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Louisa's p.o.v

'Kit was smirking at me as she says something like- "this is going to be the moment where I end you"-' I gasp as I open my eyes. It's like I'm seeing a memory before my eyes like it's happening all over again.


"And now.. Hamato Yoshi... dies!" Shredder yells out as I watch him throw Master Splinter off the roof, I froze... memory after memory of fun times flow through me. All of those times I've had with him and the guys made me tear up.. so I close my eyes. The entire gang screaming got my attention as I am limp in Shredder's hold, so he chuckles. "Now it's time to end you... Pulsifer-" "NO!" Kit and Leo yell out as I finally get dropped from Shredder's hold. I gasp as I look up, Kit just slashed at Shredder's head which got him glaring at her.

~Back to the present~

I gasp as tears are still running down my face, Kit... she was also a person I knew- 'wait, I can switch bodies with people. I can see where she is!! I can see if she's still here!' I think before concentrating on her. Moments we've had or even just missions before I felt myself changing and I look around. I'm with some robo-looking guy as he tilts his head "corazón?" He asks which made my eyes widen. I look at him as my eyes tear up, I look at myself and see that I'm in a black cat looking body with random red marks that look like scars.

"B..Baxter, is that you?" I ask as I look at him- my voice really does still sound like Kit's, so he nods slowly "uh, yeah - you should know that." I chuckle saying "long time no see, hermano" that got him to take a small step back. "Corazón, do you know what that means??" He asks me, so I chuckle saying "I am not your love. I'm your hermana, idiot" with that I lift up my hands and make a bit of snowflakes come from my hands. "Louisa?!" He asks shocked, so I nod "the one and only... in your girlfriend's body, wow that actually is weird."

Baxter nods saying "you're telling me" he chuckled a bit before hugging me "I thought we lost you!!" "Same here!" I say as I hug back. Though with that I push him back a bit saying "we have to go!" Then I start to pull him. He barely follows saying "wait, where are we going?!" "To the rest of the gang" "everyone?! Really?" Baxter asks shocked. I nod saying "yeah, the three younger bros and Sam! We're all together in this one part of the desert wastelands." With that I get him on my back and power up, he screamed as I use my fast powers.

It didn't take me long to get close, so I stop and say "I'll stop here - I don't know what Kit is doing in my body - keep walking that way. About less than two miles, you'll see a pizzeria building still intact, can't miss it - see ya soon, hermano." I set him down which made him beep a few times saying "can't wait to see you, hermana." With that I switch back into my body and see that I'm still by Chompy as the sun is starting to set. 'Looks like she was confused on what happened and didn't move at all' I think to myself as I look around.

A chill goes up my spine as I feel like someone is watching us, so I look around... trying to see where they could even be out of everything. Though that's when those badgers start coming over here, so I growl as I get in a fighting stance. "Wow, you just don't know when to give up" I say as I start trying to fight them, Chompy hid on the side of the building. Though I was hit from the side and I skid against the ground a bit, groaning I open an eye to see who hit me. There stands a lizard guy as he has other lizard-people planting some type of bombs near the building.

Though I get up and go to attack them- I kept up a good fight until one of them threw me against the building and the bombs went off. I scream a bit in pain as I end up going up in the air before falling to the ground, one of the guys pick me up though. "Time to say goodnight, turtles" someone says as I'm being held by someone that's just laughing annoyingly. The guy starts walking a bit as I barely open my eyes to see that it's a lizard that's holding me. Powering up I feel better as I punch him in the face and backward summersault out of his hold.

I stand by the gang as I get in a fighting stance "see? What did I tell you!? Just like that stupid cartoon!!" Raph complains a bit. "I'm not even gonna ask... don't worry, I called for reinforcements myself" I say as we stand here. "What??" Donnie asks confused as some of the idiots are still just laughing for whatever reason. That leader badger just spoke up saying "we know your secret, girl!.. you got the map to paradise." Donnie takes out his metal bo-staff before saying "honeybee, I could use your ice right now."

Walking towards him I freeze his hands in unmeltable/breakable ice which made him chuckle a bit before he twirls it around. Though before any of us could move again ICK jumped from her bowl while angrily mewling. She landed right on one of the lizards' face, so Raph says "come on!" And runs forwards. Sam and Mira were right by his side as me, Donnie and Mikey follow right after- I fought these guys as best as I could. That's when I hear music starting which confused me a bit "woah! This is my favorite tune" I barely hear Mikey say.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now