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No one's p.o.v

'Trying to turn itself over' Raph thought again before another image of himself laughing pops up 'he needs.. water' Raph thought last. He laughed some more before his face went a bit distressed or at least tired. 'I need water...' Raph thought to himself as he barely continued to walk, then he dropped to his hands and knees again. He coughed before grabbing something from his shoulder and it turns out that it's an oxygen mask. Once he was okay he breathed out a bit as he steadies his breathing while still being on his hand and knees.

A flare went off, probably from Sam- but the sight of it got Raph to gasp as he starts to have a flashback to when the mutagen bomb went off. Him and his brothers were on a rooftop when a giant mutagen canister goes up and explodes. A wind went off and got everyone to stumble back a bit before they were just mutated. Then he had an image of one of his bros pushing him back and he held his hand out to him. Though he couldn't do anything as rubble surrounded him, leaving him in total darkness.

Once that imagery left he was back to seeing the brightness of this day as he lays on his plastron in the heat, barely staying awake. He heard some footsteps though which confused him "*o*e*b*e, *v*r *e*e!!" Someone yelled.

Louisa's p.o.v

-right before Raph heard someone-

Donnie and I roamed the land, it's so hot- but we already took our water break ten minutes ago... I keep my head down at the ground. Sure, I love that I'm with my boyfriend - I just wish we had a family again; the guys... Baxter... I miss them. "Honeybee, over here!!" Donnie says a bit worried as he starts running, so I look up. Up ahead is what looks like a pretty big guy as he's on his stomach, so my eyes widen as I run up to them. It didn't take me long to power up my hand as I set it on his head, he looked better than before at least.

Then he gasped before his eyes shot wide open, he looks up at us before standing up and grabbing out a blaster. "Why did you help me?!" He asks as he glares at us, so I raise my hands to show that I mean no harm. "Hey, we just go around helping people - calm yourself" I say a bit annoyed, the only thing that changed was his eyes. He didn't lower his blaster as Donnie sets his hand on my shoulder saying "it's okay, let's just go - we helped him, Louisa." 'I hate how cold people have gotten after the bomb went off' I think to myself as I nod softly.

The big guy softly gasps as we start to turn around, but I didn't even get to take a step as he asks "Shorty?.." my eyes widen at that. Tears well up in my eyes as I know only one person who has ever called me that in my life. I look back while lifting up my mask "Raph?.." I ask while looking at him, Donnie looks at me before looking up at the guy. "Raphael?!" He asks shocked, Raph smiles saying "brother!!" With that he picked us up in his arms. I'm pretty sure we're all smiling as we hug eachother, I chuckle happily as I let my tears fall.

Raph set us down before saying "where have you two been? I know we were together when the bomb hit" I nervously laugh at that. "That's a bit of a story" I say while scratching the back of my neck, so Donnie shrugged a bit. Then he starts to explain "when Leo pushed us off that rooftop, I grabbed onto Louisa out of fear. I didn't want to lose her too..." once he said that I gently grab onto his hand, knowing how he'd feel if we were separated. "She worried too as she encased us within an ice-ball and we were protected, though she hit her head on my plastron and fainted."

I look down ashamed 'I should've known this wasn't a what-if episode... we wouldn't get that lucky- I could've saved us all.' Though Donnie continued "so when the rubble went over us, we were trapped... well, until she woke up at least. We thought you guys were gone!.." I nod and look up at Raph "once I woke up I used my powers. We got out from under the rubble, we finally got to see what the world turned into. It took us a bit to make our forest stealth costumes, but we at least knew I needed it at least."

Donnie playfully nudged me with his shoulder saying "she's the only human left, we didn't want anyone to come after us out of jealousy." I chuckle softly, but Donnie's smile fell as he sighs and adds "we've been travelling around. Just helping whoever we could that didn't have a ride and are just burning in the sun." I smile up at Raph again though saying "who would've thought we'd find you though!!" Donnie nodded at that. "Yeah.. small world" he says before adding a small nervous chuckle, I thought that sounded adorable.

Raph chuckled too saying "man, I barely remember you two" once he said that he put away his blaster, but I tilt my head at that. "Are you serious?.." I ask as I try not to tear up at how cruel that sounds 'I know we kinda abandoned him. But forgetting us is just... messed up' I think to myself, so he says "something happened to my memories a few years back." He looks down before adding "I don't remember much except a few names." Donnie was the first to respond to that "I'm so sorry, bro" Raph just sighed and nodded once.

That's when the sound of a vehicle rolling up got our attention, Don Don and I put our masks back down as we grab out our weapons. I made more bone kunais as Donnie made himself a metal bo-staff, but Raph softly gasped. "That's the Shellrazor!" He says as it pulls up, my eyes widen 'I haven't heard that name in so long.' I put away my kunais as Donnie lifts up his mask to show that his eyes are wide "say what now?" He asks shocked. It pulled up and stopped right by us as a girl opened the door, she had to narrow her eyes from how bright it is though.

"Someone need a ride?"


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now