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Louisa's p.o.v

That confused us until he tackled me towards the water, so I shriek as we fall and we made a bit of a splash, I barely hold my breath. In the water I see him smiling before he goes back up, so I follow and doggy paddle around. "Donatello!" I say while glaring at him, he chuckles saying "sorry, I couldn't help it." "Wow, you two are still cheesy" Sam says annoyed from above, so I laugh a bit as I still doggy paddle. Donnie starts to float around, putting his hands behind his head, so I just get to him and sit on his plastron.

He raised an eye-ridge at me as my tail sways a bit "really? You're doing this now?~" "Yes, because it feels right" I answer playfully. We basically chilled down here until I decided to say "okay, now I'm bored - let's see how far down we can go." Donnie blinks saying "honeybee, that sounds dangerous" "you're just chicken!" I say and jump off of him. Holding my breath I swim down to see how far it goes, I could see something in my peripheral vision. Looking to my left I see Donnie swimming by my side as I still go down, but after a bit it feels hard.

Donnie must have noticed since I felt grabbed and pulled up, my throat feels like it's getting tight until we resurface and I gasp for air. Right after that someone jumped in too and I cough a bit on the water they made come at us since it splashed. "Mikey!" Donnie yells out as he coughs a bit, so he chuckles before floating around on his back too. With that we swam over to the bit of land where the rest of the fam is and we go up by them. I shake off a bit of the water that's on me which made some of the others groan "I forgot you're part dog!" Raph says annoyed.

I chuckle at this, but Mira just says "look at all that green" that made me look around at the scenery again, it's so peaceful. "It's so beautiful" I say as I look around "wow, it really is an oasis" Donnie says as he sets a hand on my shoulder. Raph softly chuckles saying "not bad.." Leo just uncrossed his arms as he says "family, we're home." Sam smiles as she gently holds Leo's hand saying "we are home" then she gets a bit of a smirk. "Our turn to die, babe" she says which made him look at her confused and realization hit too late.

"No!-" Sam pulled Leo into the water and they made a bit of a big splash, I chuckle at this before looking up at the sky. I start to see a bit of what's probably a mirage up there, but that confused me 'I never seen any mirages before. I always made sure I was hydrated-' I groan as I hold my head "honeybee, wake up..." I hear Donnie say. "Donnie?" I ask while looking at him, but he's not by my side anymore which confused me. "Dudette! I made breakfast~" Mikey sang out a bit which made me look towards the water.

"Shorty!!" I look over at Raph to see he's gone too, but that's when I hear "WAKE UP!!" From both Leo and Sam. I scream as I sit up, panting a bit as I look around 'I'm.. back in Donnie's room?' I think confused. There by the bedside is my family, brothers, Donnie, Sam- even Kit and Baxter as they look at me. "Uh.. are you good?" Raph asks confused, they're all just looking at me as I sit here, but I realized something. Gasping I put my hands over my mouth as my eyes tear up "it was all a dream... it was just a DREAM."

I lay back down while looking up at the ceiling and softly laugh at this "was it a bad one?" Leo asks confused, so I sit up and look at the group. Images of how they looked as their apocalypse selves pop back into my mind which made me grab my glasses. "Kinda, yeah... I dreamt that the Kraang dropped a mutagen bomb and left us in a mutant apocalypse. We were all there!.. well, except for April and Casey" I say as I flashback through everything. I put my hand to my forehead as I say "wow.. it all felt so real, there wasn't a human left except for me."

Someone hugs me making me hug back instantly "wow, how'd we look?" Baxter asks curiously, so I scoot over a bit for whoever's hugging me to move. They sit by me and I see that it was Mikey which made me start to use my ice powers. I make a bit of a flat ice circle to show them one at a time from youngest bro all the way to Leo first. "Mikey, he kind of just looked like some type of hippie" I say as I show how he looked.

"Woahhh- I look awesome!!" Mikey screams out as Leo looks like realization is hitting 'yeah, this was how the episode went

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"Woahhh- I look awesome!!" Mikey screams out as Leo looks like realization is hitting 'yeah, this was how the episode went. It was all a dream' I think to myself as I sit here and say "Donnie looked the same because I saved us. Kept us in an ice-circle, so we just stayed in a cloak and we looked like how we did when we were at the Farmhouse. Mask and everything" I say as I start to show how Donnie looked within my dream in his outfit.

I always love how he looks in this, so I softly smile at the sight and a few hearts pop up from that, so I nervously laugh "s-sorry

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I always love how he looks in this, so I softly smile at the sight and a few hearts pop up from that, so I nervously laugh "s-sorry." With that I move on "then there's Raph and how big he is for some reason" I say and show how he looked.

"If that's how they all looked, how did Leo look?" Kit asks confused, so I adjust my glasses before showing how Leo looked out of them all

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"If that's how they all looked, how did Leo look?" Kit asks confused, so I adjust my glasses before showing how Leo looked out of them all.

"If that's how they all looked, how did Leo look?" Kit asks confused, so I adjust my glasses before showing how Leo looked out of them all

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"H-He was the closest one to the mutagen blast... it clouded him with rage and he became.. a beast in a way" I say as my voice wavers. Then I show how everyone else looked, Baxter as a robot... Kit as a weird cat-woman. Then there was Sam and how she looked "woah, we looked weird" with that I told them the story. Everyone was left a bit speechless by this, but I add "at least it ended happily, but it was all just a dream in the end anyway." With that we all decide that we should just hang out in the living room and watch a movie.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, honeybee..." "hey, it's okay! None of it happened.. heh, none of it happened."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now