Great Pepperoni?

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Louisa's p.o.v

It looks like any ordinary pizzeria- the group walks in while looking around a bit amazed at how well the place looks. I stand up and walk over by Donnie's side "woah..." all of us except Mira say before Mikey goes over to the stage. He looks up at the guy with the biggest head saying "this is my main amigo, Senor Antonio. High three, my bro" with that he hopped up and high three'd the guy's hand that's up before setting his hands on his hips. That's when I notice the tvs that are still working somehow, so I gasp as I walk over and feel my tail still wagging fast.

Mira stands by my side as she looks just as amazed saying "wow, the great stories of old" I just set my hand on one of the tvs. That made it change to my world's shows, so I smile as I put on The Owl House saying "yes! I missed this." Mira looks at me shocked, but Raph says "yeah yeah, anything to eat around here?" I look back at that. Mikey was on a pile of- "nope, no food" I say quickly so no one would look at Mikey. Though everyone was looking at him, so I get on Donnie's shell and cover his eyes as I look away.

Donnie yelped as he was about to move my hands, but stops as he whispers "oh wait, it's Mikey... ugh" I chuckle at his reaction. Sam gasps as she runs a different direction, so Mikey noticed and says "got plenty of water." She picks up a big ol thing that's on one side of the room as she starts to guzzle out of it. I move my hands from Donnie's face which made him pick me up and just start walking around. After a second Sam spits out whatever it was that she was drinking which got our attention.

She groans disgusted saying "what is up with this water?!?" Then we look over at Mikey to hear what his answer would be for that. Though we get the first sound of a liquid hitting a plastic container- and we get the hint. There are some of these that are filled up with Mikey's pee and that's what Sam just drank. Mikey stopped peeing as he faced us saying "the water's actually over there" he points over at the other containers with his eyes closed. Sam gags before just running outside to probably puke which made Raph shake his head.

He chuckled a bit as he went over to the actual water and start guzzling, but Donnie walks us over to Mikey as he looks at him. "Mikey, how did you survive out here all this time?" Donnie asks which made me tilt my head while looking at him. Mikey faced his shell to us as he starts to tell his story in... his own Mikey way like he usually would - completely dramatic. "By the guidance of the Great Pepperoni..." he says before grabbing a pizza container. Then he goes over to Mira saying "have you heard the news of the Great Pepperoni?" He handed her the container.

She looks down at it as music starts up out of nowhere, so we look and see that it's ICK that's playing it "it binds us all!" Mikey says happily. Then I felt something get shoved into my mouth, so my eyes widen as I see that Mikey shoved something in my mouth. "It is you" Mikey says as Donnie takes a few steps back and I was forced to eat that gross pizza. I gag as my stomach grumbles loudly from whatever that old pizza was "I'm gonna be sick..." I mumble. Donnie set me down and gently pats my back, so I stick out my tongue as Raph still chuckles.

"It is me!.. it's this tiny sardine" Mikey says while holding out another container and I swear- the sardine blinked at us. Raph had enough as he says "Mikey! What about.. Leo?" My tail goes limp as my dog ears press against my head. We all look up at Mikey to hear if he has anything to say and even Sam came back in while looking up at Mikey. He sat down while looking down at the floor saying "he was caught inside of that mutagen blast. There's no way he coulda survived that" he closed his eyes as he said that part, ICK changed the beat of the music too.

I look down as I have memories flow of everything we done... 'when we first met, when the Kraang first invaded and we fought back-to-shell. I waited for him to wake up for months... we went through space- I saved his life many times. He's done the same for me- he was the greatest big bro I could ask for' I think as tears fall. I fall to my knees as I hear Sam say "I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.." somehow Mikey's behind me now. I didn't bother to listen to what was said as I hear someone kneel down by me, so I look to see Mira.

She has a soft smile before she sets her hand on my shoulder, so I softly smile as I wrap my tail around my waist "I-I'm okay. Just reminiscing is all" I tell her as I wipe at some of my tears, she nods and offers me her hand. I stand up with her help and I see Mikey standing in front of Raph, Donnie and Sam with his shell facing us. "I'm gonna go outside for some.. fresh air" I say as I move my mask back down, so Mira nods and says "be careful." The sun is still up and everything- that's when I felt my head spinning, I groan as I be out here.

Chompy makes a confused sound before he nudged me softly with his head, but I shake my head saying "I-I'm good, Chompy. Just.. a bit overheated" I say before lifting up my mask and making an ice-sphere, with that I drink it. Chompy opens his mouth, so I chuckle as I lower my mask and make a giant ice-sphere for him. With that I make it go over his mouth and he drank it up easily before burping softly. My ears start ringing now though which made me whimper and grab the sides of my head.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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