11|𝖭𝗈𝗍 𝖮𝖿𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖧𝗈𝗈𝗄

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♡︎𝖳𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋𝖾𝗂 𝖫𝖺𝗏𝖾𝖺𝗎

A week later

I'm laying in Osmin's Childhood bed in his old room. Soon I hear a light knock and I say come in. Camille peeks her head in and she says Osmin called again today. I say okay she says You need to talk to him Theirei it's been a week. I say I will when I'm ready she says we'll he told me to deliver a message to you. He said that you have 24 hours to contact him. If you don't he'll come get you himself. I say when did he say this? She says this morning dear and with that she leaves out.

The Next Day

I wake up to Camille talking to Osmin She says she's sleeping Osmin you can just go in there and take her. He says Why not? It's been over a week She's my wife I can do what the hell I want. Camille says just wait don't force it after awhile I go out. He engulfs me in this bone crushing hug and I hesitantly return it. I missed him so much but I couldn't just easily forgive him. He leads me outside and he says we need to talk. I say I'm very upset with you and I can't believe you did that. But I love you so much Osmin. He says I'm sorry I did what I felt needed to be done. I did it for us she was bringing you down Mon Cheri. I say She was all I had Osmin he says you have me, Sébastien and mother. I say I want people outside of my husband and his family. He kisses my head and he says fine just nobody like Claire. I say okay he smiles and he says I have someone in mind. I say Like who? He says I'll introduce you two tonight and he leaves out I'm assuming to place a call. I wait and he comes back and he says go freshen up and come out to the car we have to go home then we have a flight to catch. I say where are we going? He says don't worry about it and he leaves out. I go to the bathroom and I shower wash my hair and body. I get out after about a half hour and I get ready I slip on a pair of black heels and I walk out. He's waiting in a fresh Versace suit. I go to him and he grabs my hand and he leads me out to the limousine. Pierre says glad to see you Mrs. Laveau. I say likewise Osmin helps me in and he gets in behind me. Pierre closes the door and Osmin says I missed you. I look up at him and I say really? He says really Mon Cheri I say What did you do? He says I got alot of work done. You should rest you know it's gonna be awhile. I lay my head on him and he wraps his arm around me. I close my eyes and I eventually fall asleep. Soon I wake up up in his arms to him calling me. He's carrying me to the elevator. I look at him sleepily and I say I'm not ready to get up. He smiles and he says it's time to get up Mon Cheri. We go in the elevator and he puts me down. He puts the key in and it takes us up. We walk into the living room and Sébastien's in the kitchen. I ignore him and start walking to Osmin and I's bedroom. He says Hello Sister in law I say I have nothing to say to you Sébastien. Osmin says be nice Mon Cheri I say your barely off the hook Mr. Laveau. I go into our room and order room is exactly as I left it. I pack our bags for this "trip" and I call him. He comes and he grabs both of them and we go out. Me? Ossy and Sébastien get in the elevator and it takes us all the way down to the garage. Osmin says come Mon Cheri and we walk out leaving Sébastien. He leads me to a Black Mercedes and he opens the passenger's side door for me. I get in and he closes it and he puts our bags in the trunk. He gets in and he starts the car and he drives away.

To Be Continued

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