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Louisa's p.o.v

Looking over my shoulder I see him dance-fighting the goons, so I chuckle as we keep going 'wow, he really hasn't changed.' Though I stuck by Donnie's side as we fight these idiots, we basically are fighting back-to-shell. Neither of us seen this one guy coming though as he hit us and I groan as I fall to the floor. My eyes barely open to see he was about to kill me "well, it was fun while it lasted-" "not on my watch!" I hear someone yell. With that the badger was hit away and I see the cat body I was in as she growls softly.

Donnie groans a bit before gasping "who is she?.." he asks, so I just say "an old frenemy" she looks back at me with a smile. "Long time no see, lil pup" Kit says before holding out her paw, so I accept the help and she pulls me to my feet. With that we start fighting tail-to-tail with the others before we were somehow hit aside like nothing. Groaning a bit I ask "where's Baxter?.." "h-he followed Raph" she answers before I power up. Something feels... off, the goons are gone and everything is quiet as we are all just getting up.

"Guys, get over here!!" I say which made them all walk over to me and look around to see why I yelled for them to come to me. Though once they were close enough I got us all in an unbreakable/meltable ice-circle. Donnie was about to ask when the place explodes, we were thrown back a bit which made us scream as we roll. When we stop I look forward and see the place in either flames or just in black smoke. Sam chuckles as she says "nice one, Weeza" with that she lifts her hand up and puts out the fire.

My eyes widen at that, but I melt the ice which made us all shake off the bit of water, but Kit gasps as she grabs my wrist. "You can give me water!!" She says happily, so I chuckle and make a few ice-spheres as Mikey looks around for Chompy. I let them melt one by one over her mouth which made her purr a bit happily as we stand here. Donnie tilts his head while looking at me "how'd you know that was gonna happen?" He asks. "Honestly?.. just a hunch" I answer as a robotic sound got our attention, so we look and see Baxter.

He looks around saying "wow, some of you really have changed" Sam lifts up my mask saying "and some of us haven't." Baxter does a few weird robot noises as Kit gasps saying "how?-" "ice-circle protected me and Don Don." Donnie lifted up his mask before softly waving, with that being said I pull my mask back down. "We have to find Raph and Mira..." Sam says which made Baxter nod once "I'm with ya all the way." Kit chuckles saying "I have nothing better to do" with that I jump into Donnie's hold saying "I can use my powers."

"Of course you can" Mikey says happily which made Sam and Kit roll their eyes, but I think of the two and felt myself changing. I found myself in some type of arena, so my eyes widen as I just phase through the wall. 'Hopefully no one seen me' I think before trying to find what direction my body is in with the group. It took a bit, but I found the right direction and it took me a bit to find the group as they're still standing there. Chuckling I go back into my body and jump from Donnie's hold "okay, I know the way... and they really need our help."

No one's p.o.v

-with Raph & Mira-

Reptilicus walks out from a different little tunnel saying "my Scale Tail Clan! A challenger has come upon us and agreed to fight in ultimate combat." He now has a shield and an axe in hand while a different lizard turns a metal wheel thing. Reptilicus walks down a small set of stairs as he says "now, this foolish turtle must battle the Scale Tail's greatest warrior. Me!" The crowd cheers in a bit of happiness, but instantly Verminator spoke up. "No! I wanna tear that turtle to pieces" he says a bit annoyed before jumping down to the circle.

Once there he lifts up his chainsaw-hand saying "I will fight him!" The crowd cheers again which made Reptilicus look around at that. Though he looks at Verminator saying "we'll both take him on" Raph was still on his knees though. The two start to walk towards him which made him look up and glare at them a bit when a thought came to mind. "Hey wait, don't I get a weapon!?" Raph asks while pointing to himself, but all he got thrown was a stick. He picks it up and holds it with both hands "a twig?!?" He asks as he just looks at it.

Verminator smirks as he holds up his chainsaw which made the crowd cheer at knowing that they get to see violence. Mira was worried though as she yells out "Raphael!" Raph is now on his feet as he looks at the two. Reptilicus was the first to start running towards Raph as he says "slice and dice, old turtle!" And he threw his shield at him. Raph barely dodged, but he still got hit in the face a bit, the shield also hit at the little fencing before going back. He also barely dodged that, but he didn't land on his feet when he jumped- he's now on his plastron.

Mira gasped as she yells out "no!!" Raph's having to try and force himself to get up, but once he looked to his left he had to dodge the chainsaw. Verminator glares at him saying "I'm gonna chop you down to nothing but a shell, turtle!" Then he laughs. With the group on the other hand Louisa led the way all the way to where the base is. Mikey travelled on Chompy as the rest of the group is just inside of the Shellrazor, so Mikey was the first to speak up. "Alright, there it is - the Scale Tail fortress, Chompy; ram the gate!" Mikey instructed.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now