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No one's p.o.v

-short time skip-

It's now night, a few shooting stars go past in the sky as the girl is sitting in the shadows, not letting herself be seen as her fire goes on. Both her and Raph are trying to cook roaches over the fire that she made, but Sam chuckled a bit at the sight. "Desert roaches, Raphael?" She asks before adding "and to think you used to be scared of bugs." Raph lifted his sai as he examines the roaches to see if they were cooked enough to eat. "I was?.. I don't... remember that" Raph says as he looked at the roaches which made Sam sigh softly.

She took a bite of the roach in her hand saying "bugs are probably the only protein we'll get..." Raph easily scarfed down his roaches. Though Sam decided to keep being a bit pessimistic "out of everything I'm surprised these suckers found a way to live." He groans and starts to tell her off a bit "I do remember you being way more negative than me with all this talk." She just chuckled before teasing him a bit "don't worry, Raphella - one day you'll get those memories back." Then she yawned before saying "I really need whatever sleep I can get though, so I'm hitting the hay - night."

With that she went into the Shellrazor "I'll turn off the light if you want, brother" she says from the inside, so Raph nods softly. "Goodnight, sis - and yeah, sounds good" Raph responds as he starts to cook more roaches. More shooting stars go by as he just sits there for a bit, then something got his attention. Whatever it was it sounded metallic, he instantly stood up and put out Sam's fire, preparing himself for a fight. With blaster in hand he looks around in all directions for whoever could be out here.

It was still so quiet, so he lowers his blaster and sighs a bit, feeling like he's just going crazy- that's when he was grabbed from behind. He was being beat relentlessly by the Ravagers except from the leader, after a second Raph got up and raised his blaster. The group raised their hands as if they were surrendering as he walks backwards towards the Shellrazor. The leader shoved Raph down to the ground though before lifting up his metallic hand and hitting Raph with it. He was breathing heavily as the leader says "nice to meet ya, you can call me.. Verminator Rex."

The leader introduced himself before scratching at his neck while bending over to look Raph in the eye, Raph was trying to stand though. "Maybe you can help us, we're looking for a girl and a map" Verminator Rex continued. This made Raph knew what his next actions would be, he starts to hold his head with his hand. "Oh, here... let me show you the map" he says before showing his palm to Verminator. He was a bit excited to hear that- "to my fist!" Raph finished and punched him instead.

Since he hurt their leader the gang start to beat Raph again, not even letting him get up... after a bit of beating Raph starts to try and crawl away. But he was dragged right back- still being beat on as he's on his plastron, Verminator smirks a bit. "Everything you have belongs to the Honey Badger Ravagers now, you old Terrapin.. including your shell." Raph struggled for a second as he sees his t-phone in front of him, it can wake up Sam. It'll shock her softly, but it's at least something that cat help him stay alive right now.

All he did was tap the screen and yell out her name loud enough for her to hear him, so she jumps up from the hatch on top while using her fire. With that she summersaults through the air and lands right behind the leader, now we see her face. Her skin is red as her hair is pure black along with her eyes, her hair isn't short and shoulder length anymore though. Her hair is long enough to go halfway down her back, but she extends her hands out and punched Verminator. Hew flew back and into the Shellrazor, so the group look at who could've punched their leader so hard.

We see her full body now- she's in torn black leggings as she also has a dark blue tank top on, easily she grabs daggers from her belt. Some of the badgers run at her to try and take her down as two remained by Raph to keep beating on him. She fought the badgers with ease though, then she made some fly back and have to doubletake to get up. The leader even makes his metal hand switch to a chainsaw as he growls and runs towards Sam. The two beating down Raph look at their leader for a split second, but that's all the time Raph needed.

He fought them as he's now on his own feet again, Sam dealt with the others easily, then she heard the saw and has some trouble dodging it. She tried to fight back and just ended up having to try and hold the chainsaw off with her daggers instead. The sound of scratching noises of metal against metal sound out as the daggers press against the chain. A bit of sparks starts to emit from this, so Sam grunts and powers up to not get burned. Verminator laughs in triumph at this, but Raph came in and shouldered him away from Sam.

The chainsaw sounds like it turned off as the group looks like they're not there now, so Sam smirks as she lifts up her hand. "High three!" She says while showing her hand to Raph, she still had all her fingers, she just got used to saying three. Raph didn't high three her though as he grabs a bucket and a bag saying "no time" which confused her. "Look!" He adds on which made her look back to see the gang on motorcycles, so Sam groans. She puts her daggers back on her belt saying "oh, desert wasteland apples" with that they run towards the Shellrazor.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now