Mutagen Bomb

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Also, I'm not gonna reread through since there's a lot of chapters- so I hope there isn't anything stupid and I hope you enjoy this!

Louisa's p.o.v

-on a rooftop-

I feel my head hurting as I close my eyes- something's gonna happen, something shot up into the air and it looks like a giant mutagen canister. We all look up, I felt fear eat me up as we watch it go up into the night sky 'that's a mutagen bomb. Which means-' my eyes widen as memory of what happens comes back, but I remembered too late. Leo shoved us off the rooftop, tears were in his eyes "Leonardo!!" I yell out as tears of my own come out. I would've flown up to him, but something held me back, I look over my shoulder to see Donnie.

There wasn't much time, I could at least save us- I use my ice powers and form a circle around us and we fall down to the ground. My head hit against his plastron though which hurt and I grunt as I felt myself blacking out. "*o*e*b*e!!" Donnie's voice sounded muffled as everything went black from me fainting or something fell on us.

-short time skip-

I groan as I sit up "Louisa, we have to get out of here!!" Donnie says which made memories come back instantly and I look around. We're still in my ice circle in complete darkness, I couldn't even see where he was out of it all. "Okay, take my hand" I say and stand up, he accepts my hand and I start to power up to run really fast. With that I ran us out of whatever was surrounding my circle, now we're out of what looks like rubble. Though everything else around us... looks like some type of desert "I don't think we're in New York anymore."

Donnie's comment made me melt the ice and we look around, it was so hot as we stand here, but I tear up as I lift up my glasses. Hiding my face I try not to freak out about this "hey hey hey, it's okay!.. everything will be okay." He tried to reassure me, but I just shake my head as I let my tears fall "it's not okay!" I yell out. Then I remember what the episode is called "welcome to the mutant apocalypse, Donatello." He tilts his head as I still let my tears fall, but I power up my hand and put it on my forehead gently.

I felt instantly cooler which made me sigh in relief "can you do that to me too?" Donnie asks softly, so I move my hand and look at him. He squats a bit for me to set my hand on his forehead, he sighs a bit in relief before standing up. Powering down I look around for anything... or even anyone "it looks like we're the only one's here." "Does that mean we're the only one's that survived?.." Donnie asks, so I gently grab his hand. "Maybe..." "wait- I thought you said this was a what-if episode!?" Donnie asks a bit upset.

My tears came back as my chest felt like it tightened "I know!.. that's because I thought it was!!" I yell out before sighing to calm down. Donnie dropped the subject for now saying "let's just get some type of cover up. If it's a mutant apocalypse we don't want anyone to come after us for you being the only human." I nod in agreement and we start walking, to where... I don't think we even know as we go.

No one's p.o.v

-time skip-

In a random place we stick with Raph... "this world has changed" Raph narrated as we see the area... which looks like a deserted wasteland. There isn't much of anything to show that there's any sign of life "it's an never-ending wasteland now." Some crows are picking at a skeleton before something drove past them making them fly away. "Not a single human is left..." Raph kept going with his narrating as we're staying with the vehicle. "Only.. mutants" Raph adds as we see a hand moving the stick-shift, the little mirror piece hanging looks like April's tesson.

"Something happened with my memory a few years back... when the mutagen explosion went off" Raph informed on how he is. "All I know - is only me and Sam made it out alive" Raph informed again as we now see it's him driving. He sighs a bit saying "we need fuel, Sammy" there's a figure in the shadows of the vehicle. She sighed though as she taps at a few things on the laptop that sits there in front of her. In this new angle though we get to see how Raph looks, he's bigger and burlier with a bit of a beard.

Even his mask is different along with he has goggles on his head and even gloves on his hands "down to two barrels. Never gonna make it to Merchant Town on two barrels" Raph adds on, we're still not able to see Sammy though. She sounds a bit annoyed saying "I'm still scanning, shut it" then she finally has an answer. "Heh, sorry Raphie - there's nothing for at least a hundred miles, looks like we'll just have to-" "make do. Like always" Raph interrupted Sam a bit annoyed for the nickname she used for him.

Now we're seeing the front of the vehicle and we're able to see that it's basically just the Shellrazor as it's all rusted up and old. "Looks like we're reaching the Savage Desert, brother" Sam informs Raph as the Shellrazor didn't stop or slow down. "Just keep one hand on the wheel and the other on your blaster" Sam adds on as a bit of a warning. Raph just absent-mindedly responds with "every second, Sam - every second" then he remembered something. With that he adds on "as long as you're still ready to use your fire too" Sam chuckled at this.

"It doesn't take me long to get mad, Raphie - all I have to do is think of your ugly face" the two chuckle a bit at their playful arguing relationship. Now we just see the Shellrazor driving off in the distance, that's because we're now seeing them through a circle. Someone else is watching them "well well, what do we have here?" A random badger asks. He was using his robo-looking eye to see the Shellrazor, then the badger moves his hand as he yells out to his crew. "Time to do a little fishing, my Ravagers!" He looks back and there is a group of mutants on motorcycles.

"We got a big one to catch!"


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now