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Louisa's p.o.v

'Would there really be a part of the world that still looks like it's normal?..' I think to myself a bit confused on what Mira's words. Sam just says "ha!.. there isn't Oasis, keep dreaming" Mira glares back at Raph for that. "You're wrong, Oasis is real - and I'm gonna find it" once the words left her mouth she looks back out her side of the car. I look up at Donnie, so he shrugs a bit as we still just stand here out of everything that's happening. We finally stopped, so Raph says "gonna look for some fuel, maybe we'll get lucky" so I sigh as I stand up "I'll come with you."

Donnie nods once saying "I'll stay here with Sam" Sam rolls her eyes saying "oh wow, the brainiac is gonna protect me. How nice" I look at Mira saying "don't cause any trouble, alright?" She doesn't look at me though. With that I pull my mask back down and go out with Raph into the hot world... it sounds like a can was kicked. We both get alert for a quick second, but don't see a thing which made us go back to looking around. Easily I kick the sheet of metal that was here and Raph kneels down to look at the gas thingy.

There isn't any, so I go to the other pump and try to see if there's any gas in it... it's so empty it just had some sand fall out of it. "Of course, we couldn't be that lucky" Raph complains, so I sigh as we just start walking back to the Shellrazor. Though I hear soft groaning, my eyes widen as I see Sam and Donnie basically knocked out. They're both out which made us run over to them saying "oh no- guys!" Then we go to see where Mira was. She's not there as the chains are "wow... everyone can do more than they lead on, I always forget that."

Raph groans as I felt a cold chill go down my spine, so I snake my way around Raph and jump up while throwing ice chips. Mira screams a bit before she jumps down and is on all fours, so both me and Raph start to fight her. We end up being outside because Raph threw her a bit before grabbing out his blaster. Using my powers I go move fast to be by her side and punch her, so she grunts and somehow grabs onto the wall. She jumps up and a good distance away as I feel myself getting low on energy.

'Forgot... can't use powers when it's hot' I think to myself as I watch her use some type of whip and hit Raph's blaster out of his hand. I growl as I grab out a bone-kunai, something was thrown which made us have to avoid it. It was some type of boomerang type of blade since it went right back to her "you're pretty fast for an old turtle and random girl." Both Raph and I run over to try and get to her, but we also had to avoid her whip- that is now electrical. Though I got grabbed, so I instantly power down and scream a bit out in pain as I go onto my knees.

She didn't unwrap me though as I glare up at her "nice try" I say with a smirk before wrapping the whip around my forearm. Her eyes widen as she tries to shock me again, it worked- but I've been shocked one too many times growing up. I pull her over and knock her out with one punch, so I'm heavily breathing as I hunch over in pain. Raph easily wrapped her up in what looks like the gas pump wire as he says "nice on, Shorty." I sigh a bit saying "not so bad yourself, Raphie" "so you're the one who started that nickname."

I nod as he ties her up and we go into the Shellrazor, Donnie softly groans as he lays there which made me whimper a bit. Getting my cloak off I lift my mask up as I kneel down by him and power up my hand while waving it over his forehead. "Stay strong, Don Don... we're okay now" I say softly before moving my hand over to Sam's forehead. Raph chuckles saying "you don't know Sam now, she's only out for about five minutes if someone knocks her out." I narrow my eyes at Raph as I sit down in the other seat saying "prove it" he nods once.

"Sam, you okay?" He asks out, so Sam groans saying "starting to wake up" my eyes widen at that as I look back at her. She's starting to stand up as she leans against Raph's seat a bit saying "finally at least." "Wow-" I was interrupted by some loud explosions, so Raph had to swerve a bit before finally stopping. Looking out I see some badger dude, he holds out something that looks like a gun- nevermind, it's a speaker. "You got nowhere to go, turtle!" He yells out which made me growl as I get my cloak back on.

Raph moved his hand off the wheel and set it on my shoulder to keep me here as the badger continues to yell at us. "Tell your girl to back off and hand over the key to your war-rig, and maybe I'll let you live!" He yells out. Then he adds "and that's a biiig maybe" Raph glares forward as he moves his hand off of me. With that he grabs a walkie-talkie thing and it goes to a speaker as he says "not gonna happen. The way I see it - you're out numbered, creep" I nod and cross my arms "just send me out there.. we know I can take him."

The badger just says "take a look around, old reptile" looking around I see all of the badgers on motorcycles or just any type of vehicle. Sam growls saying "maybe we can just negotiate, ya fart" now we're just surrounded. Who I'm guessing is the leader- and who's been talking- says "last chance~ Hand over your wheels. Or you're gonna be buzzard food" Raph just spoke into the talkie again saying "you couldn't handle these wheels, badger. No deal!" I crack my neck as I start walking to the hatch that's on top, but Sam held me back "not yet."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now