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I ran back to my class and hopefully teacher was present. I sighed in relief, you're saved Y/n. I got back to my seat still sweating and breathing heavily.

" You okay? " Jihoon asked

In reply I just nodded. Tbh I feel bad for behaving like that with him, nor I can hate him cause he hasn't done anything that can be hated till now. But I don't want to repeat the same mistake I did last time.

My thoughts were cut off when a girl approached me. On her badge it was written her name. Yiren

" Y/n this is your account isn't it? " She asked showing me my old instagram account. I nodded and another girl came up named yuri.

"Woahh.. This is why you looked familiar when you first introduced yourself " Yuri said

" You were so popular why are you not active now" Yiren asked.

Fuck. What should I say now?

" I-i wanted to focus on my studies" I said

Focus on studies? Nice excuse

" Everyone we have an Instagram star in our class. I told you all she looked familiar. " Yuri shouted.

And within a second I was bombarded with a lot of questions.

" Y/n please be active again "

" Since you left the number hasn't decreased at all"

" Why did you left without a proper announcement"

What am I supposed to do now? Save me please.

" Everyone get back to your seats"

Next teacher entered as all the students stood up and bowed to the teacher 3 more periods to go Y/n then you can go back home. Sighed in relief

Last bell rang

" Okay students that's it for today. Complete your homeworks on time. And one more thing since you all are now in high school, you all can join any club you are interested in forms will be available by next week " Teacher announced and left.

Immediately everyone started forming groups to decide what club they'll get in.
And the only question that I had in my mind was is it necessary? . I have packed my bag and was about to leave when

"Hey Y/n you wanna join broadcasting club? One of my friend in the president there" Jihoon asked.

" No I don't want to" I replied while grabbing my bag and left the classroom.
Broadcasting? It doesn't sounds bad though. Nahh.. Y/n don't get distracted. As soon as I exited the school I plugged my headphones and was about to play a song when I heard someone running towards me.

" Ohh looks like we live in the same area. " Jihoon said while catching up with me

" Just because we are walking towards the bus stop doesn't mean we live in the same area" I replied not glancing at him.
C'mon leave me alone for God's sake.

" Ohh yeah. So which club will you join?" He asked looking at me. Another question aishhh... I stopped walking, removed my headphones and looked at him. He stopped too

" I'm not interested in joining any club. Stop bothering me and leave me alone" I said in an annoyed tone and left him there.

" I am sorry " I could hear him say.

Next week

It's been 1 week since jihoon stopped talking to me but he would always come and sit beside me in the cafeteria without even speaking anything strange isn't it? I know. And somehow I managed to close that chapter of me having lots of followers on insta. They need to understand that having tons of followers doesn't mean you are problem free.

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