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Louisa's p.o.v

I gasp as my eyes tear up more "S-Sa... is that really you, Sam?" I ask, so she looks at me and her eyes widen "Raph, how does she know my name?" She asks. Donnie lifted up my mask which made me softly wave "hey, cuz..." I trail off a bit nervously. Her shoulders slumped before she shakes her head "as much as I love a family reunion, get in here. Don't want ya frying up" Raph shakes his head at this "what took ya so long?" He asks her. She walks in as we do too and Raph starts to guzzle down water "I was taking a nap after our last little run in."

That confused me, but I chose not to question it "and when I woke up... there was a itty bitty girl in your place" Sam finished. Raph was confused at that as Donnie softly facepalms saying "young girl?" They both ask. With that Raph walks forward and then a girl barking a bit got my attention as I lift Raph's hand and look at her. I feel like I barely recognize her "you little meercat thief, I'm tired of these scavengers. Dump her on the side of the road and let's keep moving" he sat down after that, but that got my eyes to widen.

Donnie shakes his head saying "but she doesn't have any water or shelter, Raph..." Sam scoffs saying "neither did he." Raph nods once while glaring at the girl saying "I'm the captain of this ship, she goes." He glared right at her and had to push Sam back a bit 'she's changed so much... I don't like it.' She looks down to the side, so I growl at this and feel myself baring my teeth "I won't let you leave her out here." Donnie nods saying "that's not how Master Splinter raised us" that name made me bite my lip a bit.

Both Raph and Sam had a bit of the same answer "I don't remember being raised or Master Splinter" my eyes widen at that. Though he set his hand on the stick-shift and says "but fine, we can drop her off at the next bomb shelter we pass." With that the Shellrazor starts to go and I almost lost my balance, Donnie had to help me. It feels like we're going fast, but Sam starts typing at a few things on a laptop that's in here. I go by her and sit down saying "I didn't know you'd look like this" "yeah well, neither did I."

She's being dry with me, so I sigh saying "look, when we were separated I wanted to keep me and Donnie safe- he wouldn't let go. I didn't have enough time to do anything except to protect us, so I made an ice circle that encased us. We fell- I got knocked out... I didn't leave you or forget you" she just shakes her head and doesn't look at me. I softly smirk as my tail sways softly "need water? I still have my ice powers" she froze as she stopped typing. She lifted her head up as her mouth stayed open, so I make an ice-sphere and move it over her mouth.

I let it melt and it fell straight into her mouth, she swallowed instantly as she still kept her mouth open- I had to give her about five spheres. She hummed in satisfaction before saying "motoring scans indicate we're heading toward the Impossible Wasteland." Donnie gasped a bit before saying "that area is said to be riddled with quicksand and dangerous desert monsters." The girl finally speaks up saying "that's where I was going" that even confused me. I let Donnie be the one to know places, but the way he worded that I wanted to question her.

"Through the wasteland?" Sam and I ask while looking forward at her, she still doesn't look at us as she says "I'm looking for someone." Raph finally said something directed to her and didn't sound angry "so, ya got a name?" He asks her. Then he added on the attitude "besides Car Thief?? He asked her, so I playfully roll my eyes. I stand up and by Donnie's side as I softly elbow him saying "sounds like old times, huh?" He chuckles softly. His arm wrapped around my shoulders saying "yeah, it's just I'm not the one at the computer this time."

No one was listening to us as Sam just questioned the girl too "how'd you even end up in the wasteland alone?" I tilt my head at this. "It's a long story" she vaguely answers with "don't you have a village or a tribe or something?" Donnie asks confused. The girl then says "my family was destroyed a long time ago... they're gone" Raph kept driving though. "Us too... except for these two we just picked up" Raph adds on while pointing his thumb at me and Donnie. I smile at this, loving the fact that we're all still alive 'hopefully Leo and Mikey are alive too.'

Though Sam continued on for Raph saying "we had two other brothers... they didn't make it through the M-bomb." The girl finally says her name "I am Mira, of the Wild Meerkat Clan" it got quiet for a quick second. "How'd you end up with that devil girl?" She asks again "that 'thing'? I'm a person. The only difference is I came into this dimension with powers" Raph just says "she used to be looking more human. Then the mutagen explosions went off, I actually used to look like that other guy behind me."

Mira just says "okay okay, why are you on the road? Where are you two drongos going?" I chuckle at that saying "us two had nothing in mind. We just walked around helping people with water since I have ice powers, that's when we found Raph." Raph just answers with "nowhere - we hunt, look for food... fuel... weapons.. and try to stay alive. That's about it" Mira finally looks at Raph saying "there's more to life than scavenging. I'm a believer - Oasis is out there, I know the Green Paradise is real" I try to think on that.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now