Fast Creature

36 1 0

Louisa's p.o.v

It feels like we barely got back onto level ground, but once we stop Sam starts screaming as Raph also looks behind him. 'When did he get that helmet on again?-' he screams determined before slamming his foot on the gas. Mira gasps as Donnie holds me closer against his plastron, Sam screams more as we go forward. Both Raph and Sam are screaming as me and Donnie share a bit of a scared look. "This isn't real, we're gonna be okay- this isn't real, we're gonna be okay!.." Donnie softly mumbles scared.

We're still going before it doesn't feel like we're on any ground now, so now even Mira's screaming before we're back on ground again. Looking forward I see we're on an actual road, so I sigh in relief as Mira just says "phew." Donnie opens an eye and just slumps in his spot and his grip on me loosens "oh, wasteland apples that scared me." No other words were said as we keep going, Raph took off his helmet too as Sam came back in. I go onto the rooftop to get a bit of fresh air as I keep pull my mask down 'I.. feel so useless.'

I sit down in that chair as I look down 'I couldn't stop this- hugest thing of all things to happen! Now everyone is different. Even my own blood cousin is different... I shouldn't have let it go to this for Donnie to be so scared. For Raph to be so much more negative-' "Louisa?.." Donnie asks as he peeks his head through the opening. I softly wave which makes him say "honeybee, are you okay?.." I shake my head saying "not really, Don Don." He climbs out as he walks over to me "what's wrong?" "I'm starting to blame myself for this."

Donnie picks me up as he sets me on his lap since he took my spot "hey, it's okay - none of us seen this coming... you couldn't have stopped it." "I just hate how it's all effecting us, Donnie!.. you were in a bit of a panic attack, Raph is more negative than before. Sam also sounds like she barely remembers us at random times... we're the only one's that made it out okay." Donnie looks to the side before breathing in and out while closing his eyes, so I look at him. "What would have happened to me if you didn't save me?.." he barely says above a whisper.

This made me remember how he was in the show and I felt a tear slowly roll down my face "y-you didn't end out making it fully. You had your mentality transferred to Metalhead 2.O or something... you were kinda like Fugitoid. Though it wasn't your brain, it was your-" "I was cybernetically wired to Metalhead Mark 2. The robot that Baxter and I designed... my consciousness was transferred, wasn't it?" Donnie interrupted. I nod as I hug him tight, so he hard swallows which made me say "hey, you're here at least."

Donnie nods saying "exactly, that's what I'm meaning - you at least helped one out of the four of us... but I have one note to tell you." I look at him while tilting my head, so he says "instead of having it be me that was wired to Metalhead it was Baxter. Do you think that could mean-?" "Guys, get your butts in here!" Sam yells out to us. We share a look before climbing back in "there's something approaching fast on radar." Mira looks out the window, but that's when we were just hit to the side and we tumbled around a bit.

Raph was the first one out, then it was me, Sam, Donnie and Mira as we watch something going so fast that it's surrounded in dust. It's just circling us though, so Raph points to a direction saying "get to those boulders." Then he threw something to distract the thing before we started running, but I pick up Donnie as Sam has Mira. We both nod once as we use our powers and get to the boulders quicker than how we could've. Raph decided to try and shoot at whatever it is, but the sand disappeared instantly.

I growl as I use my fast speed to fly over to Raph, I watch as he barely avoided being bitten by- something that came out of the sand. It's starting to get close to Raph, so I still be fast and push him out of the way as I took his place instead. The creature has me pinned under it as it roars out loudly before biting off my mask, so I gasp as I look at it. Fear starts eating me up as I scream and send it going up a bit onto its hind legs, so I backwards summersault away. Hard swallowing I was about to run when I hear some type of high-toned yelling out.

The creature stopped before smiling at something behind me, so I look at Raph which made him look at me before we look at what's behind us. There stands some skinny looking guy with some type of walker in his hold, but I notice the three hands. My jaw dropped as I look up at him, a few tears fall as I softly smile, he stopped doing the weird screams though. I heard footsteps getting close as he takes off his hat and we're somehow able to see him better now. "Booyakasha!!" Mikey says with a closed-eyed smile "Mikey!!" I scream out happily.

"Can it be?" Donnie and Sam ask confused as Raph just asks "Mikey?" And Mira just says "the Holy Chalupa?.." he jumped down though. My eyes widen as I barely caught him, he smiles at me saying "sis!! I thought I'd never see you again." Then he hugs me, so I chuckle as I hug him back, but he jumps from my hold as he grabs Raph's hand. He pulls him over by my side saying "Chompy, look who it is! It's dada Raph and mama Louisa!!" My eyes widen at that. 'Oh, shoot - I forgot about this being Chompy' I think as I look up at him, he walks over here as he licks Raph.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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