Leo 💙

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Louisa's p.o.v

I felt myself being shoved against Raph's plastron as he's basically taking in most of the pain by his shell breaking through so much stuff. "Silence!!" Leo yells out as he pushes us, then we start to fall, Raph and I scream as we fall. Standing up I power up and pick up Raph "I don't want you two hurting eachother... not again." He looks at me confused before realization hit "shorty, don't!-" I make a soft snow pile for him to land on. I threw him off before looking up at where Leo would be jumping from "you don't have to do this!" I yell as I throw off my mask.

He jumps down while screaming in anger, I let him believe that he was gonna tackle me before I quickly move to the side and he just lands here. With that I was about to just freeze him up to his neck so I could talk with him- but he grabbed me by the throat. Leo's growling softly in anger as I choke a bit and aim my bone-kunai at him, ready to throw. "Leo!.." I barely get out as he glares at me, with that I try to remember something to get him to remember me. I just softly chuckle as I drop my bone-kunai "you're the best brother figure I could ever ask for, even if... I'm from another dimension."

Then his grip tightened making me scream out in pain, he screams before I froze my hand down onto his- he tried to throw me. I shriek as it feels like my arm was stretched out for a second, then I drop down by his feet and unmelt my ice. "You can't get rid of me that easily!" I yell before getting us in an ice-circle and hugging him as he screams out in anger. The circle rolled towards the vehicle and we were slammed against the side of my ice-circle. He grunts as a few things just fall onto the circle, he screams in anger as he tackles me and tries to choke me out.

I scream as I'm under his hold, but we aren't under the debris of the vehicle anymore which made me drop the ice-circle. He was a bit shocked to be hit by water, so I kicked him off of me and freeze him onto the ground. "Holy chalupa!" Mikey and Kit yell out as I'm panting a bit "Leo!?.." Sam asks softly. Donnie was next to say "I can't believe it.. Leonardo!" I comb through my hair a bit as he stops screaming. He looks at us confused "Leo..nardo?.. I-I don't... I don't know who you're talking about."

Then he starts to get mad again as he says "I.. I am Maximus Kong!!" Then he screams out in anger again before Sam chuckles. "Leo" she says which got all of us to look at her and Raph as he just gets here and hits me upside the head. Softly chuckling I say "okay, I deserve that" "it's gonna be okay, baby" Sam says while walking towards Leo. The look in his eyes start to change "S..Samantha?" He asks while looking up at her. With that I unmelt my ice and he stands up while shaking his head a bit, then he looks at himself.

The turtles hug him saying their own name for him like brother.. or Leo... "you're back!" Sam adds on last before jumping up and hugging him too. Baxter helps me up as Donnie says "we thought we lost you forever!.. we looked everywhere for you." Raph then asks "what happened to you?" Sam nods saying "the last time we saw you was when that mutagen bomb went off." Mikey jumps off of Leo as he looks down "it's.. starting to come back to me, piece by piece" he says softly. Then he closed his eyes before opening them saying "I remember, I-I was there" I start to flashback and imagine how he was.

"I-I remember pushing you all to safety, but I was caught in the middle of the blast" Leo says and I remember him pushing us and I saved me and Donnie. Though the bomb coming down I had to imagine as I also remember him crying as he pushed us. An image of seeing him get mutated into... this comes and it looks so painful to even just watch. "It mutated me into.. this horrible thing" Leo says as I see him getting blinded by the mutagen. Kinda like how Slash was when he was first mutated, but this time... it was so much worse.

I hug myself as I say "the rage..." Leo nods as he says "but now, somehow - I'm back, thanks to all of you" Mikey gets back onto Leo's back. "We got the map to the green place, Leo" Mikey says reassuringly as he rubs his shoulder a bit. Once he said that he jumps over Leo and somehow right up onto Chompy which made Sam roll her eyes. "Next stop; paradise~" Mikey sings out a bit which made Baxter softly facepalm at this. Leo smiles saying "paradise?.. sounds good to me" he stands up and looks down at Sam.

Now they're holding hands as some of us are walking as we follow Mikey or some of us got onto Chompy with him, I walk by Donnie's side. It didn't take us long to get to the Oasis, so my eyes widen as we get here and we all run into the woods. At a certain spot we had to stop since there's an actual pool of water just sitting here. We all go onto this part that's above the water, but it feels like we can all finally relax. "Okay, I'm taking a short nap" Raph says as he lays down in the sun, so I chuckle as Kit and Baxter go back to relax in the shade.

The rest of us - Sam, Leo, Mira, Donnie and I - look over the place as Mikey is just running around.. jumping from tree to tree. This feels like it shouldn't be real "oh, honeybee~" Donnie softly sings which made me look at him. He has a bit of a playful smile as he looks at me, so my eyes widen "Don Don.. what's that look for?" I ask. "How did you two not get mutated?" Leo asks, so I chuckle saying "I made an ice-circle and protected us. We stayed in that for a bit until-" "until she woke up.. and now we die!" Donnie says playfully.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now