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Louisa's p.o.v

He was a bit scared at seeing him walk close though as he flinched and made his shell face him, but he looks at Chompy "what?" He asks. Chompy roars a bit happily as he has his tongue sticking out, I squeal as I hug his chin close. The memories flow in as I hug him, when we first met him- when we got to keep him because his mom let us. "Chompy?.." Raph asks, he remembers too! I squeal as I let go of Chompy and hug Raph. "This feels like a family reunion itself!!" I say happily which made Sam groan annoyed "wow, nice to have you back too."

I chuckle saying "don't act like you were so flattered to have me back- you just smiled when I gave ya clean water" she rolls her eyes at me. "Chompy! Wow, you got so.. big!" Raph says happily while rubbing at Chompy's chin a bit. Mikey sets his hand on my shoulder as Raph gets picked up by Chompy in his mouth- so my eyes widen. Mikey just chuckled a bit as Donnie walks over saying "I can't believe it... after all this time. You made it, Mikey!" Mikey takes his hand off my shoulder as he points at both me and Donnie.

"And look at you, D and Sis - you both haven't changed... seriously, what's up with that?" Mikey asks while eyeing us a bit. Donnie chuckles a bit before pulling me over to him and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I look down as he says "that's because honeybee kept us safe in an ice circle" "woo! That's what I like to hear. High three" he says which made us all high five, he chuckles a bit before turning around. There is Sam and Mira, Sam just says "nice to see ya, lil bro" he smiles up her saying "you too, sis."

Mira smiles up at Mikey saying "are you truly the mystic called the Holy Chalupa?" Mikey's scratching at his butt though as he looks at her. "I am the Holy Chalupa.. or just Mikey" Mikey introduced himself for Mira, so she bows her head a bit. "I am Mira of the Meerkat Clan, it was fate that brought me to you, Holy Chalupa" she informs him. I playfully roll my eyes as I feel myself get picked up by the back of my shirt, so I yelp. My feet aren't even on the ground as I am getting higher and higher- but Donnie's eyes widen as he looks up at me.

Next thing I know is I'm thrown a bit and I land on top of something, so looking down I see that I'm now on the top of Chompy's head. I chuckle a bit saying "awww, I missed you too, Chompster" I say as I scratch a spot on his head. He does his little happy roar again, but after a bit I hear Raph say "yep, he's still Mikey." Sam just crossed her arms as she looks at Mikey "how'd you live out here without going crazy?" She asks him. Though he starts... talking to a skeleton and acting like he can hear it talking back.

'Oh yeah... he is a bit crazy' I think as we just look at him "you're so right, Dr Deepdish.. bros and sisses, we should go before those sneaky Hoojibs steal our brain goo." Sam sighs saying "I stand corrected" though Mikey starts trying to climb up Chompy. I chuckle at this as I start to fly over by him and where he's gonna sit as everyone else climbs on too. We basically just start going slowly before Chompy starts to cough a bit, so Mikey tries to help him stop. That made him cough something up and Mikey jumps down to see what got Chompy choking so bad.

"Oh, dudette - it's your weird lookin mask" Mikey says before climbing back up, so I see how slimy and gross it looks. I freeze the mask up and let the ice melt so now it looks so much cleaner "okay, I'm good now." I get the mask back on as I stretch a bit, I lean against Raph's arm saying "I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up when we get to... wherever we're going" Donnie responds with "got it, honeybee."

-short time skip-

"Louisa, look at where we are!" Donnie says a bit shocked, so I groan as I open my eyes and see what looks like an old Antonio's Pizza place. This got me a bit shocked "woah.. of course he'd live here" I mumble as Donnie chuckled a bit. "The odds of this being the last standing structure in a town like this must be astronomical" Donnie says out loud. Mikey probably didn't understand what was said, but the fact that he's in a place that at least reminded of him is good. He wasn't in anything like a dirt hut- "it's perfect, right?" He asks happily as he motioned his staff out  a bit.

Then he adds "as long as sandstorms, acid rain and mushroom trolls don't bother you" it took us a bit longer before we got there. Mikey takes a bit to get off of Chompy everytime, so we just go in and look around once the door was open. There's old arcade games and a light looks like it could be on- but someone has a gun pointed at us. My eyes widen as I stand in front of the group protectively and make an ice-shield to protect us. The rest of the group gasps as the gun powers up- "I'm home~ And I brought company!" Mikey informs whoever is behind the weapon.

The lights turn on and there sits a happy Ice Cream Kitty as she meows, so I gasp as I melt my ice-shield and my tail starts wagging. I run over to her saying "Kitty!! Oh my gosh, you're still here" I say as I hug her bowl close. She still meows happily as she booped my mask, so I lift it up and say "it's me! Louisa!!" I say which made her start to pur. Mikey walks over to us as the group sighs in relief and he picks up Kitty's bowl before smiling back at the group. "Welcome to Casa de Michelangelo" he says which made me look around more since the light is on now.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now