.

One's the bus stopped I was about to get inside but Jihoon held my arm. " I know you're still mad. Forgive me. " He whined like a child in front of people. PEOPLE. " Jihoon let me go" I gave him a death stare with a pleasant smile but he had the audacity to ignore my words and continue whining. " Are you serious Jihoon? Let. me. go. " He finally let my arm free and I got inside the bus but that liar followed me inside. " Y/n? " He called and I ignored.

" Y/n? " He called out once again and I ignored. " Y/n! " This time he was way loud. I was thankful to God because there were not many people on the bus. " You better shut that mouth of yours from which you made up all those lies otherwise I will cut your tongue. " It was more of a threat. " I will if you forgive and date me. " I gagged at his confidence. " I have absolutely have no interest in doing any of those. " I rolled my eyes. " Y/n I know I lied to you but think like the Y/n you were few months ago. If I would have said I liked you would you not cut ties with me? Would you not avoid me? That is what I was afraid of. I had no intention of lying to you but if I would not have lied we wouldn't have come this far. " Thinking of what he said he was indeed partially correct. " Fine I forgive you. " I said not looking at him.

" And? " He was hoping for a positive answer. " And what? " But I decided to play with him. " Fine. If two person like each other what do they do? They date each other right? " I nodded. " Don't you think we should also do that? " I was internally laughing at his attempt to convince me. " No. " He gave me a 'are you serious' look while I tried to hide my smile.

" Why?" He whined again. " Fine. Park Jihoon? Let's date " I laughed when I looked at his face " Of course. " We both burst out laughing at the Cringeness

                                       ~ THE END

Thank you for reading this boring story till the end. But I have the part two of this book cause I'm unemployed :)

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