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Louisa's p.o.v

He then lifts up the chainsaw and tries to cut at me again, so I had to barely move- this time I felt him cut at my cloak. I whimper a bit scared as we went through this process a few times as I hear a few more thuds out here. 'There's more badgers on the Shellrazor' I think as I kept having to avoid this one in specific. It didn't take long to not hear any of the thuds, but it's not like I could do anything to even look. The leader must have realized this too as he picks me up by the back of my shirt- since I don't have my cloak anymore.

I kick my feet around as he holds me, but that's when he was hit from behind- I used this to my advantage and got my hand cold. Setting it over his he flinched as he dropped me, so I help Raph fight him, I easily kneed him in the gut. Raph worked with me on that as he grabbed him by the back of his head and hits his head on the gun/seat thing. He does that a few times before he pulls him back up and punched him right in his robo-looking eye. I went to stab at his neck with my bone kunai, but he moves my hand and went at me with the chainsaw again.

Raph moves me away from harm as he tries to fight the leader, so I let him do him since I know he's strong- that's when more badgers come. I try to fight them, basically all I had to do was shove them off of the Shellrazor which was easy. Something opened in the back of the Shellrazor opened up which got my attention. I bend over the edge as I see Sam in there saying "hope Raph forgives me for throwing fuel." Chuckling I give her finger guns saying "I like the way you think" with that I get in with her as she smirks.

I help her move the tank over- but badgers glide down the chains they have attached to the Shellrazor, so I growl a bit. "Let me deal with them" I say as I get back onto the Shellrazor and make an unbreakable ice-shard. They're still coming down as I run across the Shellrazor and cut all of the chains which made them fall. Sam laughs crazily saying "I knew you had it in you!" That's when I heard a different motorcycle coming. I look up to see Mira as she's somehow in the air, so I yelp as I drop down, though it wasn't me she was aiming for.

She hit the leader right off of Raph which made me smile "hey, honey badgers - all of your moms are skunks!!" Sam yells out before throwing the fuel. That made its way towards the train thing before making it explode, so I get up and by Raph. I make an unbreakable ice-shield as I stand protectively in front of him as the debris falls. He seemed okay as he grabs some type of thing from his shoulder and puts it over his mouth. 'It must be an oxygen mask if he's breathing in it right now' I think as I throw my shield and let it melt.

We watch the fire as it burns before looking to the side and seeing Mira there, so we give eachother a nod as we keep going. "If both you and Sam are out... who's driving?" I ask as we go, so Raph chuckles saying "Donnie. I bet ya anything he's freaking out of his mind right now" I chuckle at that too saying "yeahhh, probably." After a while of driving we stop which made Mira stop right by us 'I'm guessing she's with us now.' Sam comes out with some supplies to help fix up the Shellrazor, so basically everyone except me and Raph are doing that.

I'm trying to think on how I can get another cloak in this apocalypse- but after a bit Donnie just says "thanks for being so.. persistent, Mira." Raph got my attention as he spoke up with "yeah, you're a survivor - I like that" my eyes widen. 'He cut off his beard' I think as he wipes at his chin a bit 'okay, that voice with a clean shave though is pretty good. Not saying I like him, but he ain't ugly this way' I think to myself as he smiles over at Mira. "Not bad with a blade either" Sam says a bit impressed which made me chuckle "I feel like we're gonna get along" I add.

Raph just finished with "reminds me of.. old Leo" I look down at that, we've been through a lot 'he was a true brother.' The thought made me dig into my pocket and see the two other masks I found when Donnie and I woke up. I always wondered why we didn't see Raph's, that's because he probably kept his out of everything. Mira spoke up with "there's a mystic out there somewhere in the wasteland, he knows secrets. They say he's a turtle like you" that got my attention as I stand up and put the masks away.

"Some call him.. the Holy Chalupa" Mira says which got everything in me to freeze up as tears form, I lift up my mask as the rest of us share a look. We all knew who that one person had to be for himself to be called that out of everything. "Michelangelo?" Raph and Donnie ask as me and Sam both say "Mikey..." Donnie jumps down by my side. He gently grabs my hands saying "honeybee, calm down - your ice is building up by your feet." I look down before nervously chuckling and melting the ice "s-sorry, old habit."

No one's p.o.v

-the next day-

We're with what looks like an army of lizards as they look forward, one of them has binoculars as he looks through them- there comes the Ravagers. It seems like the lizards know of them as the one at the top says "Honey Badgers, halt!" They do stop though. The lizards aim at the badgers which made some of them growl annoyed since they aren't doing anything. Terminator just yells out though "Reptilicus - call off your men... I seek parlay." Reptilicus just responds with "what do you want with the Scale Tail Clan?" He's even smirking at this.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now