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I exited the school gate alone as lee know was staying back along with his friends for the dance practice. To be honest I really want to be left alone cause these few days i rarely had time for myself.

" Y/n?"

I looked back and it was yeon seo who was walking up to me. What is she doing here?

" I don't think I have anything to say to you" I said sharply as I walked past her. Please leave me alone. I'm already trying my best to accept this bitter reality.

" Y/n, please listen to me.. Please I beg you.. I had no idea what she was doing. I really had no idea about that" She cried as she held my hand to stop me from leaving her.

" No idea? How come you had no idea about your friend? You think we are idiots? After all this you're trying to come clean and prove your innocence?"
I said as I harshly removed her hand.

" Y/n for the last time atleast listen to me. I was scared! I was scared that I might be expelled out of the school. You know I wasn't financially stable to get in another school. Only Because of the scholarship I could attend classes there. Please forgive me. " She pleaded. I felt lump in my throat as tears started forming in my eyes

It's hard to see someone whom you once considered as your friend cry in front of you, desperate for your forgiveness.

" Yeon seo. lets just part our ways. Even if I forgive you that won't bring so hyun back nor it will erase my past memories." I said holding my tears back.

" We were friends " She mumbled between her sobs.

" We were. " I said emphasising on the last word and turned back on my path quietly.

I sat on the seat at the bus stop. And that's when it was impossible for me to hold back. Her voice kept on repeating in my ears, her sobs, her words. Why is reality giving me such a hard time? Was she really having no idea?

" Y/- " I heard someone's faint words

" Y/n? Is everything alright " Jihoon quickly ran up to me as he crouched down to my face level. In reply I nodded as a no.

" Nothing is alright jihoon. Everything is messed up. My life. Why? Why is it so painful to lose friends whom we cherish the most" I let out everything that was going on inside my head while shedding tears. I really needed someone to hear my problems.

" I keep on losing whatever I have. You asked me why I don't open up and make friends this is why I don't want to make friends I hate the idea of losing them. I hate the thought of them leaving me. My life is horrible. How would you feel when you see your best friends dead body in front of you? I know what it feels like. How would you feel when your only friends leave you at your worst point in life? I have experienced that. This why I don't to make friends " My voice kept on cracking as I was trying to stop myself from crying.

I kept my eyes fixed on the floor because I was too embarrassed to look at him.

" Y/n- ah I don't know what happened in your past but let me tell you one thing real friends won't leave you doesn't matter at what phase you are in your life. They'll stick to you no matter what, like minho he changed his school just for you so that you won't be left alone. And the ones that left you weren't your friend actually they were just there in your good times but not your bad times."

"You might not notice but there are so many people who really care about you and love you. Yes I have never experienced those moments which you asked but I know how you would have felt at that very moment and that's really brave of you because if I would have been in your place I wouldn't had the guts to witness that. But again you can't hold onto your past forever. Don't let your past affect your present. We all have got one life then why not just enjoy it? And don't you think your late friend would have wanted that too? " I felt somehow comforted at those words. I wiped my tears and finally looked at him and was greeted with cheerful smiling eyes.

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