Giant Skull

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Louisa's p.o.v

-short time skip-

Groaning I start to wake up and see that we're still in the Shellrazor, so I sit up and look around "wow, I guess you didn't need that much sleep." Kit's response got me to look at her before looking out the window, it's now light outside. Standing up I go onto the top of the Shellrazor and look around at our surroundings. The walls look like they're just filled with something that's glowing and it's freaking me out a bit. 'If that's an after effect from the m-bomb, I wonder if the world is just filled with mutagen now.'

"Here we are, guys! Canyon Maze!!" Mikey informs us, so I look forward at him on Chompy as Sam just does little fire tricks with her powers. "Follow me from here or we'll be lost forever" Mikey adds on before getting Chompy to go faster. 'This all still seems way too easy.. something's gonna happen' I think as we go forward after Mikey. A sound from the distance got my attention, I look back and see that an explosion happened somewhere above. My eyes widen as I climb back into the Shellrazor saying "guys, someone might be following us."

Raph chuckles saying "what makes ya think that?" "I seen an explosion!" I say annoyed that these guys still barely believe me. A loud horn going off got our attention, one of the lizards yelled something but it was hard to hear. Raph makes a confused sound as he looks out the window to see the shadow looming over us. Mikey screamed too, but that's when a deep voice starts to talk over a speaker to all of us. "Give us the girl and I might let the rest of you live!" He instructed, so I start growling a bit.

Kit was the first to ask "who the heck is that?!" Mira starts freaking out a bit "you never heard of Maximus Kong!?" 'This is what I felt. I knew he was coming' "King of the North? Warrior chief of the Wasteland?! Demagogue of the Desert?!?" Mira adds on. Then she finished with "just get out of here, go- faster!!" She hits the back of her seat a bit. Raph just says "run from that creep!?" Then he grabs his talkie to talk to him through the speaker. "Oh no..." Donnie and I say as Raph says "I don't think so, Maximus Moron! The girl has a name."

"If we're already dead" I say with a shrug of my shoulders, I get up and take the talkie from Raph and pull it close to my mouth. "If you want a girl, you're gonna get one!!" I yell out before putting the speaker back in Raph's hand. Raph tried to grab my hand as Donnie and Baxter try to stop me, but I already jumped through the hatch. I kick it closed as I motion for the guy to come at me, so he screams out in anger and shots start coming from the skull. The same giant skull I remember seeing in a premonition as it makes some of the vehicles behind us explode.

Some of the crew drives back to fight him as I jump up before flying into the air, with this I start having to fly backwards as I think of a plan. 'Let's see how tough this ride is!' I think as I try to shoot ice at it, but none of it really made a change on the ride. Though I see some type of creatures on motorcycles as they start to go after my friends. Growling I go down to the ground and start skating backwards right behind the Shellrazor. "Woo! Yippee ki-yay you idiots!!" I scream out as I start taking out their rides.

Mikey and Sam on Chompy start to go farther up ahead as someone from the Shellrazor drives out on a different little motorcycle. Some of those creatures close in on the Shellrazor, but out popped Kit on Baxter as he now has wheels on his feet. I smile at this as I see Raph and Donnie climbing out of the Shellrazor "honeybee!!" Donnie yells out. 'Don't you dare jump' I think as I jump up to the Shellrazor and get him on my back. He smiles as he hangs onto me and I just skate up to Chompy and jump up onto his shell.

"You help these two, I'll help whoever I can!" I yell which made Donnie look at me with a bit of a shocked face "Louisa, no!-" but I went anyways. I keep skating as I see Raph jump over to Maximus' ride, so my eyes widen as I see him slipping. Powering up I go over to him and we both look down at the Shellrazor as it's getting chewed up. My eyes widen "Raph, what the shell?!" I yell out, so he chuckles saying "don't worry, I have a plan." He still stays there saying "goongala, you gap-toothed-" I didn't bother to listen to what else would be said.

I had a bit of a flashback on how Casey and I were as friends- that's when the Shellrazor must've exploded and we had to avoid a bit of the fire. With that I help Raph up onto the ride more and we start running up to probably fight with Maximus. Little squeals erupt through the air as those same little creatures jump down to probably take us down. We fought them with ease as we start running a different way, then I took down one that randomly popped up outta nowhere. I fly up as Raph starts to climb up the ladder, before he got to the top I threw a creature to the ground.

Laughing a bit I keep by Raph's side- and another explosion went off 'please tell me the guys will at least be okay' I think to myself. We're still making our way when another explosion goes off, so I look at Raph- he's not looking worried at all. "Give me a boost!" Raph yells out, so I nod once and power up and putting my hands together. He runs at me and steps right onto my hands, so I throw his foot up which actually gave him a good boost. He's up there as I fly up and stand by his side while crossing my arms "hello, Maximus" I say before powering up my hand.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now