10|𝖢𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗋𝖾'𝗌 𝖬𝗎𝗋𝖽𝖾𝗋

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☠︎︎𝖮𝗌𝗆𝗂𝗇 𝖫𝖺𝗏𝖾𝖺𝗎☠︎︎

A couple weeks later

I'm looking down at Claire she's bloody and bruised. She says Why did you kidnap me? I say I heard conversations between you and my wife. I feel that you tried to turn my wife against me. Along with you being a bad influence on her. Trying to get her to go to clubs and step out of our marriage. She says Sh.she always told me No I say I know she did. She's not a good for nothing whore like you. I've never cared for you and I'm sure the feeling is mutual. I'm glad you involved yourself with my brother. She wants nothing to do with you now I can get rid of you for good. She says Th.theirei would never forgive you. I say That's why she won't know and what she doesn't know won't hurt her. She says your sick I knew their was something off about you. She's blinded by your charming ways and the sex. She thinks she's in love with you but soon enough you'll mess up. I say Are you done? She says See you in hell that's when I plunge my knife in her stomach. I stab her repeatedly until I'm satisfied. I pull it out and I toss it in my sink. I wash my hands and I walk out Sébastien says you look happy. I say I finally get my wife to myself and I go out to my car. I change my dress shirt and I get in and drive home. I go up and she's in our bed on my side sleeping. I take a nice hot shower and I come out. I get in bed with her and she mumbles baby? I say it's me baby she snuggles into me and it's not long before she goes back to sleep.

I'm holding her she just found out that Claire's dead and she's crying I mean they were close. I hold her tightly and she sniffles I kiss her head and say it's gonna be alright. She says I.i hope so I hold her and she eventually goes to sleep. That's when Sébastien walks in and he says I see she heard. I say it was on the news he sits on the sofa across from us and he says how'd she take it. I say she took it hard but she handled it better then I thought she would. He says that was her childhood bestfriend I'd be surprised if she didn't take it hard. I kiss her head and I stand. I take her to our bedroom and I lay her down and tuck her in. I leave out closing the door and I sit I say she can never know. He says I know brother I'll never speak about it. We talk about business in Italian.

A few weeks later

She's upset with me she overheard one of my men talking about Claire. She yells you killed her! Your a monster! You sat here and you held me while I cried. The whole time it was you that did it. I say I had too Theirei She kept trying to come between us. She kept trying to turn you against me. She says I can't stand to see your face right now Osmin. She stands and she goes to our bedroom I follow her and she's packing. I say your not leaving she says I'm going to stay with Camille. I can't be in the same house with you. Let alone share a bed with you. I say your overreacting Theirei I did this for us. She scoffs and she says you did it for your own selfish reasons. You hate the thought of anyone taking me from you Osmin. She grabs her bag and she walks out. I say Sébastien will take you She says No I'm sure he knew I dont want to be around neither of you. I say then I'll have Pierre take you. She doesn't respond I call Pierre and I have him meet her downstairs. Pierre let's me know when she makes it to the car and when she gets to my mother's.

𝗗𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗱 (𝖢𝗈𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾𝗍𝖾𝖽)Where stories live. Discover now